Ok if you don't know already, I'm a gay man in real life, but I get so much s**t for being gay it's not even worth it half the time. People don't really look at the fact that gay people arent attracted to every person. So most of the time when I tell someone I'm gay I get the response "Yea, I like you man, just not like that..." it pisses me off. And it happens EVERY TIME! Heres what I wish would happen when I tell someone I am gay, "Oh, thats cool, I won't judge you just becuase you like boys." And I only get this response from girls. And I'm sure Lesbians get some crap from girls, but guys love Lesbians for sextual resons. Why a person bothers to insult me becuase I'm gay, I don't know. It makes so sense. It's not like I'm going to change or anything. I've been this way for so long I don't even remeber a time when I wasnt gay. Another thing, why do Christans hate gay people? Isnt the message of God to love everyone and forgive? What did gay people do to that religon? Nothing. Yet everytime I go to church with my aunt, I get so much bullshit from everyone in the ******** church.