It's been a while, but as I sed, no one reads this journal. I had another great weekend bonding with fellow student council members this past weekend on our anual retreat. I really love those guys you know. They're like my family only at school. We do the craziest stuff but it's always so much fun. We talked about the usual; goal setting and whatnot. We have a pretty high standard to obtain. We're the best in the southern region, thanks mostly to our STUCO alumni: Anita and Anushka, Jodie, and whoever else. I'm really excited about LEAD being hosted here even though I was looking forward to going to New Orleans for the convention instead. But, alas Katrina had other plans, and thanks to her our states have switched the years we're supposed to host LEAD. It'll be great. It's just a bit sad to think that this may be my last year on the council...But I have the rest of this semester to make the most the time I have left.

I realize that I may be lazy, but I really do work hard at the same time. I feel kinda warm and fuzzy right now...what a gay feeling.

Things I don't want to forget about the retreat:

Nayoon had the gall to read her world history book in the cabin when we were I took the book away and put it under my mattress. I said, "Nayoon...breathe he hu he hu he. We just left school. Relax for once hun." Then I told her I brought some J-Pop CD's. She went crazy and we went to the meeting room to play them. I'm glad she liked them. She's always so tense. I had fun just knowing that she was relaxing.

I was roasting marshmallows by the 10 foot bonfire and my marshmallow got a little too burnt. I put it in my mouth and immediately started choking on the ashes. Yana will love that.

Every retreat I get to know Dan more and more. He's pretty crazy contrary to how he acts in school. He's cool.

Jessie S. is an idiot. I love him to death.

There are currently only 2 male members on the council and about 20 girls. It was a relief to see those two cute guys who served us lunch and brought us lanterns when the electricity went out...even though they were super redneck...geez, that real deeeeep southern drawwl...still it was a shame they couldn't stay and bond with us after they lit our bonfire...too much estrogen in the group.

Well, those are just some of the many things that I want to remember.

P.S. I got awarded Most Quietly-Loud award...I have no idea...