I know this is straying from the subject I've been jouranaling about, but hey that's the beauty of this place.Gaia.
In fact that's kinda what I wanted to say today; Things that I like about being a Gaian. There are many things but I'm gonna focus on the "mundane" things.
I love to play dress-up.Still. I have ALOT of cool clothes. In my younger days my friends called me Tank Girl. (One of my fav movies and Manga characters).
I still like to "tank out" once in awhile. Still young enough to get away with it. biggrin
Being here allows me another outlet to play dress-up and shop.In the real world, I'm not much of a shopper. How did I accrue so many clothes? Friends, and when I'm with my Soul Sister and bestest friend of 36 years.Met when we were six. Cool, huh?
When I'm with her I can usually brave shopping.
I like taking care of my aquarium, a work in progress.
There so many cool things and I find more everyday. Helps that most other Gaians are nice and helpful to noobies like me. Peace heart