OMG!!! eek Those plays at conference are so wonderful I loved them all; Beauty and the Beast, Annie Frank and Me, and Little Shop of Horror!!! I was so amazed!!! the workshops were so cool!! I took some acting and some directing!!! blaugh I'm thinking about doing a play but not just any play but a musical. Personally I want to see how far this is gonna get and I do want it to get far. I'm going to talk to Mrs. Ubrig and Mrs. Cord and tell them about my plan. I really want them to make my dreams a reality. The play i'm planning on doing thanks to abby is "Peter Pan!" I know its gonna be a lot of work but lets so what goes on from there. If I am allowed to do this I would like to take it to conference next year. Houston said I can come as a Shaperon..I cant spell sweatdrop Anyways I really want this to work and i'm gonna do all i can to make this come true. As much as we are all concerned about Mr. Houston, I somehow feel like he's going to pull me down from my dreams. Its just a feeling. The plays he does is so depressing and thats why I hesitated to do so much in the last production I was in. Why do something you dreded to do? For the love of Theatre!!! Even though I have to admit there are things that i'm gonna have to do even if i don't enjoy them. Still I did learn a lot from this play. 3nodding Anyways the plays at conference inspired me to do a musical and personally the school of house rock isn't gonna cut it for me. I want to do something more appealing! But what I need right now is the support from my family and friends to do this thing!! Later Days, Maggie