Hey, how are you all doing? Listen, i'm not going to update offen just to let you all know but when I do you will be happy. Also when you visit my page please check out 'I Just Want To Dance'. Still in progress but it will be good also the upcomming story 'Utopia Legend'. Both are very promissing ^o^. Now here is the summary for book one in the Tale of Marsore Saga....
Long ago the sole princess of Arianna owned a crimson stone that was in the shape of a star. This star crimson stone was known as the Protector because it was said ‘When the stone beholds the child with its presence that child then must save or try to save the world of Marsore. That is the only propose of the stone.’ The stone has been passed from one generation to the next. ‘When the Protector glows a dazzling crimson red then the Chosen has arisen.’ From the first one to find the Protector to now, no one has been able to let it glow.
That is where our journey begins in this Tale of Marsore…
Our hero is a girl about the age of 13, her name is Arianna and rules the country of Arianna. Her mother was the previous princess and her father was someone from the town Sandra, ninth largest town. Airanna has no siblings unlike the other countary's. Her best friends/body gaurd's Shade Weevle and Zero November, travel with this extermely lucky girl, yet very dangerous girl.
In the first book they travel through the countary's Arianna and Tinofa Me Zooloo because she ended her engagement with Prince Ziko for he could not handle her people nice. After that she 'accidently' or fate pushes her, head to the Protector's room and it start's glowing the crimson red in the legend, thus, starting her journey as the 'Master of the Protector'.
Summary of the 'Tale of Marsore' book one out of fifth teen and two Specail Editions. Hope you will enjoy the saga. ^ ^
Misa Unknown Community Member |
Community Member
The link to my fiction press account were it will be updated more offen.