Hime wavered in and out of conciousness when she heard what was going on. She changed back to human form and limped over to where Yomi was. She stepped in front of Yomi and looked up at Senri weakly, "Please...Mr. Senri..." She passed out on Senri after she spoke, not able to handle the pain anymore.
Senri didn't know it was Hime because he was confused and disoriented, so he threw her off of him towards the bushes when Hime passed out on him. He sent Hime flying in the same direction as Yomi and Hime knocked into her.
Yomi was knocked back with Hime on top of her as they landed in the bushes from Senri's throw "noo!... Hime!" she grunted as they landed. Yomi passed out for a second as well
Hime still fought against her weakness as she crawled to Senri and spoke softly holding the flower that was in her hair. She didn't speak, but she knew that at any moment, Senri would try to kill her.
Husky wriggled from Cooro's grasp, "We have to help them! Senri will kill them if we don't!"
Yomi got up and got in front of Hime and said "stay back!" then she lunged at Senri and had him in a headlock so she can bring him down and control him
Senri tried to scratch at Yomi to get her off but her grip was really tight on him. he finally flung her off and he lunged at Hime but stopped mid-lunge and a flash of his memories came to him, he saw himself givin Hime the flower.
Hime struggled to her feet as she looked over at Nana, "Ms. Nana, we have to...get to the Kim-Un-kUR village...they'll know what to do..."
Nana agreed with Hime "yeah let's go" she walked with Hime to the village
Yomi stayed behind with Husky and Cooro to hold off Senri
she still had him in the headlock partially, but his strength was starting to overpower hers.
Senri broke out of Yomi's hold around him and he threw her off and sent her flying towards a tree. Then he ran off when he noticed that Hime left with Nana
Hime's fox senses kicked in as she started to do her best to run away from Senri, but she collapsed on the ground but waved to Nana, "Keep on...going...I'll hold him off."
Cooro and Husky came down in front of Hime, "Senri please stop, we don't want to hurt you."
"Stand down Senri."
Senri's eyes widedned as he tried to remember the others, he growled in agony and then he passed out on the ground
Yomi finally came to and found the others and senri passed out on the ground and Hime collapsed as well, she ran to her and lifted her to a sitting position "Hime! hun, are you ok?!"
Nana stood by Hime and Yomi and watched with a concerned expression on her face.
Hime nodded weakly as she looked over at Senri, "We have to...get him to the village." She turned to Cooro, "Please go and get help."
Cooro left for a few moments and came back with the village cheif.
The cheif looked at Senri and Hime, "Please follow me. We'll mend your wounds." He picked up Senri and started walking towards the village.
Senri was following the others, and he had a confused expression on his face "who are you?" he asked
Yomi's eyes widened in suprise "uh oh, he must have gotten amnesia..
not good"
Nana followed and asked "huh? what's amnesia?"
Hime shook her head in disbelief, "I don't have time to deal with this..."
Husky replied to Nana's question, "It's when you forget everything and you don't remember things like friends and family, or even your own name."
The cheif took Hime and responded to the others, "We will take care of the girl, please wait for her to mend a bit and rest before seeing her. She is in very bad condition."
Yomi and Nana said at the same time "wow, not good" they were both worried about Senri and Hime but know that they are in safe hands with the cheif
Senri was resting and was trying to remember things....
Yomi said to the chief "well, cheif should a few of us go out and scout the area for something that might help Senri and perhaps grab something to eat?"
The cheif nodded his head, "That would be a good idea." When he finished wrapping Hime up and she was asleep, he laid her next to Senri.
Cooro nodded, "I'll stay here, in case they wake up."
Husky went with Yomi to go get supplies.
Yomi walked with Husky into the forest. she thought to herself for a while, and she looked at Husky, something about him appealed to her even though he was a bit of a hothead towards girls. she liked his gorgeous silverish-blue hair and sapphire eyes. she blushed a little at the thought when it hit her that she was alone with him, and then she quickly regained composure and focused on the situation at hand, she said "I hope they will be ok with us gone for a bit. this forest is huge and it may take a while to get through it."
As Senri was asleep he started to get his memories back and he had a really special dream. He dreamed that he and Hime were married and are living a happy life...he woke up but Hime was still asleep and he looked at her and smiled and stroked her hair gently as to not wake her up.
Hime opened her eyes weakly and did her best to stay awake. She tried to smile at Senri, but the pain was on her face still, "How are you feeling...Mr. Senri?"
Husky nodded his head, "I think they'll be fine. Cooro and Nana are there and I think Hime and Senri will be out for a while." Husky realized when he said where everyone was that he was alone with her and blushed looking away from Yomi so she wouldn't see it.
Senri looked at Hime with a bit of a gleam in his eyes "i'm feeling fine Hime, um... there's something i want to tell you...." he was feeling nervous but was close to mustering up the courage to tell Hime what he wanted to tell her
Yomi agreed with Husky "yeah you're right!" she giggled happily and smiled. Then she noticed that Husky turned away quickly, she thought Awww, is he blushing? then she asked giving a coy smile "Husky, was that you blushing?" she giggled like a giddy school girl and blushed herself
Hime was still weak and filled with pain, but she responded, "Yes, what is it...Mr. Senri?"
Husky faced Yomi quickly and was blushing even worse now. He tried to hide it as best he could by talking to her, "Um...so, what's it like having to deal with Hime all the time?"
Senri blushed and finally spoke "well...you know how I love you?... I want you to be mine, for as long as we live..." then he held Hime's hands in his and gave her a kiss on her wrist
Yomi smiled and said "well, it can be a bit frustrating to deal with her when she is in the mood to do reckless things, but over all i don't mind dealing with her, I love her as though she were my sister."
Hime stared at Senri and blushed. She knew that it was impossible for her to be with him since her father wanted to keep the royal blood line in tact, but she was happy with him. She smiled as she tried to get to a sitting position and leaned her head on his shoulder, "Thank you."
Husky turned away from Yomi and responded, "That's a close bond, but what about us? Nana, Cooro, Senri, and...me?"
Senri smiled at Hime and held her close to him. "you're welcome, my love."
Yomi smiled again and said "I love you all, I love Cooro and Nana as though they were my children and Senri as a brother and....I Love you" she blushed as she said this
Hime moved slowly as she looked into Senri's eyes, "Thank you so much." She was blushing at him.
Husky blushed as he responded, "I...uh...love you too..." He took Yomi's hand in his.
Senri smiled and he lifted Hime onto his lap and had ler leg hitch around his hip and his hands were around her waist at the small of her back. He leaned in towards her neck and nestled his face close to her collarbone
Yomi blushed a lot when Husky Held her hand "thank you, husky...." she smiled and continues to walk with Husky hand in hand.
Hime blushed as Senri held her and had his head on her neck. She reponded to the motion quickly, "S...Senri...what are you?" She was so startled by it that she couldn't even finish her sentence.
Husky smiled, "For what, I didn't do anything...just responded to a statement."
Senri continued to hold her and he pressed his lips on her neck and kissed her "its okay.."
Yomi smiled back and said "you said you love me too! i'm happy that you do, actually i've had an interest in you ever since i got to know you.."
Hime closed her eyes, but decided to take her hand and move Senri from her neck to face her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips against his.
Husky blushed, "At first I found you repulsive, but for some reason I couldn't help but be attracted to you."
Senri closed his eyes too as he still held Hime around her waist. his lips met hers and he kissed her with his mouth partailly open and his tongue touched Hime's during the kiss.
Yomi was happy and she said "really? that's how i felt about you at first, i thought that you were a brat, but later on I couldn't help but be attracted to you too" she giggled
Hime blushed as she pulled away and looked at Senri.
Husky smiled, "It's strange how people who like each other can be very similar."
Senri looked into Hime's eyes after the kiss and smiled "there, how was that?"
Yomi agreed "yeah, it is. but also, opposites attract too."
Hime's face went red, "Incredibly embarrasing..."
Husky nodded, "True, which reminds, we might want to check up on the lovely couple."
Senri smiled and said "love is something not to be embarassed about."
Yomi agreed with Husky "yeah I think we should" then she walked with Husky back towards the village
Hime rested head on Senri's shoulder, "I'm so...tired." She passed out in his arms from all the exurtion she put on herself in her condition.
Husky was still red as he walked with Yomi, "So...what do you think their doing?"
Senri let Hime sleep in his arms "sleep well, get some rest my princess." he stroked her gently as she slept
Yomi said "I think they are still sleeping, they had a lot taken out of them."
Husky nodded, "I don't know why Hime kept fighting though. She could barely stand."
Yomi said "well, like I said. she likes to rush into things and she gets a mindset that she can win anything. and on top of all that, she doesn't take her anemia into consideration very much..."
senri fell asleep as he was snuggled up with Hime
Husky sighed, "I see. She never listens, kind of like Cooro." He laughed a bit as he thought about it.
Yomi laughed with him "yeah! hehehe"
Husky blushed, "Well, here we are. I should go check on Nana and Cooro. I'll...see you around." He let go of Yomi's hand unwillingly as he walked off to go find Cooro and Nana.
Yomi blushed too and said "ok, see you in a bit" she waved and decided to check on Hime and Senri
Senri woke up and was still holding Hime who was still asleep at the moment.
Nana flew up to Husky and said "hi husky!! where've you been?"
Cooro followed behind, "He was in the forest with Yomi."
Husky blushed, "Yes, I was getting supplies for our stay here with Yomi. So, how are Senri and Hime?"
Yomi peeked her head into the teepee that Hime and senri were in "hello.. how are you guys doing?" she smiled
Senri said "we're fine, Hime is still asleep though" he pointed to Hime who was snuggled up with him.
Nana said "they are fine, they were asleep the last time i checked. but they might be awake now."
Cooro nodded his head.
Husky also nodded, "If that's the case, we should go see them."
Hime winced as she moved and looked up at Yomi, "Hello Yomi..." She sounded tired.
Yomi smiled and said "hi Hime! looks like you're awake now, how are ya feeling?"
Senri said as Hime woke up "oh good! you're awake!"
Nana led the others to the teepee
Husky immediatly backed up a bit, "Um...Senri, why is Hime on you?"
Hime blinked and responded to Yomi, "Wonderful, in a lot of pain, but other than that I feel wonderful"
Senri blushed "oh! umm.. she was tired and wanted to sleep on me" he didn't want them to know that he proposed to Hime yet....
Yomi said "good, I'm glad you are feeling better" she smiled
Nana was wondering the same thing as Husky and when Senri answered she said "oh! ok"
Hime got up off her Senri and to her feet. She faced everyone, "Alright, we need to get back to Astar, reasons why. I have some business to take care of.
Husky protested, "But you are hurt badly and can barely stand, let alone walk."
Yomi agreed with Husky "yeah, I mean, you should rest for a bit longer before you start exerting your body again. Give yourself time to heal"
Senri and Nana agreed with everyone
Hime shook her head, "Did you really think I was going to be walking? Cooro!"
Cooro ran over, "Yes?"
Hime put her hand on his shoulder, "You will fly me to Astar. I don't need to sleep."
Yomi smiled "ah nice! do a good job Cooro" then she winked at Hime and Cooro
Senri smiled and said "alright, let's get going. Hime wants to go"
Nana jumped into the air and hovered untill they were ready to go
Hime held out her hand to Cooro who was hovering in the air. When he took her hand he flew out of the hut and into the air.
Husky ran after him, "Make sure not to drop her!"
Yomi ran alongside Husky and shouted the same thing "Don't drop her!!! it's a good thing she's light"
Senri watched Cooro and Hime carefully as they flew
Nana flew alongside Cooro and asked Hime "so what kind of business do you have to take care of in Astar?"
Hime smiled wickedly at Nana, "I'm royalty, what business do you think I have to attend to?" She looked down at everyone, "What are you all so worried about, don't you know fox's land on their feet?" She turned back to Nana, remembering something, "By the way, I wanted to let you know that I'm going to get 'royal' clothes made for you all. I thought you might like that."
Husky stared up at Hime then looked at Yomi, "She's not afraid to fall, is she?"
Yomi shook her head and said "nope, she's fine" then she smiled and gave Hime a thumbs up and a wink
Senri smiled and said "new clothes would be nice! thank you Hime my dear"
Nana was happy about the idea of getting new clothes "yay! i'll look like a princess just like Hime!!"
Hime saw the entrance of the nobility ranks area and tugged on Cooro, "That way, we land there."
Cooro landed as she had said and his wings disappeared.
Husky looked around, "This is where the nobility sleep and live. Why are we in this area?"
Yomi answered Husky's question "I think this is where we will get our new clothes. I was allowed to live in this area when I wasn't at the palace with Hime, since I was in the military."
Senri and Nana nodded their heads
Senri said "I hope we don't get caught as intruders even though they would recognize Hime and Yomi"
Hime wagged her finger, "That's not true, they won't recognize us unless I do this." Hime took the ribbon from her hair and let her long red hair fall. After people ran up to her and started asking her questions until finally they escortated her to the catlse, "I shall meet up with you later, yes?"
Husky shook his head, "That was weird."
Yomi giggled and waved to Hime "ok! later, hun!" then she paused and turned to the others "ok guys, I know this area so I'll be your guide"
senri and Nana nodded and waited for further information
Cooro nodded his head, "Okay."
Husky nodded as well, "Alright, then what's our first plan of action?"
Yomi said "first we should lay low and try to blend in while Hime is getting our royal clothes, then once that is done we go to the castle"
Senri and Nana liked the plan
Husky shook his head, "Why not head to the castle now? If the clothes are there, we should go there."
Yomi said "yeah we could do that but we may be turned down at the gate, Hime is going to try and escape and give us the clothes then."
Husky sighed, "Well, let's head to the castle anyway, anything to make these nobles stop staring at us."
Yomi nodded her head and said "alright let`s get going" then she led the others to the castle gates.
At the castle gates, commander Igneous was there. He looked at Yomi from head to toe and his eyes widened and he said "Yomi? is that you? where have you been?"
Senri and Nana were suprides that Igneous was here talking to Yomi.
Hime waved her hand from the tower porch of her room. She yelled down to Igneous, "Iggy! Let them in, even the Kim-Un-Kur! They are my friends and guests!"
Husky stared up and Hime and noticed a difference in her appearance, "Is it me, or does she look a lot different from before?"
Yomi quickly looked up at Hime and gave a smile and thumbs up and yelled up to her "don`t worry! I`ll make sure he follows your orders!" then she turned to Husky and said "she just changed clothes" and then she looked at Igneous with her arms crossed across her chest in a cocky manner to try and intimidate him " yes commander, it is me. now will you please follow Her highness`s orders and let us in?"
Igneous glared for a moment at them and said "fine, Yomi, I suppose I`ll let you in..." then he reluctantly opened the doors
Hime carefully came down the stairs, her bandages covered by they gold and white dress she was wearing. When she saw them she clapped her hands together and two maids came over. She spoke to them in her royal voice, "I would like you to take my friends to the clothes quarters and allow them to pick out and wear whatever they please. When they have finished dressing please allow them to roam free, but please escort Ms. Yomi and Mr. Senri to my room once they have finished. I have some news to share with them.
The maids followed their orders and curtsied, "Yes, Your Majesty." They gestured to the guests, "Please follow us, we will help you change out of those raggy clothes."
Husky followed them without another word.
Cooro walked alongside Husky, "This place is really big isn't it? I can't believe that Hime lives here."
Yomi nodded and said "ok, see you in a bit" then she responded to Cooro's comment "yep. this place IS big, Hime and I had a lot of fun playing hide and seek when we were little" then she followed the maids to the dressing rooms and picked out a red and black dress that came down to her knees, black knee high boots, black gloves that came to her just above her elbows and a red ribbon to tie her hair back with. When she was finnished she waited for Senri to finnish.
Senri picked out a nice white button up shirt and tan colored pants, and he still kept his tan colored shoes. when he was finnished he met up with yomi.
Nana picked out a blue dress with flowers on it and blue shoes. when she was done she waited for Cooro and Husky.
HUsky shook his head, "I'm sorry, but I'm comfortable in what I'm wearing." He went over to Nana's side.
Cooro followed. He liked his outfit since it reminded him of home...kind of...
The maids nodded their heads, "Alright, children, you can roam the castle and do as you please as long as you don't break anything. You two, please follow me." The maids lead them to Hime's room as she was leaning on her balcony staring at the sky, "Your Majesty, the guests."
Hime turned around and walked forward gracefully, "Thank you very much, you may leave. As for you guys, I have some...bad news."
Yomi`s white cat ears popped out in surprise "huh? what is it Hime? What happened?"
Senri was concerned about what was going on too "yes, what is it?" he took Himes hand`s as he stood in front of her and looked into her eyes
Hime took her hands away from Senri and turned around sadly. She lifted her left hand to show them a ring, "I'm to be wed to a noble. I don't really care for him, but Iggy, Fly, and Father tell me that it's the best thing I can do."
Yomi's ears stiffened up in surprise again "What!? but you love Senri!! you should be able to marry the one you love!!! this is messed up, I never really understood why our system is like this..."
Senri agreed with Yomi "you should be able to marry your true love! not some snotty noble who is probably gonna end up leaving you anyway and not really love you." he held Hime's hands again
Hime stood tall, "I have to, whether it is my choice or not. It's for my people." She held Senri's hands tightly, "But I really don't want to."
Senri persisted "if you don't want to marry him then don't!" he paused and then continued "your people will be just fine if you don't marry him"
Then he pressed his lips against Hime's in a passionate kiss
Yomi agreed with Senri "he's right, y'know, it's not gonna be then end of the world if you don't marry this noble fellow"
Hime pulled away from Senri with tears forming on her face. She ran out of the room crying as she went to go to the garden and cry to Fly.
Senri tried to stop Hime but she ran out of the room too quickly. "oh no, what have I done?" he held his face in his hands in grief
Yomi's ears drooped down and went back in and she started to cry too "poor Hime...I wish there was something we can do.."
Fly was in the Garden and he heared Hime's sobs as she ran towards him "Hime? what's wrong?"
She hugged Fly tightly, "I don't want to do it! I don't want to do it!"
Fly had her in his arms and tried to comfort her "now tell me, why do you not want to marry this fine man we have arranged for you?"
Hime looked up at him, "Fly, would Father hate me if I thought I loved a Kim-Un-Kur?"
Fly thought for a moment "well, Kit, I'm not sure what your father would think..we'll just have to wait and see"
Hime pulls away as she stares up at Fly, "You haven't called me that in years Fly."
Fly smiles and says "I know, but it is your true name"
Hime nodded her head, "Yes, I know, but I never really liked it very much. You know that, that's why I prefer people to call me Hime, but everyone around her calls me Her Majesty or Your Highness. Stupids. Anyway, that's not the point Fly, what am I going to do?"
Fly had his hand on his chin, thinking. he said "well, Hime, if you love someone else I think you should try and convince your father to allow it. He wants you to be happy"
Hime scoffed at Fly, "You really think my Father wants me to be happy? Father wouldn't let me leave the castle because of what I am, and if I did, I had to have bunches of body guards all around me. I highly doubt he let me marry a Kim-Un-Kur." She held her right hand up to show the flower ring that Senri had given her.
Fly looked at the ring and said " I know that your father doesn't like the Kim-Un-Kur, but I think we may be able to do something about that, I have a plan in mind" and then looked in Hime's eyes "Hime, your father did those things because he cares about you."
Hime popped her ears and tail out, "Why? Because of this? What's your plan anyway? I know you as a genius, but some of your ideas scare me."
Fly smiled and said "my plan is simple, you and your Kim-un-kur lover can prove to your father that kim-un-kurs are not bad people and are very good in our world"
Hime blushed for a moment at the statement of lover, then she realized something, "Fly, does it matter if he's....a +Anima?"
Fly smiled and replied "well, the fact that he's a +Anima shouldn't be a problem, since you are one as well...and again, we can convince your father that +Anima are alright too"
Hime nodded slightly, "Well, Father listens to you more than he does me. He won't look my way since I left."
Fly nodded too and said "alright, I'll help you"
Hime nodded as she walked with him back into the castle. When she was inside she faced him, "I'm feeling tired. I'll see you in the morning Fly." She kissed him on the cheek and then ran off to her room. Where she fell on the bed and stared at the ceiling, "Senri..."
Fly smiled and said "alright my dear, good night" he kissed Hime on the hand before she went to her room. then he though maybe I should talk to this kim-Un-Kur boyfriend of hers and see what he thinks of what she and I talked about today. He went to go look for Senri
Senri was outside in the other courtyard, meditiating and gathering his thoughts. he heard Fly approach and he said "oh hello, what do you want?"
Yomi got back to the castle after she went on a walk to gather her thoughts too. she decided to see how Hime was doing before she turned in for the night. she went to Hime's room and gently knocked on the door "hello, it's me Yomi. may I come in for a minute?"
Hime sat up in her bed and responded, "Yes, please come in." She spoke in her royal voice, since she would be having to use it a lot now that she was home.
Yomi came in and smiled "hey hun, how's it going? is everything alright?" she sat at the edge of the bed. she was used to hearing Hime speak in her royal voice sine they grew up together. Yomi speaks with a bit of an accent too.
Fly told Senri about what he and Hime talked about "Senri we need your help, since Hime doesn't want to marry the noble that was originally planned for her and wants to marry you instead, we need your help in convincing her father to let her marry you"
Senri smiled "alright, what do you have in mind?"
Hime hugged Yomi, "I....don't want to marry him." Her anemia started to kick in and she fainted in Yomi's arms.
Yomi caught Hime as she fainted into her arms "it's alright, everything is going to be okay" then she comforted Hime as she was in her arms. then she set Hime down gently and sat by her bedside all night as she was asleep and out from anemia
Fly told Senri his plan "tomorrow you and Hime will approach the king and tell him about your relationship and how Kim-un-Kurs are good people"
Senri nodded and said "sounds good to me"
Hime rolled over in her sleep and spoke as always, "Senri....I'm sorry." A tear rolled down from her eye as she was asleep.
Yomi saw the tear roll down Hime's cheek from her eye as she spoke in her sleep. Yomi stroked Hime's cheek to wipe away the tear gently "Hime...." she softly spoke
Senri told fly that he was going inside for the night "ok, i'm going to get some sleep" then he went inside and went up to Hime's room to check on her, he knocked on the door softly
Fly said good night and went inside to his room too
Hime winced at the noise, but didn't wake, she was still fast asleep as she rolled and turned in her bed.
Yomi went to the door to see who it was and she let in Senri "Hi Senri, Hime is fast asleep, shhh" she said softly
Senri nodded and also spoke softly "alright, but how is she doing? I have something to tell her when she wakes up in the morning"
Hime winced again as tears fell down her face again. She was obviously holding something in, but she wasn't letting anyone know what. Not even Senri.
Yomi and Senri watch as Hime cried in her sleep
Yomi said softly "poor girl, she's had a hard life ever since she became princess when she was little"
Senri said "yeah, but hopefully the plan we have will help put her at ease and make her happier" he wiped Hime's tears off her cheeks with a gentle brush from his hand
Hime rolled over and wrapped her arms around Senri. She didn't let go, and snuggled against him.
Senri enjoyed the snuggling and he gently wraped his arms around Hime
"there there, keep resting my love" he said softly
Yomi smiled and whispered to Senri "I'll leave you two to your privacy for the night, good night" then she quietly left the rom and went to her own room and flopped down on the bed "ahh"
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Aisuru Megami
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~ I am Meiko! haha! would you like to party with me?~