ok just like my rant before this one it's about the ******** men in my house. there a** holes everyone of them. and now my boyfriend has joined there ranks as well. first off I will list off there names and why they are a** holes.
Charlie, my step father, whom I just call my mothers wife, wakes me up after I've worked 8 hours and been at school sence 8 in the morning. I ran monday on about 4 maybe 3 hours of sleep. so I needed to catch up. He wakes me up a 11 and I went to bed at 3 in the morning. so I was pissed. He wanted me to do the dishes, clean my room, vaccume the living room, and then take out the trash. all of that takes less then ten minutes. I have no idea why he has to disterb my sleep time for it but he does it contstantly. but there were too loads of dishes so I began to take a nap. half hour to 20 minutes later he's calling me to go do them. doesn't check if I'm taking a nap or doing something else. just calls me. so I get up and do that. what a jerk.
Nick, my sisters husband, comes in my room about oh..2 in the morning and throws a mostly empty pack of cigarettes at me. I told him to ******** stop smoking. he had done it before when he first got back from visiting his dad. but then something made him snap at sarah and the boys, my sister and her kids, and he started again. so now he's quitting, supposudly, and just walks out. when I came stompping down stairs he didn't say one word to me. not sorry for waking you up, or maybe I'll do them next time. NO! because they don't give a s**t about womens feelings at all.
David, my boy friend. I tell him what happend this morning before he had to go to work and he told me to go to bed sooner. usually he says, something a bit nicer then that.usukie123: why cant I evcery catch up on sleep? usukie123: ever* boyfriend: (03:04:55) usukie123 has gone away. usukie123: yeah thats the time I went to sleep usukie123: and then I get woke up to do the dishes boyfriend: stay up later, need to sleep in later boyfriend: that's why boyfriend: goto bed sooner usukie123: can't. I'm to wired at night boyfriend: I think it might help if you cleared off your desk and used that for the laptop usukie123: nah. I don't wanna use my desk. I don't have anywhere to put my sakura things anyway boyfriend: well, right now your bed isn't associated with just sleep boyfriend: it's where you work boyfriend: play boyfriend: etc boyfriend: etc boyfriend: etc usukie123: yeah boyfriend: when you finally do want to goto sleep, you're not changing your environment. So if you were worked up about something, even something small, it will take longer to go into sleep mode boyfriend: where as, in theory, if you spent time at a desk computer, when you wanted to goto bed, you wouldn't need as long to change modes usukie123: meah. still. I could have just used anouther half hour and I would be fine. this was the second day in a row though and it just ticks me off. just to clean the dishes. usukie123: another* boyfriend: too bed sooner, and wake up sooner boyfriend: and now, i must grab a shower boyfriend: (those ******** be heavy) usukie123: >.>...
I am kinda sick of it. I'm about to swear off men. but I like david to much. so men are a** holes and they'll never grow up. they all seem to have obsetions to. charlie=Dishes, Nick=cigarettes, David=EVE online....he'd rather play that then spend time with me. it can't be helped. I just wish I could find a nice clean appartment, thats cheep and has internet. I'd be set for life. I'd be out of the house. god I hate my life.
Usukie_Ichihara · Tue Feb 07, 2006 @ 08:30pm · 1 Comments |