I was riding my classic harley davidson 89 i personally restored it to cherry. While driving through a small town in the middle of no where i noticed a large metal structure on the outskirts of town but i didnt really care so i just kept driving till i reached the gas station/diner. Man this is a small town.
How may i help you hun, whats your special. Its a cheese burger and fries, alright let me get that and a coke, sure thing hun. As the waitress brung me my food i couldnt help but ask, miss can you tell me what building outside of town is. Im not sure it just showed up there about a year ago but we dont see or hear anything from them, so nothing weird has happened since it came here, actually we sometimes hear some machines but nothing else.
Do you know if theres any rooms for rent in town, sorry hun theres no rooms available right now oh wait come to think about it there might be a room for you if you dont mind the woods, whats that suppose to mean, oh relax sugar its just outside of town you'll be renting from a woman named kristel she a lovely lady but a little weird and she has 2 of the sweetest kids ever. How can i get in touch with her, dont worry hun hey billy do you know if kristel is in town, yes miss sally should i go fetch her, yes dear tell her she has a renter ok i'll go get her now.
Hello miss kristel miss sally told me to come fetch she has a person who wants to rent that room of yours, oh ok billy lead the way. Hey miss sally we're back good job hun. Hey kristel how you been and how are the kids, im fine as always and the kids are playing with their grandmother right now so who is the person looking for a room to rent, he's right over here oops i never got your name hun, without looking up i gave my name, its Max corban, well hello max corban my name is kristel would you like to go see the cottage now, sure thing lets go.
When i first looked up at her, lets just say if i could still breath and if my heart still worked like normal i would have died right then and there with a big smile on my face.
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