time is something we all do not have because life is a gift not a given right and i feel as though this gift is slipping away why does my fears keep me so far apart y do i have to ******** up and have to try an be happy and end up so sad my christmas was ruined but sadly my life was ruined not by anayone but by myself because way back when i lost somone close to me and ever since that day the happier i got the sadder i became in time nothing made sense the wild memories of what once was made me happy but thos memories died along time ago just like the part of me i locked away im on my knees your my favorite disease and my mind is ripped in two i have split personality disorder one filled with rudeness the other which is the real me sympathetic an caring i lock the other half away but sometimes he sneaks out im sorry
im happy now but none will know y its because im alaive for another day because i feel as if i finally exist because im finally inexistant
in days of life the sadness hung on a light above in the skys down below breath deep the concourse of doom and despair because my life has loomed a deep dark realm of sadened destruction and ominous hatred rearing its ugly head to sustain memories of the anguish she had caused the life of hatred of souls is the life of talon and with talon there was a person long ago named chris king but that person died long ago talon is my name hatred is my game to live life for itself and to re live the lifes of what will come rejoice our glory has become rise from the ashes a pheonix flight burning trees in our sight plaugue the world with sacred flames cause ashes,ashes we all fall down and my reign has just began
from the copywrited publishings of talon/hatred of souls
hatred of souls · Sun Dec 27, 2009 @ 08:25am · 1 Comments |