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Ancient Katana [x2]
Completed on 06/15/10
Angelic Pendant
4,090,000 gold
Animal Cracker Buddies
Completed on 02/19/10
Carlos the Alpaca
Completed on 02/19/10
Chanho the Tiger Plushie
Completed on 03/01/10
Faustine's Bottle
1,611,670 gold
Get Well Soon Gift
Completed on 02/22/10
Golden Wings
Completed on 06/02/10
Noel's Gift 5th Generation
Completed on 02/15/10
KiKi Kitty Plushie
Completed on 02/28/10
North Kitten Star
3,900,000 gold
Padmavati's Lotus
Completed on 02/19/10
Reve Rouille
Completed on 03/03/10
Scarlet Rose
Completed on 03/05/10
Spartan Queen
Completed on 03/01/10
Steel-plated Ninja Band
5,620,850 gold
Submarine Capsule
Completed on 03/10/10
Sweet Porridge
Completed on 03/05/10
Wild Dawn
Completed on 03/01/10
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