Naru2u for the most part was very disappointing..but there were several decent cosplays, so i thought i'd show them off
The sailor scouts meet up with Rikku from FFX
I dont know what anime that cosplay is from, all i know is that it was the best one, imo, at the con
and of course, myself as Ulquiorra from Bleach. I realize he doesnt where glasses, but i do, and without them i would be blind razz
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SoyCrudo Community Member |
Sakura Rainfall
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Sailor Moon and Venus needed either smaller costumes, or...
More chest to fill out said costumes.
-Ahems and changes attention.-
It's okay, hun. I'm blind without mine, tooooo...
I stumble into walls in the morning, mumble an apology because I can't tell whether it's family or a wall...
Without my glasses, I might as well be stupid.
I'm legally blind without them ~
-Shrug shrugs.-
Now if only you would've given a half-sadistic angry emo grin for the pic...
That would've made my day, hun. <333
Love it regardless...? =3