todayy was okayy
first hour. . . runninq. . . somee kewll qame forqot the name(blondeness)
second hour. . . uqh. . . borinq butt easyy
third hour. . . borinq and a stupidd test. . . . qod i thinkk mr habeeb likes to torchure us
fourth hour. . . me whitney cayla trisha leslie and timmy were lauqhinq so hard about some thinqs. . . you had to be there to know. . . l0lZ(:
fifth hour. . . it was tounqe twisterrs unique new york . .. say that three timess fast withoutt messing up
sixth hour. . . omqq meh and author putt d**k when were suppose to put disk. . . mr boucher told us that we did it wronq. . . meh author codyy elicio and krissie startedd lauqhinq. . .
bus. . . morninq and afternoon. . . oh wow. . . loud and i don't rememberr
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