Ryuzaki's Art & Sculptures shop
After being in the same posture I had been in for the longest while now, I finally snapped out of my day-dream and looked around with a bit more awareness. I could see the walls, covered with elaborate portraits of unnamed people and sculptures of that same person beside them about the size of a full grown human being. I finally brought myself to noticing the walkway that stood before me. I crept forward, my eyes went everywhere around the room from sculpture to portrait and back again the sight was astonishing, one after the other. However I noticed that I have failed to see the silver covered chest that stood before me. Its lining was gold and the base glittered with the flame of the torches around me. I then looked down at the front of it only to lay my eyes upon the same switch I had seen in my fathers office, I then took a knee and pulled it outward then down. The switch preformed as expected that of the first switch. The symbol had once again been tuned upside down, thus releasing the lock.
I opened the chest out of curiosity, hoping to find something extravagant like gold or crimson. Instead of that, what lied before me was a white and somewhat tattered robe. although It was not in good physical shape the design was visible and awe aspiring. The robe had stripes of red ribbon running down the waist and the belt had several compartments that didn't seem fit for carrying any fair amount of florins. The hood of the robe was fitted with crimson interior and on the left shoulder hung a well strapped black and red cape. It held no insignia or crest. However what really caught my eye was the similarity of the best buckle It had that same odd triangle shape of the two locking mechanisms I had used to get here although this one was stainless steel with crimson lining. It seemed rather odd though that a garb of this sort would be kept locked away like this.
As I started to lay the robe down, a letter fell out. I picked it up and read the seal, It read..."To Ryuga Ryuzaki" It opened the seal and then the letter it self and read on...
"Ryuga, my son,
If you are reading this, then the worst has happened. I don't have a lot of time to explain everything but you must know this. Mr.Emilio is one of THEM, he is traitor and whatever you do my son do not trust him or whoever he might be consulting with. This is a hard time we live in Mio figlio, and in these dark times the battle between life and death is shifting constantly, Evey day more of us die and we are struggling to revive the order. What I am trying to say Ryuga is that we fight a battle that goes beyond that of an ordinary war. We serve an order that ensure peace in all things we are known by all. You, Dante as well as myself and others as Assassins. Think hard my son and it will soon make sense. By the time your reading this I will be gone, unable to answer your questions. However, I leave with you my robes and weapons this is the garb we wear and the tools we carry at our disposal, inside the Bracer you will find a letter, take this to a man that goes by the name "The Fox" he will have the answers. And remember my son always that no matter what happens I will always be there to give you the courage in your heart and the strength in your might so that you may be better ready to strike against our enemies. Remember everything I have taught you and Go with God my son...Buona fortuna."
Your loving father,
Anthony L. Ryuzaki
If you are reading this, then the worst has happened. I don't have a lot of time to explain everything but you must know this. Mr.Emilio is one of THEM, he is traitor and whatever you do my son do not trust him or whoever he might be consulting with. This is a hard time we live in Mio figlio, and in these dark times the battle between life and death is shifting constantly, Evey day more of us die and we are struggling to revive the order. What I am trying to say Ryuga is that we fight a battle that goes beyond that of an ordinary war. We serve an order that ensure peace in all things we are known by all. You, Dante as well as myself and others as Assassins. Think hard my son and it will soon make sense. By the time your reading this I will be gone, unable to answer your questions. However, I leave with you my robes and weapons this is the garb we wear and the tools we carry at our disposal, inside the Bracer you will find a letter, take this to a man that goes by the name "The Fox" he will have the answers. And remember my son always that no matter what happens I will always be there to give you the courage in your heart and the strength in your might so that you may be better ready to strike against our enemies. Remember everything I have taught you and Go with God my son...Buona fortuna."
Your loving father,
Anthony L. Ryuzaki
Tears fell from my eyes but before I could do anything, suddenly there was something coming from the other end of the hall.
"Va bene` I want everything searched leave nothing untouched We'll find it eventually" "This way!"