(price doesnt matter, really!)

Total Value: 2,918,631 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Gogh Reed 10th Gen.
Ballad of Orpheus
Ballad of Orpheus
Valhalla's Eternal Armor
Autumn Wings
Memphis' Sparkling Halo
Two Turtle Doves
Noel's Gift 2nd Gen.
And this one!

Total Value: 4,749,921 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Kottan Bell
Red Squirrel Cosplay
Fox Tail
Gogh Reed 12th Gen.
Secret Butterflies
SDPlus #122 Hatsya Doll
Kanoko's Dark Reflection
Masquerade 7th Gen.
Lazuline Elixir
Dappy Dandy 2nd Gen.