Avatar based off of:

Name: Etsuko
Age: 8
Weight/Height: 60 lbs / 4'2''. (avg weight is about 50. she's that heavy because she eats alot. but shes not fat. just a little bit chubby.)
Breed/Race: Panda/Human hybrid.. thing.
Favorite food: Bamboo.
Info: Was an experiment. Crossing a human with a Panda. It was successful, but they carelessly sent her away on a boat, away from china, to the US. She got out of her cage/crate/thing as she was being taken off the boat, and has been wandering around in search of bamboo. She has no memories of her old family, and as far as she knows, she thinks she's full panda.
Origin: China
Personality: Playful, happy/cheery, & hyper.. Gets tired easily from hyperactivity.
Older brother.
Avatar based off of:

Name: Lucas
Age: 21
Weight/Height: 170 lbs / 6'1''
Favorite food: Anything Chinese.
Info: Very protective over his little sister, even though they fight a lot. He doesn't give into his sister when she tries to beg him to buy her stuff. Tries keeping in touch with his friends, but is usually distracted by his sister, and the trouble that she gets herself into. Got tattoos when his sister was 4 to make her believe she was born the way she is.
Origin: America
Personality: Serious, Somewhat stubborn at times, smug, & can also be cunning.
Little sister.
Avatar based off of:

Name: Lucy
Age: 13
Weight/Height: 117 lbs / 5'5''
Favorite food: Eggplant Parmesan
Info: Thinks that her brother is extremely annoying, and says that he never lets her do anything. She, like the panda girl, was an experiment to combine two animals: A tiger and a human. However, her parents never agreed to it, and they got her out in time so that she didn't change at the time.. Over time, she grew a tail and ears. And before she turned 6, both of her parents died. However, she never really got too emotional over deaths; She knew it was just part of life.
Origin: America
Personality: Stubborn, easy to irritate, & can get very mean, but is also kind-hearted, deep down.
Plotline: Two siblings are arguing and walking along in a forest when they spot a panda-girl hybrid. So they take her home and the panda girl thing gets them into trouble by eating their stuff and whatnot. Then they get into more trouble when the company/scientists who 'created' the girl tries to take her back but they dont want to give her back cus she doesnt wanna go. Then they end up fighting them and winning and such, but then they continue to experience difficulties from the girl.