Today during Tech(although its home ec class Jordan told me about the future play he want to do in the SSMS talent show. Its the story of a young boy named vincent Malloy. He is seven years old. He is always polite and does what hes told. For a boy his age hes conciderate and nice
biggrin but he wants to be just like Vincent Price
twisted . And of course he choose me to be Vincent malloy in the play. He said I was perfect because of my hair and charisma. I was sooooo happy
blaugh that I got to play the part of Vincent Malloy. I thought for a brief moment(Maybe this will make my popularity go up because its right now at rock bottom(Dramatic music in backround). Then I knew it was going to work out but the talent show isnt for a while. So Im going to be Vincent Malloy jordan is going to be the narrator Mrs.Huys is going to do the flute that im supposed to play and my mother aswell I hope and Mrs.parks as my aunt. The play will be a hit and damn will it be a good one too. And this is one of my shortest ones yet but bye-bue and come to the talent show to see this play.
You'll never guess my friend is to chicken to put something bad like the word damn or hell" ~words of soon to be famous by Thunderbird369~