Hello everyone! It's sophiaroxtofuxoxo here to inform of what I have gone crazy over. Not a boy, not my new brand of mascara, not my hott new sunglasses but the christian seriano (did I spell that right??) creme and black blouse. It is the MOST amazing piece of clothing I have ever layed my eyes on. Alot of things turn me onto this blouse. 1. The sparkle on the left shoulder which is sooooo bubbly 2. The SHOULDERPADS!!!! If I had a time machine I would go to the 80's a fashion time era beyond belief 3. Black goes with eyerthinggg. So as you can see I am crazy over this article of clothing that rocks my worlddd heart So now I leave you to think about how much can an 80,000g blouse really be worth........ sweatdrop
xoxo Sophia
Sophiaroxtofuxoxo Community Member |