The sudden constant mentioning of Emo in the media has given it a bad name. People just assume that if somebody's Emo, they are constantly depressed. Not true. When they interviewed MyChemicalRomance on MuchMusic, they had Leah Miller ask Frank why they are always so depressed. Right then, I'm thinking: "WHATTAFACK?!?!". scream Just because they expess pain and sadness in their music, and have a dark image, it dosn't mean they arn't fun loving people! I write about my problems in poetry, but I am usually a very cheerful person.
Next time you little kiddies see somebody, don't just assume who they are right off the bat. I am considered a total poser, but people who have gotten to know me say I am very unique. I met Jessica when we were assigned seats beside each other in four classes. If you see a picture of her, you'd think she is hardcore depressed and gothic and emo all rolled into one, but if you get to know her, she is ******** hilarious!
Morale of my sudden rant:
Don't judge /anybody/ by the cover.
Don't judge /anybody/ by the cover.