I really love this one! I'm thinking about putting it in one of my rps!
Culcă-te, puiuţ micuţ,
Culcă-te şi te abuă
Până mâine-n dalbă ziuă.
Şi te culcă şi adormi
Până mâine-n dalbe zori.
Doina din ce s-o făcut ?
Dintr-o gură de mic prunc.
L-o lăsat maica dormind,
L-o aflat doina zicând.
Abua – bua – bua,
Abua, ţucu-l maica,
Nu te teme tu de zmei,
I-a goni maica pe ei.
Puişor cu ochi de mure,
Maica-i dusă la pădure,
Ţi-a aduce gătejoare
Şi ţi-a face scovergioare.
Go to asleep my tiny baby,
Try to sleep and get asleep
Till the white dawns break the day.
Then wake up as a grown child. Get asleep, my tiny baby
Till tomorrow in the dawn.
Abua – bua – bua,
Abua, your mother will gently kiss you
Don’t be afraid of bad creatures in the forest
Your mother is forever guarding and protecting you.
Little sweetest mother’s baby
With small eyes as dark blackberries
Your mother will go to forest
She’s going to bring you wooden pieces from the trees
And make crullers just for you
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