Okay, today I’m ranting a bit. Yes, no fan fiction chatper. XD
So I’ve been preoccupying my time with Gaia again, mostly because Ebay has a big red flag on it for me. XD It’s really an addiction. =P (But free shipping is awesome!)
Anyway! What’s up Barton? We have an OOC for your profiles and questions. It seems all I see nowadays are advance literates and n00b stunts. I’m also seeing a lot of “LOOKING FOR PARTENER FOR 1x1” and “DO YOU EVER RP IN BARTON?” Hello people! This is not the CB! >.<
Gaia, we seriously need more mods on duty or just something! And what’s up Gaians with asking people to decorate their posts now? At first it was just pictures.. Now I’m seeing Pictures, Quotes, Names, Where you are, what you’re doing, If you’re wiping you butt or not..
Well.. Maybe not that last one, but seriously, it’s getting to be a bit much. What happened to the good old days when the only thing you had to complain about were too many Forest Rps?
I’m even finding advance lit Slave/Master Rps. It’s like… we seriously can’t get any lower, can we? When Rps that reference to well… you should get it, are getting advance lit players while good standing Rps are struggling for something between the one liners and the people who write a book per post.
Ah, maybe I’m behind the times, but I sincerely wish that someone would set up an old rule type RP. =P
And yes, I complain A LOT. XD
Amelia Graywaters · Sat Jan 02, 2010 @ 04:46pm · 0 Comments |