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Happiness in a Spark
Dee Chateaubriand Rossetta

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Super Crap

Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.
- Thomas Merton

Username: Happy Sparky
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Alignment: Neutral, or so she'd like to believe.

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Powers: The power to create things via the production and manipulation of imagi-matter.

To explain the concept, let me start by stating this, "Matter cannot be created or destroyed." The Rossetta's ability does not break this law...completely. It's true that matter cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be converted. Now, if conversion was simply the case, she would only be able to transmute matter at hand by re-arranging its molecular structure to fit whatever she desires. Her power is similar to the aforementioned skill, but also functions differently since matter is not what she is converting. She is converting something else into matter.

Imagina Materia or imagi-matter, the lifelong sought-after element of the alchemists, is something that exists outside the boundaries of the physical world. A formless substance entirely void of the usual component of atoms, yet able to influence and change matter through conversion and transformation. How? The most basic explanation for this is matter and imagi-matter both co-exist around us. Matter is something solid, something we can see with our eyes like your house, your friend, and that sandwich your eating. Everything is basically said to be made up of matter. Imagi-matter, on the other hand, is believed to be the component of things unseen. The things we can't see, but we know exist. Examples of this is an idea. We can't see an idea, but we know it's there. Dee Rossetta is able to erase the boundaries of the two elements by being able to shift imagi-matter into matter and vice-versa.

• Imagi-matter into matter:
    The first phase of her skill. This is probably the most easiest to use due to the fact that all she has to do is copy the atomic structure of matter at hand. Imagi-matter will take on the form of the matter negligent of the quantity, size or quality of the sample since all she needs is the "blueprints" of the matter. She can increase or decrease the volume, weight, quantity, length, etc. of the matter needed by using the appropriate amount of imagi-matter. Partial memory retention of a particular form of matter's composition is possible in order for her to be able to combine several elements at once.

    Example time! In here we have our good friend Bob who's holding a cake. He refuses to share, but allows Dee to make her own one. Now, we know that one of the components of cake is the sugar glucose. Sugar's atomic structure is C6H12O6 with all covalent bonds. Passing a form of imagi-matter over it, she is able to copy the components and composition of the sugar and reproduce it. Repeat for flour, milk, baking powder, etc. Of course, since cake is a mixture of all those things, imagi-matter will "scan and reproduce" it as a whole. Dee then caused a humongous cake to appear, eating it with glee as Bob just scratched his head and turned to his own wee lil' cake.

• Matter into Imagi-matter:
    This one is more difficult for her to achieve since she possesses no ability to manipulate matter. Once imagi-matter has been shifted to matter, she no longer has control over it. All she can do with a hostile piece of matter is to convert it to imagi-matter. How? Imagi-matter can "consume" matter thereby influencing it to turn into imagi-matter. This process is very slow and may turn out to be unsuccessful. No need to worry about mass degeneration via conversion to imagi-matter yet.

    Example time, part two: Bob has a pebble. It was a bad pebble. It got stuck inside Bob's nostril and even if Bob was able to take it off, it squeaked, " I will get back there as long as I exist. Watch out Bob, watch out!" Our troubled man, desperate to thwart the pebble's evil scheme, turned to his good friend Dee for help. Narrowing her eyes, Dee covered the pebble in a mass of imagi-matter and screamed, "Die, pebble die!" After some time and effort was spent, the bad pebble was then turned into imagi-matter, forever out of existence and putting good ol' Bob at peace.

• Pure Imagi-matter manipulation:
    Imagi-matter, having no standard form or substance, is able to be used to project Dee's imagination into reality. This can also be referred to as the "inventing" skill being required to go hand-in-hand with skill one in order to produce something using different types of matter. This uses partial memory retention to create the different components for an "invention."

Numbah three:
The awe-inspiring diamond and silver sculpture situated on room 5 of the Rossetta Museum is one of the products of this skill. Critiques praise the sculpture for its flawless form and seemingly untouched look. Dee's only materials when she created the sculpture is a small piece of diamond and silver. Imagi-matter, which adheres so easily to her manipulation, was the substance that she sculpted allowing her to achieve a quality of workmanship that probably no normal artist could achieve. The finished imagi-matter sculpture was then converted to diamond and silver using the data from her samples. Bob protests his lack of involvement.

• Herself into Imagi-matter:
    Lastly, you can call this as her last-ditch attempt or final life-line. This the most unstable form of manipulation that she can currently achieve. She is able to shift her body over to pure imagi-matter, boosting her ability to meld and manipulate imagi-matter. Imagi-matter becomes a freely-transformable tool which she can use to heal herself or create things such as wings in order to be able to escape. Yes, you can hit her, but she can't hit back. Imagi-matter will in no way affect reality. This is due to the fact that all her energy and focus is channeled into anchoring her soul inside her body's temporary form as well as the current imagi-matter manipulation that she's making. While on this form, imagi-matter and she, herself, appears as something that was drawn by chalk. Flat colors, occasionally squiggly lines... She'll look like your local cartoon character inside the tv.

    Bob is mad and refuses another "example time."

    Her powers at this time are still quite unreliable, due to the fact that she's still quite young. Her powers have not developed as much, but will grow and improve through time. She makes up for this through the phrase, " Aurum Es Potestas" or gold is power. Really, money can do a lot of things such as have a mass of gun-wielding muscular men shoot down your enemies or bribe somebody for something. Also, the occasional smattering of incredible good-luck given to ignorant and clueless people has saved her a** more than a couple of times. Lastly, sheer determination and ingenuity are one of her greatest assets, perhaps even surpassing her mutation's given talents.

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    Weaknesses: Being able to somehow transcend reality through her 'converting' abilities, Dee is in danger of being phased out. She has already exhibited signs of disappearance such as the occasional beam of sunshine passing through her form or the abrupt period when people completely ignore and pass through her as if she does not seem to exist anymore. Maybe, someday, she'll just cease to live in this world and have all evidences of her existence be wiped along with her. Also, while in the forth imagi-matter phase, she might not be able to come back to reality. Causes of this might be too much damage either from her real body or damage acquired while in imagi-matter form. She'll just stay in her imagi-matter form for as long as her soul can hold out. After that, bye bye Dee.

    Second, she's dumb...or, has the tendency to do really stupid things. Call it naivety, carelessness, the pink thing that ate my dog...but, a facts a fact. She'll probably throw herself in front of a person to save them from their death-by-a-truck, only to realize at the last second that the said truck was actually aimed at her. The person is invulnerable and is laughing gleefully at such an easy prey.

    Weapons: Though she's quite a natural when it comes to pointing things and pulling the trigger, as well as whacking a dangerous blade around, her choice of weapon is rather strange. Can a pen be called a weapon? After all, the pen is mightier than the sword...or, so they said. But, in her case, those words might just be dead on. The Rossetta Corporation has outfitted her with the prototype laser light pen which practically allows her to draw on all surfaces using a temporary light holograph system. Imagi-matter manip. combo no. 1 & 3 is the standard bullet used for this weapon.

    Personality: Dee the effervescent, always cheerful, always smiling, that is one of the facets that others see when they look at her. A lot of people are drawn to her die-hard optimism and happiness, like people are to sunshine after a long, dark storm. Her only issues with trust is that she has too much of it. She'll babble on and on about random things even to complete strangers and wouldn't hesitate to hold your hand if you so much as extend it to her. Some people might also deem her as irritating, annoying...a complete pest, with her high pitched falsetto voice and space-invading movements. She just tends to cling and stick to her current victim and stubbornly refuses to back-off until the following scenarios happen. a.) The person is reduced to a heap of tears and begs her to leave them alone b.) the person incapacitates her (i.e. kills her) and runs away and c.) She gets bored or tired and decides to latch off.

    It's easy for her (at least in her opinion) to make friends since she dubs everyone that hasn't shown hostility as a "potential best friend". This has led her to having a very vibrant social life albeit the majority of it containing only numerous shallow acquaintances and very few real friends. She can be quite frank, loud, and rather vulgar when stoked to anger. She loves to throw a tantrum as well as hitting and pounding on things. As for enemies, she really doesn't have one yet since she is easily capable of forgiving and forgetting.
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    Being the center of attention in her family has turned her into a very smug, very confident, typical rich kid. Some people has referred to her as a "selfish brat" which is only partially true (selfish = not quite; brat = hell yeah). Evidence of this is her insensitive extravagance especially with her gifts and the lack of hesitation to use her wealth to get what she wants. Whining and grumbling are also one of her fortes when things don't go as planned, but this "selfish brat" is also capable of over-looking her feelings and opinions for others. She wouldn't mind sharing whatever food she has with the person next to her even when she only has very little left and would happily push the cart for an old peddler, whistling a cheery tune as the old man rambles on and on about his past.

    Blonde, airy, and incapable of appearing intelligent, Dee is often assumed to be mentally incompetent despite her being in a rigorous business course in one of the most prestigious universities in existence. That, also, might be partially true since she had flunked her way through the said prestigious university and had caused innumerable tutors to resign in frustration. Add that to her insensible chatter and clueless expressions, one can be sure that her head contains only air and very little brain matter. The other side of that fact is her mental capabilities are not that low, not indeed. The truth is, behind her wide smiles and energetic demeanor lies a brilliant mind hampered only by stubbornness and the refusal to learn what she doesn't like. Even so, a lot of her decisions and actions in the past have been just plain stupid.

    After the Rossetta kidnapping, she has shown no evidence of trauma and had seemingly moved on with life as if the incident never happened. But, sometimes, when extremely stressed-out or brought to a breaking point, she might have nightmares or hallucinations about the event. Very dangerous for her and her surroundings due to the nature of her powers.

    Lastly, her family is cheerily insane and so is she. She shares a common trait of almost unlimited energy and good-will with her father and grandfather. They celebrate a lot of rather unorthodox, self-imposed holidays and just generally do a lot of surprising things. Most of her time is spent on the museum, the atelier, the university, or the theater. Due to her extensive experience in the theatrical arts, she can mask her emotions or take on the role of a completely different person. If you had just met her and she decides to act as, say, a shy, quiet schoolgirl, chances are, you'll believe her.

    To sum it all up, Dee would just say, "Booya! I'm that freakin' amazing."

    History: Once upon a time, on the Chateaubriand Theatrical Arts Society stood an entrancing figure on the stage. The Prima Donna was singing the last lines of a heart-breaking song entitled Mémoire and blue eyes were watching, watching, watching. A white rose was left on the artist's boudoir signaling the start of the relationship between the ardent Paul Rossetta and the lovely Aurore Rose Chateaubriand aka The Blank. The date was September 24, 2099 at Paris, France. Boy meets girl. Love grew.
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    September 23, 2100: The Rose Umbrella was organized in secret.

    Fast forward four years, the chairman of the Rossetta International Corporation was running like hell across streets of a congested highway. His wife was giving birth and he was damned if he couldn't reach her in time. The effort soon paid off for he was able to make the finish line and witness the stork bring home a perfect baby girl. That day, the Office District witnessed a marvelous spectacle in the form of a partying, very loud and very bright mobile Rossetta building. The date was September 24, 2104 at Megalopolis.
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    Dee Rossetta, by the grace of an insane amount of money, was given everything she wanted since day one. She was literally born with a silver spoon on her mouth...or, make that a carved diamond spoon and everybody adored her. Showered with love and affection, she thrived and the Rossetta estate, located on a large plot of land on the Rich District, was subjected to the genial dictatorship of their young princess. At the age of five, she had shown great artistic potential when she painted a large portion of the rose garden's walls showing everybody she knew, including the headmistress from the Royal Megalopolis Academy to the mailman who brought them mail from a quaint brown bag.

    Their life had seemed to be the epitome of perfection. Happiness abounded, overflowing endlessly as time went by. But then, with everything, there always comes a negative side. A wrench was thrown in on the gears of the Rossetta's perfect life. Aurore Rose C. Rossetta was a Phreak. A being also known as the Blank due to her ability to access people's memories through telepathic means and then erase it. Now, the Phreak-love was not exactly spreading and overflowing in this current world, so the Rossettas had to be extremely careful.

    Paul Rossetta was not ignorant. He had married Rose with full knowledge of what she was and he loved her just the same. He was also aware of what the world thought of his wife and her kind. That was why, a year after he decided to give his heart to Miss Chateaubriand, he had organized the Rose Umbrella, an organization funded by his vast wealth to give support to trustworthy Phreaks and their family. From giving new identities and a new life to search and rescue operations, the Rose Umbrella worked hand-in-hand with its members to ensure their survival. Run-away Phreaks and reformed criminals all found a home, a family, and a new life within the Umbrella.

    Despite their little secret, Dee's perfect life continued while her parents worriedly guarded from the background. Her parents were worried though due to something called genetics. There was a big possibility that their child might also acquire the mutated genome and thereby, put the whole family in danger when she manifests her abilities. Counter-measures were soon being brought about. Extensive self-defense and escape classes were added to her daily schedule as well as the employment of a group of men designated to lurk in the background.

    At the age of six, she witnessed the opening of The Chateaubriand-Rossetta Theater in Megalopolis and her mother resuming her old love for the theatrical arts. The theater was a massive complex that housed several mini-theater stages, a massive dome where major plays were held, practice rooms, troupe lounges, rooms for visiting casts, rooms for the theater crew, classrooms were workshops were held, etc. The theater's archives holds one of the grandest and most extensive collection of theatrical related literature in the current world. Her grandfather, Adrien Chateaubriand, had left his internationally-acclaimed legacy in France and moved to Megalopolis to head the playwright division. She had also shown aptitude for the theater, eventually taking on various roles in plays and musicals. Rossetta Corporation's stocks were at an all time high. Everything was just perfect.

    Tragedy strikes when unexpected. Dee was abducted for unverified reasons on the 24th of September right after she was coming home from class and to the estate for her birthday party. Her bodyguards were outnumbered and gunned down. It may have been for her money or for some random reason, but off she went to The Factory District bound hand and foot while the thugs called her affluent mommy and daddy demanding for ransom. Millions were spent, places and names were given but no golden-haired child popped up. The police were suspiciously apathetic and the case was getting cold. After all, little rich girls got kidnapped all the time. Desperate, her father pulled some strings from the Rose Umbrella and gathered a group of willing Phreaks to save his daughter on their own. Her mother, running to the point of near hysteria, insisted on coming along stating that she'd wipe off all the memories of every person involved in the kidnapping. The Rossetta party, with the aid of some information-gathering Phreaks, pinpointed the exact location and soon arrived with their guns and skills ready. Somehow, things got pretty bloody. Enemy Phreaks plus a truck-load of highly-trained fighters showed up and her father was rendered immobile. Her mother had been siphoning memories on the sidelines and had learned that Dee was caged up just outside the building that they were in. She ran, leaped and twirled in the air in a mesmerizing dance and amidst the chaos she reached her most prized possession and held it tight. Belated Happy Birthday. I love you.

    The fight was drawing to an end, good triumphed over bad and tears were pouring, pouring, pouring. But then again, evil reared its ugly head for the last time. They'll get off soon, daddy would come and rescue them for sure. Rain fell down and the bullets came up and it hit her mother square in the back. Rivers of red flowed and mingled with the water, in a silent tribute to the life that was lost for protecting something that was precious. Darkness came and swallowed the attackers in a wake of anger. Darkness came and took the pain away.

    White roses were gathered and a requiem of sorrow was sang. Her grandfather almost died with grief. A funeral for the Rose and everybody who died underneath it was held. Media coverage was blocked and it was a silent elegy to the heavens. Little Dee wore white and behaved like a mechanical doll. The rain came down again.

    A trip to Japan to see the Sakura soon followed afterward. They were her mother's favorite blossoms next to the roses. At the age of seven, after coming home from the east, Dee opened her first exhibit and entitled it "The Blood-Stained Sakura", a series of gigantic watercolor paintings of blood-red Sakura trees. With her vivid imagination and gifted hands, Dee Rossetta has been hailed as one of the most talented artists in history as well as launch her career as one of the most promising artists of the world that year.

    The year passed by in a blur and the golden-haired child grew. Life resumed with its sunshine and rainbows. Every year, she places white roses on her mother's graveyard and on the graveyards of everybody who died for her. Happy smile, check. Her father added mother to his list of roles and even stubborn old Gramps came to live with them at last. Life was once again slow, monotonous, perfect.

    At the age of fifteen, she "ceased to exist" for a few days. All photographs of her were gone as well as all her possessions. The Rossettas never had a child and the mother was said to die from childbirth. She drifted around the city until she bumped into a hobo who screamed obscenities at her. When she found her way back home, it was as if nothing changed. Everything was back to normal, so it must have been just a dream, right? Her powers had started to develop exactly on her twelfth birthday, gathering steam when she turned fifteen. When her father found out, he just froze and disappeared for a month. Her father was already known for being wacky and crazy, evidence of this is his usual building jumping routine or the declaration of holidays such as "poor day" or the grand celebration of such mundane things as the mailman missing the mail. When he returned, those traits just became more evident. He staged random attacks and "war drills" as well as occasionally disappear again every now and then.

    A quick excerpt from her journal read:
    Fast forward another three years, not much has changed. Dad raving about some sort of incident in Kenya. Punched back some kid who tried to kiss me and then gave him candy after wards. On my twelfth birthday, I think I turned into a ghost. Plus three years, high school was done. Art career was booming even harder. Impulsive decision to enter exclusive business school. Theater career booming too. Getting more powerful, feeling it in my bones. Once again, perfect. Plus another two years, flunked prospect of business career. Made Gramps and Daddy cry with performance of Memoire. Happily messed around with daddy's friends and their families. Still miss her.

    At the age of sixteen, the Rossetta Megalopolis Museum was opened. It featured a massive collection of internationally-acquired art works plus an exclusive collection of Dee Rossetta's very own masterpieces. A library was also erected next to it. This buildings, along with the theater occupied a considerable portion of the Rich District and was then known as the Rossetta Art's Society.

    At seventeen, she had been offered an honorary position as Arts Instructor from the very same university which she flunked her business course at. She accepted. She helped managed the Theater as well as the advertising section of her father's company. Life went on.

    Two years drifted by. Same old, same old. Sunshine and Butterflies. Slow, monotonous... The rain fell down. Perfect.

    • She's currently the proud owner of a pinkish-white chrome hover car with the latest in speed boosting and armor technology courtesy of the mechanical and technology division of the Rossetta Corporation. When behind the wheels, mad dare-devil is an appropriate title for her.

    • As for the title "Super Crap", she doesn't have an idea why she uses that seeing as that the person behind the strings has no idea either.

    • Local celebrity if you please? With the money and famous combo career of theater and art, attention is bound to be directed somewhere near your forehead. Also, her artworks are not limited to paintings and drawings only. She has also done a series of successful photograph-based works, sculptures using a variety of mediums, as well as a quick dabble in the art of fashion designing. She might be what you'd call "a jack-of-all-trades" when it comes to the creative department.

    • Those "special" classes she's been taking since she was five paid-off.

    • She's not a picky eater. If it doesn't move, it's edible. She's quite fond of her food and drink, exhibiting no restraint when it comes to its consumption. Her father, grandfather, and Dee are all slaves to their "happy time" where wine and drinks are served.

    • Plans for making a garish pink custom with a yellow cape has been in the works. Blueprints are under lock and key on her private atelier located on basement no. 2 of the Rossetta museaum. Do not steal if you value your life.

    • Her vocabulary is strange since it contains a smattering of various words from other languages as well as some unidentifiable verbal sounds. If she understands them herself is still under question. She might use a word she doesn't even know the meaning off, oftentimes having already attached her own interpretation of said word.

    • Has an imaginary friend named Bob.

    • Has a non-imaginary personal secretary named Seymour and two highly-trained, over-bearing bodyguards named Chip and Dip.

    Theme Song(s):
    Choose the One Who Loves you More - Copeland [Main Theme]
    Kremlin Dusk -Utada
    Let Go - Frou Frou
    Symphony 40 in G min KV 550 - Mozart
    Little Wing - Jimi Hendrix [The Corrs - Cover]

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