I was born Oct. 27, 1990. When I was born my eyes would not open and the docters were worried for a moment but then they realized that I was merely sleeping. I woke up at 7:30 Oct. 28, 1990 and when i did my first reactoion was to smile. All my life I've tried to make the best out of things, but it has not always worked and has lead to more painthen was initally caused. I was born in Torrance CA and my Grandfather was married to his second wife. My bio-mother is/was not suited for child care. She's into drugs, and whichcraft of the worst kind, she doesn't drink but she isn't all there. She's over weight and can barely hadnle her self. So My grandfather steped in and took custody of me before I could walk. So I've been raised to call him father. Dad and Grandma Betty always fought, always! alot, but my aunt monica never let me hear it. So we'd go upstairs and sing for hours on end while Betty and dad fought. When I was 3 they divorced. Dad was single for the longest time and we moved to Vancoover WA. We lived in a litte apartment where I learne dhoe to read and write, and since my dad didn't like video games thats all I did. when I was 5 he remarried a women from Organ named E.J. They are still married to this day. But since Monica was not there to sing with me they did fight in front of me. Very harshly. when dad remarried everything channged. My life turned upside down. He started cussing around me very much, and hitting me when he was mad at EJ and saw i didn't do a chore or something. In 3rd grade I got in alot of trouble for cussing and hitting. And was told I had ADHD. A stronger dises then ADD which only 4 kids had in my school. And in fifth grade i met the savyor of my life. Ms. Byers was the sweetest teacher in the world. She tought me the real right from wrong, not just with her actions but after she saw me crying all by myself at reccess on day she decided to talk to me. Ever since then I've been working my life upwards. I can't change my parents but I stopped cussing and fighting. Unfortunatly in 7th grade dad made me feel like i didn't deserve to live and I attempted suicide 4 times. I almost ran away twice but made it no further then the school, where Ms. Byers voice came into my head that I was above this and was home before anyone noticed i was gone. up until my freshmen year I cut my wrists dayly and in the fisrst semester of 8th grade I drank massive amounts of achohol. But lucky for me I didn't drink as much as I thought. And it did not cause any problems. When I met Rachel Everything went up. My best friends Rachel and Greg helpped me get byond that and made me see that I should not let my parents ruin my future. I met a girl named Kayli whome I fell in love with, but she broke my heart. My grades started to go down and my homework began to become harder, I wasn't listening in classes because I was focused on her. after 2 months time I finally got over her and moved on. My grades almost instanly began to rise again and my additude rose as well. I tried to date after that but I couldn't it didn't feel right. But then I met this girl online and call me foolish if you wish but I fell in love with Monique form out of state. I talk to her on the phone as much as I can, and when I do I feel something, I can hear something that was never there with Kayli. I'm sure that it is Love and Truth. I do hope so. Her voice is so soft and pleasent to listen to. If any one were to just talk to her they's instanly forget their problems and would be amazed at how soothing it is. My life has been so diferent since she stepped in. It's made everything easier. My singing is getting better, My grades are going up, it seems like she's the elixer of a perfect life. I love her soo much. My friends don't all understand but Rachel trusts me that I'm not going to do anything stupid. and that's my life up till this point.
Protector of the States · Mon Feb 13, 2006 @ 03:12am · 0 Comments |