With all this Twilight and Daybreakers BS flying around these days (yes, Daybreakers is also BS. No, vampires don't sparkle in the sunlight, but they don't EXPLODE either, unless they're suicide bombers. Yes, that's pretty much calling Blade and a few others BS as well, thereby making me many enemies, but I don't care), I wanted to get back to the GREATEST vampire story ever...
...It seems Satsuki Yumizuka got a bit cut off in the poster... Isn't it sad, Sacchin? Because of that, I'll also post the original pic.
Oh, and for the record, the effect sunlight has on vampires is as follows:
For the common undead, turned vampire, sunlight hastens the decay of their undying flesh. In fact, that's why they drink blood, in order to replenish that flesh. However, it is far from an IMMEDIATE death, but it's still wise NOT to linger for too long.
For True Ancestors (the ones born, the "old-fashioned way", from the King of the Moon and Lord of all Vampires, Crimson Moon Brunestud, and his descendants, for the original purpose of keeping a population cap on the humans, until other stuff happened...), because they are creatures of the Moon, the sunlight weakens their power, however, it is NOT AT ALL lethal. Also, they don't have a blood-drinking need, just a blood lust.
Dead Apostle Ancestors, Dead Apostles (the undead variety of vampire) who gained a similar sun immunity as True Ancestors or close to it. However, they still need to drink blood, lest they regress to a living dead or ghoul.
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