Dead And Gone: My Immortal 2 (Chapter 5) |
A/N: Heartdreamer, if you are reading this, this is Chapter 5. You'll have to go back a few to see the previous chapters, obviously. Hope you enjoy!
I woke up on da cold ground. I was in a Hot Topic, but da calender on the wall said it was 1985. The calender had Amy Lee in all black clothes and her hair in a messy bun. Also, the store wasn't Hot Topic, but it was Hot Ishoo, just like Satan had said.
"Hey, it's you!" Dumbledore said. Dumbledore had short blond hair and a mustache, and was hearting kahkis, a polo shirt and brown loafers. "Enoby Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way, da girl from 4 years ago. I wuz just shopping hear to but some Backstreet Boys CD's." "You poser," I said. "Hot Ishoo wouldn't have such preppy music. Now, I need your help?" "Ha ha, why should I help you, you slupid goth?"
Tom Rid was at the counter, and he pulled out a gun and pointed it at Dumbledore. "Don't u know how 2 talk 2 a lady?" He said. "Get out. I am tired of you preps coming in here." "She's not a lady," Dumbledore gasped. "She looks like a person that would cropulate in the woods." "Forest, actually," I said. "WTF." "Oh nothing. Come on, I need you're help."
So Dumbledore, Tom Rid and I went to the back alley bhind Hot Ishoo. Tom Rid got out a spraypaint can and wrote "DA WURLD IZ UGLY" on da wall.
"I ned to find my frnds," I said. "I am looking for B'loody Mary, Draco, Vampire, Treah, Professor Trevolry, Prosefor Sinister, Dravula, Diabolo, Darkness, Crab, Boyle and the rest b4 it is too late." "U were da singer for XBlackXSteelX when they sand at da concert," Dombledore said. "I remember. U were great. Since you are so cool, how due I become a good headmaster?" "You become a goth," Tom Rid and I said at da same time. "HA HA, goths and punks are so stupid," Dumbledore laughed. "I will never try 2 b goth. Froget that."
I pulled out the time toner and wished 2 find my firends. Another black hole opened, and all three of us fell in.
KingJack! · Mon Aug 17, 2009 @ 09:06pm · 0 Comments |