So apparently out there people "cyber"... and i mean these are little kids getting their jollies on with another little kid!!! its the strangest thing i have ever seen. The worst part is these children dont even KNOW what sex is really, so they are just typing almost complete nonsense. They obviously do not understand what masturbation is. And I am not sure that they really understand what a d***o is either...or a vibrator. We woman do not like our vibratos put into our mouth. or our kunts for that matter. We prefer them as exterior stimulation on what is known as the clitoris. Children PLEASE dont have cyber sex on here!! Its only making you look bad!
ALSO for those men that are old enough to know what they are doing: you are most likely cybering with a 12 year old girl. I am pretty sure that is illegal. So just think about that next time you decide to rub you manhood while writing dirty little messages to girls you have never met before. or maybe OTHER men you have never met before, because have you ever though that maybe that really knowledgeable young girl is really an old man as well?? hmmmm,....???
X Schnapps X Community Member |