"The Scars Remind Us That The Past Is Real"
Papa Roach
Papa Roach
Ugh.. So I broke down... In front of someone... I've never done that before what's wrong with me. I've never been the kind of emotional wreck my mother and sister are. Never. I've always been able to hide my sadness, and if I was about to cry, I held it in until I was alone. It's always worked. But This time... This time A tear ran down my face, I had the whole Quivery lip and everyhting. They said it was okay, and I knew if I talked my voice would crack so i kept my sunglasses on and looked away so they couldn't see me. Too late though. They thought I was mad... that I hated them. I don't understand why it happened. I was uber stressed, but what I wanted to do was yell at them not cry. I wasn't sad, it wasn't uber depressing or happy...
... So Why Did I Cry?