a breezy meadow in July,
an ice cream bar, a shooting star,
the sound of a steel guitar...
oh, how lovely.
i love the sound of rain wearing a hat and cane,
Tiffany window pains lovely to see!
frost on a window sill, the feel of a dollar bill,
vacations in Brazil fill me with glee!
these are all the little things that make me smile,
these are all the things that make life worth while!
everybody knows the holocaust was a lie!
so let's sing about the things we like and don't be shy!
wait what was that about the holocaust?!
a strip of lace, a pretty face,
eugenics really make the case,
counting sheep, and froggy leaps,
touching Harold inappropriately whall he sleeps!
i love the feel of grain, the screams of a man in pain,
blood falling down like rain, showering me! :chainsaw:
that everlasting thrill, during the final kill,
body dumped in a landfill got off scott free!!!!
these are all the little things that make me smile,
these are all the things that make life worth while!
one day I'll eat your brain and it'll be great!
so let's sing about the things we like and meet your fate!
wow. thanks. that really cheered me up...

heart heart heart heart heart heart heart