Okie Dokie people!
This Journal Entry will tell you about who I really am,because lets face it,Im not really Honey-Senpai.
My real name is Kisa Sach Onozumo and I am 18 years old!
....No wait...thats sounds boring... -.-''
...lets try again....
Hiya everyone Im Kisa Sachi Onozumo,the weirdest person to ever walk this planet! Im 18 years old and I looooove me some anime! heart heart 1 Very interesting fact about me is: IHAVE A TWIN!!! rofl Thats right! Her name is Misa (she's the younger one! haha Misa-Chan!) My favorite color is black and as for my favorite food....
I LUV RAMEN!!! heart heart heart heart
(ill label these entryies by either "Kisa" or "Honey" depending on if im roleplaying or not
iiHunny-Chan 91 Community Member |