mood: Happy/bored anime: Naruto Japnese music: :"Tainted Love" By: Soft Cell
So here I am on my three day weekend..HELL YA! So well I was suppouse to go to Rockport...but when my dad told meh that we where we had two of my friends in the car...I screech so loud when my dad told me that I felt the truck swave off a bit and both of my friends eyes where HUGE and there hands on there ears. They both looked at me and said. "Damn you sure REALLY hate Rockport, don't you?" I was..."It didn't nickname is HELL for nuthin!" gonk But then my dad was sayin things about my grades out of no where[hes not suppouse to since he gets me so pissed off in front of my friends.] And so well...I told him I was going to tell on mom, and he was like "Well I will tell her we are going to Rockport for sure, and your going to go through hell!!!".....gah where such a nice family...he BLACKMAILED me... stare Well I didn't tell my mom so....WHOOT!!! NO MOM FOR THREE DAYS!!! PARTY!!!!! But party yet cuz I am just sittin here makin dinner for my dad and I been doin work and readin books ;D I have read a 500pg book in 5 days *is so proud of self* So awsome...
-Vicky Oh ya and I finished a fanfic...thou it made me want to drammtic emo
anime_fairy_freak · Sat Feb 24, 2007 @ 10:37pm · 0 Comments |