On september 11, 2006, Tammy grimes helped a germen shepered dog who couldnt even stand up on his own. After a week of love and care y his foster mom and Grimes, Doogie recovered almost completly. And how was Grimes rewarded? She wasnt. She was arrested for 'recieving stolen property' Dogs are property? I think not! when local police officers asked Grimes to return Doogie, she bravly refused. About 5 months later Doogie peacefully died of old age. Grimes was put on trial with a judge who REFUSED to see any evidence that Doogie was abused. Tammy later said ' i stood up for Doogie cause he couldnt stand up for himself'
*At the End of the Line*
At the end of the line,
It's a lonely place,
Why even have me if this is the case?
At the end of the line,
There can be no joy
A pile of rocks for my only toy.
At the end of the line,
No pat on the head
A bowl full of food, if I'm lucky, instead.
At the end of the line,
No people to greet,
Although I'd be friendly to all that I'd meet.
At the end of the line,
A cold hard wet floor,
If I were inside, I could guard your door.
At the end of the line,
I just wonder why,
Is this really the way that you chose me to die?
So to support Tammy, and right Doogies owners wrongs tell this story to every one you know.
I say, Arrest me. I helped a suffering animal.
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Misao ichi Kusakabe
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IF you hate rebecca black...
I'm all alone in a room full of people
I love making friends and talking to people, so random PM's and friend requests are welcome.
IF you hate rebecca black...
I'm all alone in a room full of people