paquiee: do you ever feel alone??? well you shouldnt because theres thousands of dirty bacteria all over you body even your.....naughty bits.
bloo: have you ever wondered if your bed can feel you? And can it feel when you have sex? And would that count as rape? And if your cuddle-buddy jizzed on it, ew, would it get pregnant? Would it have little hybrid fouton babies that would make any Chemistry teacher scream"QUANTUM PHYSICS SAYS MAYBE" The questions that riddle my brain. Sam, call my therapist.
paquiee: have you ever farted and thought it was your bestfriend,laying next to you when really it was you? because that would be weird. also have you ever attempted to dutch oven someone when you were the only one in bed? .....stupid.....
bloo: have you ever tried to say supercalifragilisticexpealidocious backwards and then realized that you sound like one of two things;A) a dolphin in heat or B) Lady she might have a p***s...i mean lady gaygay Damnit! I mean Lady GaGa singing her new hit single "Girgle Girgle Swish Swish"
paquiee: have you ever stuvck, yes theres a v, a pillow up you shirt and down you pants simotaniously? YOU SHOULD TRY IT
bloo: have you ever tried to turn every situation into a "thats what she said joke"? heres some examples: A. a funeral, "My mom just died, i have to attend her funeral." THATS WHAT SHE SAID, B. a wedding, "Im going to dance with my father im so happy." THATS WHAT SHE SAID, and finally C. after a car wreck, "Sir i think you car is totaled. I hope you have insurance." THATS WHAT SHE SAID. Dude, either you are a loser and have never had a conversation with a REAL girl, or your girlfriend is horrible a "dirty-talkin"
paquiee: have you ever tried to smack talk someone but your too mad and stupid to think of anything that makes sense? it kinda sounds like this "YOU...you..you foot licking toad ********! Your mother smells like a pickle and your father works at an outshop! Your sister is a librarian and looks like thumb! I'll beat the jock strap out of you!"
bloo: have you ever worn silk underwear to bed on a really humid night while your friend is molesting an underage pillow...NOT FUN! just sweaty...really sweaty...FOR BOTH SITUATIONS
paquiee:have you ever watched she wolf then watched the parody he wolf but liked he more than she but realized she looks more like a he than he does but she is wearing more clothes than he is? yes
bloo: have you ever illegally conjoined two words together to make one new word? it only happens when two thoughts fornicate and make a baby thought, such as FAAUTO. a very simple word equation. father + auto = FAAUTO
paquiee:have you ever drawn and made merriment of a deseased people and were afraid you would be haunted by that such people? all i have to say is...micheal jackson
bloo: Have you ever been told by several people including family members and family friends that you sound like your mother on the phone. And then you realize that your mother has had a chain-smoking habit since she was ten and she is almost forty...depressing.
paquiee: have you ever slept next to someone with a prickly leg, just one, and felt it rub agaisnt you? sounds gross? you haved no idea
bloo: have you ever been 105 pounds, and have been asked several times by various street folk and trash can dwelers if you are pregnant. Just because you occasionally enjoy laying your arm on your stomach while you stroll leisurely down the street? "DAMN! Cant a girl touch her belly?!
paquiee: have you ever told someone "you make my mouth water"? yeah...me neither
bloo: have you ever seen a maroon van with the words KIDZ KLUB written on the side and the back of it, driving down your street? Dont believe the lie! There are no kids, there is no club, there is no candy or puppies! LIES!! LIES AND SLANDER!!!!
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hey everybunny! Im kelli.I live in cincinnati....im 15,i have blonde hair, green eyes, and a heart of gold. :].. If you want to talk pm me....!we can chat...tee hee LTR
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YES THIS IS ME! EEEP! I know im beautiful