Today is a fairly simple topic on what you think I should add to my journal next........ Nah I'm just kidding anyways there are many signs weather in the past or in the present that eventually the world will end by some cataclysmic event or even events but those ancient civilizations and specified what would ever end the world0.0So I think the world will end when the Backstreet Boys become almost as famous as when they released the song
"I Want it That Way"........I know creepy right but oh so true. Why I think it's gonna be all up to them is well why am I asking that question. Imagine if they become famous once again like that I can already see the legions of fangirls (and French people) line up to see them face to face. I mean come on think about what this world has come to already I mean with Justin Beiber, The Breakup of Supergrass seriously?!?!??!? So anyways if you have any opinions on how
YOU think the world leave you interesting or creative responses in the comment section below. Oh and the world will end when RayWilliamJohnson get's ewok size/