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This girl is probably the craziest thing ever. She’s bubbly in everyway possible. The minute I see her in school I scream “rape” and start to run because I know I’m gonna get mauled, and of course, I do. She as an amazing person. Apparently, she has two personalities. One that’s apparently gay. Don’t. Even. Ask. I swear we’re friggin long lost twins. We both speak the same language, look somewhat the same and have almost the exact same names. Totally creepy. I totally love this girl (honestly, who doesn‘t), and it ill always stay that way.


Oh here we go again, the b***h of the group. I’m joking, I love you from the bottom of my heart Tray! This chick is a sexy little mofo that makes my day! She’s just awesome! She’s usually super hyper and is the main reason why 3737 is now a musical. If she doesn’t like you, you better stay back cause this dog’s bark is worse than her bite! She’s an amazing person, and I really miss her right now. She’s not on much, well rarely, I just hope she comes back regularly more, and isn’t so busy with her damn roleplays. I love this chick, as I said from the bottom of my heart!


This sexy little thing is the most awesome-tastic winker ever! Yes we didn’t discover, we founded the disease OWD -- Obsessive Winking Disorder. Yes, we just can’t stop winking. No, not in real life, online. That’d be kinda scary if it was in real life. Anyways, this girl is amazingly nice. It’s really rare, in my opinion, to find genuinely nice girls who don’t ever b***h at you. She is one of them. She is never angry with anyone, and if she is, she doesn’t take it out on anyone. Amazing person inside and out. I totally love this chick. We don’t really talk as much as we used to, but she still has a special place in my heart and will always have that place. I love you soooo much!


Oh my god, this girl is amazingly funny! I totally love this little lesbian child! She like always knows how to make my day, whether it be to cuss of the person I’m angry at or give me hilarious words of encouragement. She just knows what’s right for me. She is amazingly sweet and has a big heart. She’s just wayy too cool for words. I’d probably be scared of her if I met her, I just have that feeling. I honestly don’t know why, but I probably would. It’s probably the age difference. Even though she’s like a million years old and I’m only three hundred and thirty-three, she’s still awesome. I totally love you and your peed in pants! : P


Crisbeeee! What to say about him. This guy is pure genius. He is just amazing. He puts the capital O in Optimistic. I’d laugh if I spelled that wrong. He is amazing! He’s hilarious, adorable and happy --- not gay --- but happy! He’s just awesome. He's always there to put a smile on my face whenever I need it. Even with my horrible conversation starters, he will twist everything so that it's fun. Amazingly smart too. One day we shall elope and have a baby farm without any physical contact cause he doesn't want AIDs. I love you so much you little illegimate son of mine you!


Oh god. I came to this name I just stared at his name for a while, thinking of what to write. Okay, need to start somewhere. Umm, alrighty, got a perfect intro. *clears throat* This guy’s name makes me gasm. Why you ask? Cause it’s Spanish, durrr! He’s like my Spanish b***h who I get pick-up lines from, and also my slave monkey. I’ve had a lot of memorable moments with him and crack me up even now. He’s a total flirt, so it’s amazingly fun to flirt with him, and my goal in life is to annoy him, currently it's going well. This guy is amazing, and totally rocks. There’s so much I could write about him, yet my fingers are tired by now, so naaah. I love you Hoseee!


This is my sexy little wifey. Luu is just amazing. She’s so damn random. It’s kinda scary sometimes. If her and Taspia met they would be a perfect pair. They are quite alike. Luu is amazing at art. I quote her when I say “You can’t spell smart without art.” She is a master mind, or more like an evil scientist. Either or works. I love this chick so damn much. She is just way too amazing for words. The only thing that sucks, is that she lives on the other side of the damn world! Sheesh chick! I still love you no matter where you are or how damn hyper you are!


This guy is the definition of epic. Sean is just hilarious. He has a dirty -- no, I should say, imaginative mind. Of course, not as crazy as mine (ya can’t beat me Sean), but still crazy. This guy is awesome. He’s just an amazing person. He makes me get extremely hard boners, yes, to whoever’s reading this, I have a penora, and he makes my penora’s day. You rock my damn fuzzy socks Sean! I can’t stop saying this, but he is just down right damn awesome child! I totally love you Sean and Kas!


Oh, here goes for my bish! This guy is an extremely emo and depressed and demented and amazing child. My other goal in life is to make him less emo. I haven’t succeeded yet, but one day I will. I promise you all. This guy is amazing. He’s really straight forward and will tell you what’s on his mind sooner or later. He is also amazingly funny. Yet, like all the other guys on this, he is extremely perverted. Probably less than Sean, but still pervy. But of course, that’s just another one of the reasons I love this child. This guy makes me almost piss my pants sometimes, that’s how awesome you are. I love you bish!


If I honestly didn’t know how old this guy was, I would guess he’s like 16. While I got 6 years old in an Inner Age test, he got 30. Interesting eh? Oh god, what to say about this little sexy thing. For some reason, me and him clicked. Like, we’re like too magnets, the minute I met him, we were like joined by the hip. He’s an amazing person, even though he thinks he has so many flaws. He is a very unique little boy and is a total buffoon as well. I have a fetish for Spanish, and just like me, he has his little fetish for Italian. Italian is pretty sexy too. Anyways, I love this little fudger and always will!


This guy is the only guy who blushes when I “tap” him. *cough* Anywho, Terra is extremely sweet. If he knows you’re in a bad mood, he’ll put himself into your shoes and cry with you. He’s very considerate and understanding. He’s an amazing person. He has learned the hard way that you can never out argue me. When I say something, I stick to it like glue. Really hard, sticky, white -- I mean, like glue. This guy is awesome and cosplays two of the sexiest people ever: Riku and Terra. I totally love you Terra! You rock! Rawr ~


I’m not even joking, this chick is too awesome for words. She’s just soo cool. She’s badass, while at the same time sexy, while at the same time cosplay-tastic. Like seriously, how cooler can you get? Sheesh Phi! This chick is amazing. I love how goddamn straight up she is. If she doesn’t like you, she’ll tell you. She’ll tell you to shut up, even if you’re one of the most epic people in 3737. Like Jose said, she’s like the mother of all. She probably gave birth to herself too. Yea. Wow. Anywho, I love you oh so much you motherly loving awesometastic Phi!!


Alrighty, Michael. This little son of a goddamn gun sucks so much -- what, oh damn, I thought I was writing about George Bush. I love you Michael! This guy is just awesome. He has his serious days, and he has his uber hyper days, but he’s just awesome. I haven’t known him for too long or anything, but I know for sure that he is just awesome beyond words. Oh, and let me tell you, he has the most awesome Sora cosplay. It’s just epic, just like him. I can tell this guy like anything! He's extremely understanding, and a person I would take advice from anyday. Anywho, I love you Michael! 8D


I thought this chick would be those quiet, scary badass types. She’s sooo not! Well, the badass part, hell yea, but the quiet and scary part -- HELL NO! She’s the third most crazy chick in 37. Luu’s obviously first, then Tray and just neck to neck comes Dee. She’s just hilarious. We both have a sexy love for the Weasley twins. You can take Fred, I’ll take George, or maybe you take George and I take Fred -- you know what, screw it! We’ll pick one out of a hat! This girl is just awesome! She loves a lot of the same things that I do and she is the female definition of epic. I totally adore her avis. I love you Deeee!


Wes should be Mitchel Musso’s twin. No, he’s not gay [unlike Mitchel Musso sometimes seems], he just looks a crazy amount like him. Trust me, Wes, you’re probably hotter. Screw probably, you are hotter. Wes is hilarious and really fun to hang with. He’s like a total pimp. The minute he enters towns all the ladies and even the guys rush over to him. He is always there when I need him. Like always. It's kinda freaky sometimes. I'm surprised he isn't tired of my useless ranting yet. He is absolutely awesome. He's quite creative as well, I can't wait to read the story he's been writing. Oh damn, I just realized that I need to watch quite a few videos he sent me but I never watched. Anywho, I LOVE YOU WES ! C:


Oh god. Stein. Ha. Love Stains. Stein is like my awesome tastic pervy buddy. We make love everywhere we go. You know that once Stein enters the room, I’ll get a boner. Yes Stein, obby. Stein is just hilarious! He can be an a*****e if he doesn’t like you, but that’s why we all love him. He’s just way too awesome. My fingers are getting tired from writing all of this about all you bitches. Anywho, I haven’t known Stein for all THAT long, but when I did get to know him, I knew I would like him. When I first saw him, I thought he might be a douche. Well, I was right, but he’s my awesome douche! I totally love you Stein … under the table, in the washroom and in the car, and other unmentionable places! Oh god, I should stop before this paragraph gets more perverted than it already is. I love you Steiny!


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