Character Name: Tallon Race: Angelican Side: Light (Outcast) Weapons/ Powers: Two swords and Light magic Appearance:  Bio: Tallon was outcast as a boy for being a theif, he loves his homeland and the people there. As long as he doesn't go into the cities they leave him alone. He goes from place to place trying to help out. Recently he's been around some of the outlying countries who are at peace witht he Angelic Lands. He does't have wings per say, it's more like a cloak that allows him to fly, But he can't take it off it is part of his body.
Charecter Name: Creshaw Race: Lycan Demonic Side: Drastors Weapons/ Powers: Claws, Unending Strength, Ability to grow to 'Dragon' size, Dark Magic Appearance:  Bio: Origionally he was just a demon fighting in the armies, but quickly became high enough in the ranks that The Ruler noticed him. He became the head general of the Drastors armies. He remains high in command but spends most of his time hunting different target enemies such as the Twins, the Dragon Brothers, Aurora ect. He is extreamly powerful and not one to be tampered with.
Character Name: Tarri and Tammy Race: Dark Angels Side: Blakger Weapons/ Powers: Dark Magics Appearance:  Bio: The two of them were the sole survivers of their family when a Gwyen Premtive strike took out a smaller City. They both were already exceptional dark users but their skill increased with rage and hatred for all of light. Soon theywere the most powerful dark users known and their power reached their leader. The ruler of the Drastors banished them both from the country out of fear of being over thrown. They entered onto the scene in the kingdom of Blakger and rose to power swiftly. Together they now rule the country and after the devistation of the mighty Dragon Bezekeziel the people turn to their new different leaders for hope of survival. They lead from their tower in their capitol city but often go out on their own to cause trouble where ever they can. Rapidly the two of them have rebuilt the once powerful empire to a standing strong point. A dark insirational energy flows through the whole country as they build and build bigger and better machinary and death toys to conqure and hopefully put down any threat to themselves and live in the darkness they cherish
Character Name: Sarri Ryanna Wymen Race: American (Explained in Bio) Side: Gwyn Weapons/ Powers: Saber equipped Machine gun, a saber Dagger, a belt of plasma granades (Limited Rescource) Appearance:  Bio: A Gwyn Scientist built a strange Machine, he was a lonely man and wanted a son to call his own but had no wife. This man used his machine in a test hopeing to pull a baby boy from another dimension a portal appeared in the distant dimension as the machine didn't work as he planned. . . On a remote planet called earth in a diferent dimension from Zelkia a mighty world power Known as America was at War with another powerful Country known as China. As times changed and technology incresed warfare was more brutal and devestating then ever before. Younger and younger Men and women were expected to stand for their countries as the world spireled downward into war. In a Place called The Phillipines a Girl by the name of Sarri was falling her commanding officer when they were ambushed, She would have certianly died had not she fallen into a strange light. The light Carried her to the lab of doctor Igman. A stray saber shot follwed her through the portal and hit the good scientist, in his last few weeks he explained to her where she was, what was happening, and that she couldn't get home for a long time. She became attatched to the man like a Friend and a mentor. In his last few days of life he left her his house and the little he owned and she found she didn't want to leave. A growing pride for Gwyn grew within her and she soon enlisted in the local military and grew through ranks somewhat quickly, despite her age and gender she managed rapidly. She's quiet and shy and not much of a lover being so young, but she's strong headed, and full of pride and drive.
Protector of the States · Wed Nov 07, 2007 @ 07:46am · 1 Comments |