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hi mew hope you like it mew<3
a series of stories by me...#1
I did not write this my best friend, and fellow fanfictioner wrote this as a favor to me please enjoy as much as I did. But niether of us own Yu-gi-oh

(Okay, so first off, I'd like to say sorry for my obvious lack of time spared writing the fanfic starring Joey Wheeler x Seto Kaiba. As of this very moment, I'm on a train headed toward Sacramento, and am unable to find any wireless network connection at all. That and I forget where I left off. x_x; SO, to make up for that, and to compensate for my boredom, I am going to write a little mini story inside the story -- Just for you!!)

A Midsummer Night's Fling: A Mutt and an a*****e --

Another glance at the watch told Joey that it was 8:20. One minute past when he last looked at it. A sigh brushed past his lips, rustling a few stray blond strands that had come to rest around his eyes. Theater doors behind him opened, spilling out the group who just finished watching their movie - The one he was supposed to go see. Shoving hands in his pockets, one long leg flexed to kick a pebble in disappointment. This was the third girl this month that stood him up for a date. And once more, he'd walk home alone.
"Damn", he muttered to himself in that rugged Brooklyn accent, and turned away from the bright neon lights of the theater.
Tonight was a balmy, clear evening. Couples were lined up against the shops along the main street of Domino City, where Joey aptly decided to avoid. Their laughing, smiling faces were like salt in the open wound. He'd taken the time to get decent for tonight's date, too. A nice, crisp white button-up, but he left the cuffs folded back around his wrists and left the first couple buttons undone to personalize it - Just like him, pretty to look at, but rough around the edges. He'd worn faded blue jeans, and a good pair of sneakers. And that cologne? It wasn't the kind of stuff you'd find on a typical high-school boy. It was expensive. One of the few things in his life he could boast about. Yeah, lookin' sharp alright. Too bad he forgot no one wants to date "second-best".
So, avoiding the bright lights and populated area of Domino, Joey turned onto a rougher, darker side of the town. The part of town that secretly felt like home to the retired trouble-maker. Just because he had given up his bad-boy days didn't mean the other thugs did, however. Too immersed in his own plight of the heartbreak-blues, Joey didn't pay any mind to the snickering laughter or eyes following him down that corroded, dingy avenue, where even the streetlamps were afraid to shine too brightly.
"Hey, handsome. Y'lookin' for love on the wrong side of town", a coarse voice called from over Joey's shoulder.
At this, he stopped walking.
"C'mon, just make my night. I'm in da mood to kick some kiester", the Brooklyn-boy called just behind him. He hadn't turned around just to see how many of those brutes there were until after he said this. Eight to nine guys lined the street behind Joey, blocking off the escape route back to decent civilization. Some of them were carrying pipes. Others, chains. And...Was that a gun? Joey felt a lump in his throat that was suddenly hard to swallow.
"Perfect", he thought, "my date was a no-show, and now this." Who was it that always said Joey had too big of a mouth to be human? At this present time, it was hard to remember.
The gang was starting to close in around Joey, who instinctively took a step back. They jeered, throwing rocks in an attempt to scare him off. But Joey was a stubborn fool in the face of an adversary. When the first of the few unarmed thugs ran forward, the limber school-boy made quick work of him, showing just how much faster he was compared to the brute's sluggish punches.
But fists would do no good against that pipe that came crashing down on the back of his bare neck. After countless kicks to the ribs, those chains lashing at his body, tearing at his clothes, the supposed leader of the renegade group shouted for the brutal assault to cease. Bruised, bleeding, and pretty sure this was the worst day of his life, Joey looked up from the ground at the barrel of that revolver he spied earlier..
"Gotta admit, you've got some guts. Too bad they're about to be all over the cement."
Joey's chocolate brown eyes reflected the shine off that gun, the moon catching it so brilliantly. It was ironic that something so gorgeous would be the death of him. Giving a dejected sigh, the boy hung his head, preparing for the worst.
Then he heard it. That gunshot.
One eye opened. He didn't feel dead... And he wasn't bleeding. Or in excruciating pain, as one would think when getting a bullet to the noggin. In fact, it was the guy holding the gun to his head that was bleeding, crying tears of agony as he held what was left of his mutilated hand. The thumb was broken clean off, the gun scattered on the ground at his knees. And his followers had all scattered. But... How?

There was a figure standing next to him. Even in his beaten state, Joey could feel the brush of fabric against his side. And a voice. Smooth and cold as steel itself.
"You have until the count of five to get out of my range of fire. Be grateful I'm feeling generous today."
Naw. It couldn't be. Joey just had to get up and look for himself. Though, that first task may prove to be the most diffucult yet in his sore, bruised state.
It made no difference whether Joey attempted to stand, because the brave individual who had saved him from certain demolition was kneeling beside him. A rough hand made to grab Joey's sore, bruised arm and heaved him to his feet with ease. Through his swollen eyes it was difficult to see anything clearly. Though who could mistake those ice-cold eyes that pierced his soul like bubble wrap?
"Kaiba...?" The word was garbled, Joey's bottom lip was busted open to bleed freely down his chin.
The individual didn't answer verbally, but merely gave a significant nod of the head.
"No way... You just --", the words were cut short by Seto Kaiba's brutally harsh tone.
"Don't mention it. Ever."
Joey made to wrinkle his nose in disgust at the retort, but winced as he found that was broken too.
"And stop moving so much. You look bad enough as it is." Once more, Kaiba's words cut Joey to the quick. It was the most predominant thing about this young man; he was impersonal.
Wringing his wounded arm from Kaiba's ever-so-slightly-violent grasp, Joey managed to scrunch his dirt-bespeckled face into a glare.
"I didn't ask for your help, or your opinion. I tried to thank you, and all I get is your "I'm-too-cool" act. why don't you give it a rest?" The words came spilling out so quickly, Joey hardly realized he'd said it. He felt guilty, but his pride wouldn't allow him to show it. No way was he gonna say "thank you" to this guy.
That last sentence brought on an uneasy, awkward silence between them. Neither of them moved for what felt like some time. Until Kaiba stepped in closer to Joey.
"Would you stop your pointless whining for two seconds? I'm going to take you to the hospital." Seto Kaiba's voice was low enough for Joey to hear, but it was touched with something Joey -- Nor practically anyone else on this planet had ever heard. Was that sympathy? Kaiba reached out to take Joey's arm again, this time only just touching it with his fingertips before it was yanked away again.
"I ain't goin' nowhere with you! I dunno how you found me, or why you saved me, but it's clear that you don't enjoy my company. The feelin' is mutual, pal! I --" The hand reached out forcefully, long digits wrapping around his arm with finesse. This time, Kaiba pushed into Joey, throwing him against the nearby brick wall of an old warehouse. Pinning him to the unmoving stone, Kaiba pushed his weight into Joey, and brought his face dangerously close. It looked as if Joey had let his motor mouth get him into even more trouble and secretly he began to wonder if he wasn't better off being handled by the gang.
"So you think you know me, do you mutt?" Kaiba pressed his chest against Joey's, despite his wincing expressions. Seto knew he must be hurting him to some degree, but if this was the only way to get that thick-skulled boy to listen, so be it.
Kaiba leaned in closer, his leg brushing the inside of Joey's thigh. He could feel his cool breath on his blood-moistened lips now, his own coming out in hot pants fueled by nervousness and the uncomfortable predicament he now found himself in. Joey uttered a soft sound of protest, but it was silenced by Kaiba's smooth lips, pressed suddenly to his own. They were crushing, more fierce than passionate. And yet, at the same time, irresistible. Joey felt his head spin. He was kissing a [GUY]! And not just any guy -- THE Seto Kaiba.
When he finally relinquished his lips from Joey's, headlights were turning the corner of the dingy street where they both stood. It was Kaiba's company limo. The teenage millionaire stood up straight, and steered Joey toward the car, his hand still on his arm. Joey didn't fight it. He was too dazed, confused, and sore to put up an argument. Once inside the car, Kaiba paged the driver.
"To the hospital. Not the public one -- My personal clinic."
Joey chanced a look at the boy who had both saved his life, and violated all sanctity of his lips in one night. He noticed his blue eyes had gone back to being the familiar ice-cold color he recognized as the trademark of Kaiba's snarky attitude. But he also noticed how the moonlight cast a somber blue glow across his flawless features, while he (after taking a look in the reflective tinted glass separating their seats from the driver) looked like something even the cat wouldn't claim he dragged in. After wiping the bottom of his chin from dried blood, Joey turned to look at Kaiba once more.
"What was that?"
Kaiba raised a brow, and turned to look at Joey for the first time since they got in the vehicle.
"What are you mumbling about?"
"THAT. Back there. What was that for?"
At this, Seto's blue eyes redirected themselves to the window.
"It was just to get you to shut up. You talk too much."
Joey opened his mouth to reply, but shut it as the car began to slow in front of a moderately-sized medical clinic.
The car door was opened by the driver, and Kaiba stepped gracefully out of the sleek black model, and began to walk toward the automatic entrance doors of the hospital marked "Emergency Room". Joey however, did not budge from the leather seat. Arms crossed over his chest, a hand brushed dried blood from his cheek. He had made up his mind -- He wasn't going if he could help it.
"You don't have a choice, Wheeler. I already paged the medical staff. They'll be out with a gurney if you don't walk in with me." Seto Kaiba called over his shoulder as the doors slid open, and he glided inside.
"Wh--WHA?" Joey's chocolate brown eyes turned to the driver, who waited impatiently at the door of the limousine. "He's kidding, right?"
But his question was answered as six nurses and assistants ran out the door with impossible speed, a transportable bed at their disposal. Joey tried to shut the door and lock it, but it was too late. They'd wrenched the door open, and pulled him out of the vehicle, despite his angry ranting and disapproving protests.
"Put me down, ya buncha medical interns! I can walk just fine!! HEY, NO NEEDLES. Whaddya think yer doin'?! Watch da hands, pal!!"

...And several moments later, Joey was in the treatment room, where he stayed the night at Kaiba's request.
It must have been six in the morning when the blond-haired, bandaged boy woke to rustling sounds in his room. He hadn't been awake at six since last school session. Opening his eyes, which watered from the ache of his muscles, Joey blinked several times to clear the fog.
The drapes were opened near his bed, instantly pouring sunlight into his dark room, and at the same time, casting a tall shadow over his chest. With the light being cast from behind the figure, Joey couldn't make out who it was, the sillohuette impossible to make out. And, to be perfectly honest, the young patient found himself nervous as it approached his bedside.
Whatever thoughts or feelings of apprehension or nerves he had before he saw the visitor were instantly forgotten as soon as he made out the flawless porcelain features of the high-school entrepreneur. All the memories from the night before came flooding back like a wave.
[He... Kissed .... me...]
Joey had never seen Kaiba's face like this before. To be honest, he'd never shown much interest in the physical aspects of his moral rival. But now, Joey suddenly found himself absolutely entranced by those striking blue eyes, smooth, cool lips so effortlessly poised in a line, selfish and impersonal. And his hair, framing the long jaw line of his features. He'd never before noticed how light his hair was in the sun... No longer a dark, dull brown, but almost the color of amber...
What the hell was he doing?! Snap out of it, Joey! That's a GUY. Not only that, it's SETO KAIBA, world-renowned millionaire, professional a*****e, and all-around jerk of the universe! Before he knew it, his cheeks started to redden, and quickly Joey turned his head to avoid the piercing gaze of his most unwelcome visitor.
"I was required to come pay for your expenses. You're being released this afternoon." The words were enunciated with the flavor of ice; smooth to the touch. Did Kaiba notice Joey's flustered expression? Was that why his slender fingers reached out to brush the golden hair behind Joey's ear?
"Try not to get yourself in any more trouble."
At his touch, Joey spun around in his bed, revealing his now bright pink cheeks to the sunlight and his sarcastic rival.
"Jus' whaddya gettin' at, Kaiba?! Ya never took no notice to me before, so why all the nice-ness now? If I didn't know no bettah, I'd say --" Joey suddenly shrinked into the pillows behind him, Kaiba extending both of his arms across his body to grasp the iron bars on either side of his hospital cot. The expression on his face was nothing short of silently meanacing, especially so as Seto leaned in over Joey, looming threateningly next to his ear.
"I think you've said more than enough, mutt. You think you're too good for my help, don't you?" The tone was soft, no longer cutting. Could it be... Hurt? "So be it. You won't hear from me again." Joey could feel Seto's eyes staring into his very soul, chilling him to the bone the way they invaded his veins. He couldn't move, not even when Kaiba approached his lips again, pausing just mere centimeters away. Joey could feel his sweet breath moistening his own stitched lips, sore and tender from the fight. And he found himself longing for Seto to make contact -- To get it over with. But none ever came. Kaiba straightened up, and turned on his heel, nimbly throwing the door open, and disappearing without another word.
And suddenly, Joey never felt more alone.


It was a month later when Joey saw Kaiba again. He had finished putting his books away in the school lockers, when he heard the hallway door open and close. Swift, elegant footsteps carried Seto beyond Joey's peripheral vision, spying him only out of the corner of his eye. It was like seeing a rare endangered species when Seto Kaiba attended school -- He was so busy running his family corporation, there was usually no spare time to actually go to school. That's what private tutors are for. In the pit of his stomach, Joey felt guilty. Slamming his locker shut on his hand, he soon felt pain to accompany that guilty.
"SONOVVA --!!" He shouted to the near-desolate hallway, voice reverberating off the metal lockers. Quickly, he stuck the pointer knuckle in his mouth, finding it was cut. Quickly, he turned from Kaiba, who he was sure was watching. Joey didn't need an audience to see his embarassment. But no sooner had he turned, did the purposeful, striding footsteps moved back toward the door. No... He couldn't let Kaiba leave without saying something. Pulling the knuckle from his mouth, Joey called across the hall.
"Kaiba! Wait!!"
Seto stopped, standing perfectly straight, and decked in his upperclassmen's uniform, black and white. The slacks were tailored to his exact fit, shaping particularly well around his hips and legs. His shoes were always well-polished, as if he made it a personal goal to see himself every time he looked at the ground. Although he stopped walking, he didn't turn around.
"Kaiba, look... I was a jerk. You were just tryin' to help...And you saved me... How can I thank you?" Joey's eyes implored the back of Kaiba's head, finding it hard to keep contact with even the small of his neck that showed underneath the collar of his shirt.
Finally turning about-face, Kaiba raised a hand to brush a particularly stubborn group of strands from his eyes before making his way toward Joey. Deliberate, and focused were his movements -- The subtle sway of the hips, the way his broad shoulders were carried in a dominating manner that just spoke of his underlaying personality. He approached, finally standing face-to-face with Mr. Wheeler.
"Was that an apology I heard?" The tone was sardonic; mocking, even.
"Y-yeah.. An', even if you don't accept it, I'll still find some way to make it up to ya. I promise you that!" No sooner did Joey say those last words, did he begin to regret them. Kaiba reached for his injured hand, wrapping his elegant fingers around Joey's wrist, pulling him closer... close enough to lower his chilled lips to the miniscule cut on his knuckle, slowly pushing the bony digit into his moist tongue, where he began to work it slowly over the minor slice. Joey's face flushed bright red, and he attempted to pull away, but Seto's fierce grip tightened like iron shackles.
"Wha--", before he knew it, his voice was coming out in panting gasps, memories of those same perfect lips pressing to his, the way Kaiba crushed him against the wall, feeling his heart radiate through his ribs...Joey couldn't help but let out a small noise, much like a whine, as Kaiba soon pulled his whole finger into his mouth, little by little. "Mmn...."
Kaiba's free hand immediately reached up to close around Joey's throat, forcing him noisily against the lockers. Lips relinquished the finger, and now hovered ever-so-closely to the blond-haired young man, whom he was now taking advantage of. Only, this time, Seto was rougher -- He wasn't as concerned with hurting Joey now.
"Make it up to me", huh?", Kaiba grinned, the smile something of a perversion. His blue eyes settled on his classmate's blushing face, and chuckled. "You've wanted this, haven't you? I saw that same look on your face that I did that day in the hospital."
Seto felt a lump slide down Joey's throat as he gulped, still panting slightly. So he saw that after all. It was obvious he wasn't going to wait for an answer, either. Slowly, he would push his steely lips against the flustered Brooklyn-boy's own breath-moistened ones, forcing them apart with the tip of his tongue. Joey made a sound of apprehension as he felt Kaiba enter his mouth, roughly pushing past his own tongue. But that sound was nothing compared to the near-yelp that ensued after he felt a hand creep up his inner thigh... His knees were buckling.
And, just as soon as it started, Kaiba had stepped back from Joey, letting him slide down the lockers to the floor.
"Dinner. Tonight. 8 o'clock. Don't make me wait." With that, he left the room, leaving Joey with nothing more than the taste of his sweet lips on his, and some really uncomfortable pants.

He had scavenged his closet for the thousandth time, but still couldn't find anything suitable to wear to the evening restaraunt -- And knowing Kaiba's taste in fine dining, it would be formal to the 't'. Slumping on the edge of his mattress, Joey glared out the window, and the illustrious horizon that the afternoon presented. It was almost seven, and he wasn't even close to being ready. There was no question in his mind that he couldn't not go; Joey'd been unable to keep his mind on anything else all day. The vivid images of a few hours ago were set on repeat in his mind: the way his cold, limber digits wrapped around his neck, forcing him into the solid wall, crushing his lips... A knock at the door suddenly ripped Joey out of his daydream, and he moved to the thin bedroom wall to listen.
His only room-mate in this shabby, two-bedroom apartment located on the wrong side of town was his father. And at times like this -- Like now -- when he was unbearably intoxicated, it was better if Joey stayed locked in his room. Even through the wall, he could hear his father slur in his speech, talking to what was no doubtedly the visitor. The voice of his father escalated into just under a yell, and the front door slammed shut. Before Joey had a chance to back away from the wall, his bedroom door was kicked wide open, making the hole in the drywall even bigger. Instinctively, Joey backed against the side of the mattress laying on the bare floor. His father looked down at him, smelling of raw alcohol, and threw a hanger-bag on his lap.
"Present for you. Some guy just dropped it off", he grunted through his teeth.
"Yeah, thanks", Joey replied, starting to get to his feet. No sooner had he bent to pick up the bag, did his father's hand come in contact with his face. He had struck Joey with the back of his palm, throwing his son to the floor again.
"Don't take that tone with me!", he growled. "Ungrateful little b*****d."
The door shut behind his father, shaking the entire wall. And Joey slowly got to his feet again, wiping his eye with the back of his hand. He wasn't crying from shock, or shame -- Heaven knows he had enough years to be numb to those. No, his eyes watered from the sheer impact of his father's callused knuckles against his cheek. He couldn't stay here tonight. A glance in the mirror told Joey that all the make-up in the world couldn't conceal that raging red mark on his face. What would he tell Kaiba, that meticulous teenage genius? He knew nothing he said could persuade him to think otherwise... The way he picked lies apart with a fine-toothed comb, just the way his crystal blue eyes bore into his soul.
Fingers lay on the zipper of the bag, hands shaking from the aftershock of his father's latest assault. Joey had scanned the article for a tag of some kind, but found none. Not that he needed one to tell him who it was from; there was a sneaking suspicion in the back of his mind. Pulling the zipper down, the metal teeth fell apart to reveal the overcoat of a tuxedo. The material shimmered in the dim light of his room, even. It was silken to the touch, and looked designer.
"Kaiba..." Joey felt his eyes water again, but this time it had nothing to do with the ache of his face.
He pulled it out of the bag, and as he did so, something else fell to the floor. A white carnation, and pinned to it was a card which read: "Ask for the Diamond Suite". Joey smiled, and turned to glance at the clock. And his smile quickly faded. It was 7:30.

At a quarter to eight, a car pulled up in the parking lot his room overlooked. And the phone rang. Joey ran to pick up the phone before it could alert his father, and spoke in a hushed voice.
"Yes, yes, I'm ready. I'll be right out -- Yes, I know he's waiting." And hung up the reciever.
His golden hair was in no way groomed, and it looked like he'd gotten dressed in a hurry. In fact, he was still in the midst of putting his shoes on, while opening the back window to the fire escape. Joey often used this route, so as not to disturb or provoke the wrath of his resident drunk. He slipped out like a master, inching along the iron fire escape of his third-story room. Hands grasped the rails of the ladder, and he leapt from the balcony. He slid down with grace that would make a professional stripper envious. Well, that was until he stumbled on his way to the car.
They were obviously running late with the way the driver was punching his way through the traffic of downtown Domino city, and like his boss, the driver seemed disgruntled against Joey's tardiness. Once they pulled up to the curb of 'Champange' -- one of the most expensive restaraunts in the entire county -- the door was flung open, and Joey was flung out, while the driver was audibly heard to be muttering: "I'm not losing my job over this." And thus, the car sped off into the night.
"Geez, it's only a few seconds after eight. S'not like ya gotta --", Joey mumbled to himself, walking in the elaborately carved wooden doors into the main lobby where a Maitre d' was ready to serve him.
"Er, I was told to ask for the Diamond Suite". Joey had never been in such a place -- This had to be the richest he'd felt in his entire life, just from walking through the doors.
The Maitre d' simply nodded, and began to walk, motioning for the young man to follow him. Past the main dining area, and even a few more exclusive rooms, before finally coming to a pair of pearly white doors, looking Victorian in design, with gold handles, which Joey could only assume were pure.
"Right inside, sir", the Maitre d' insisted, and opened the door.
The interior was elaborately decorated. But, it was empty. Save for one table. Self-consciously, Joey raised his hand to touch his cheek, which still radiated heat. Would Kaiba notice? Even though the room was dimly lit? Regardless, he couldn't afford to procrastinate any longer. Stepping into the room, the door shut behind his heels. And... Was that the click of a lock he heard?
"H-hey, Kaiba. Sorry I'm late..." Why was he so nervous? Was it because he was dining with his enemy, or because he knew they were completely alone?
"The driver informed me you looked a little disheveled. I trust nothing is wrong?", Kaiba kept a keen eye on Joey as he made his way around the single table, and sat down.
"Wha --? Naw, lost track of time, is all", Joey lied.
"Time doesn't leave marks like that."
Mr. Wheeler felt his heart stop in his chest. Just as he suspected, he couldn't hide anything from him.
"Dinner has already been served on the second floor", Kaiba mentioned, standing from his seat. For the first time that night, Joey saw what Kaiba was wearing. A shimmering white tuxedo, that made him seem almost angelic. Silently, he wondered exactly how many people got to see Seto Kaiba like this -- Human. Just as human as anyone else on the planet. And after this moment of adoration, Joey too stood and walked just behind his classmate to a concealed staircase behind a woven tapestry. It was obvious this wasn't his first time here, the way Seto fearlessly led him up the spiral stairway to what he could only assume was the dining area. But when the door opened, he was greeted with a different sight than what he expected. It looked like a hotel room, only more. Wide, tall mirrors made up the entire wall overlooking the city, dim light was provided by multiple sconces and tapers lining a table set for two. A love seat sat in a corner, and various other furnishings hovered tastefully in the room. And for the second time today, Joey found himself swallowing with difficulty.
"I was kinda wonderin', y'know, this is a nice place an' all, but ain't you gotta girl you could be havin' dinner with instead'a me?"
Kaiba didn't answer, but glided effortlessly toward the loveseat, the backdrop of the city glowing behind him. An upturned wrist implored his guest to join him. Although a little apprehensive of sitting so close, Joey did so anyway.
"I don't have time for dealing with women. Too many are looking for one thing out of me -- A cut of my budget", Kaiba mentioned, staring into one of the lit candles. "It's just more convenient that I enjoy my evenings and spare time with familiar faces."
Joey gave a nod. He supposed he could understand that. Maybe this was just Kaiba's idea of hanging out.(that's what he thinks<3)
"Of course --", Kaiba added, "it would be better if those familiar faces would stop getting themselves hurt." This time, his eyes hovered over and locked onto Joey's.
Those blue eyes... Instantly, they made him flush a bright red. And just as before, he felt Kaiba's touch on his face, palm cupping the bruised cheek. His fingers were cool to the touch, and soothed his skin almost instantly.
"Let me help you", Kaiba whispered into his ear, making Joey suddenly aware how close he was. How close his lips were to his throat...His skin prickled when Seto exhaled, his sweetly cold breath caressing Joey's neck. He found it hard to keep his mouth closed, especially after he felt that tongue course up his juggular vein, slowly making it's way to his lips, indulging in another kiss, just as firey and passionate as the first, just as sensual and enrapturing as the second. The way his lips fit perfectly, tilting his neck back just so...Again, the masterful tongue entered his mouth, but this time, Joey obliged with his own, allowing it to be pushed around by Kaiba's purposeful thrusting motion of his mouth, deepening the kiss with every second that passed by.
Joey felt his face and body getting hotter while his classmate gently stroked the hair from his face with one hand, while the other busied itself by running up and down his hip, finger tips lingering over his thigh. It was incredible, the way he could feel even the slightest touch -- even through clothing. Kaiba began to shrug out of his overcoat, and Joey did the same, letting it fall on the back of the small couch. Finally breaking the eternal make-out session, Seto caressed the face of the young man before him, gazing with heavy-lidded blue eyes into the honey-brown ones, almost mesmerizing...The way they made him feel was like no other. Joey felt wanted -- He felt loved. Even more so as Kaiba began to unhook his button-up shirt, kneeling before him now on the floor, kissing his bare chest with every button that came undone. He was like a marrionette, following the strings of his puppet master, and Kaiba knew it.
Once his shirt was open, the teenage entrepreneur advanced, sliding both his hands down the front of Joey's body, letting them trail down his lanky legs, while a couple fingers danced just across the zipper of his dress slacks. Instantly, Joey arched his back at the slight provocation, biting his lower lip to keep from gasping too loudly. He didn't want to give him the statisfaction of knowing he was affecting him, but there was not much he could do to hide it.
"K-Kaiba -- W-wai--", Joey began to gasp when those terribly talented hands began to massage the insides of his thighs, inching ever closer to his belt buckle.
"Shh", Kaiba crooned, fingers tracing the waistline of Joey's trousers, only for the tips to slowly disappear inside, inching themselves further until Joey let out a gasp of surprise, hands gripping the cushion of the sofa he sat on until his knuckles turned white.
He could feel his subtle touch just barely graze the tip of his teased erection, coaxing it out of it's confined territory inside the dress slacks. Kaiba's free hand was already working at unbuckling his belt, while the other continued to just barely trace his length. The sensation was almost more than poor Joey could bear. Kaiba was taking his sweet time tormenting him, he was sure he would break down and beg soon.
His pants were dropped to his ankles, and suddenly Joey felt exposed. He attempted to close his legs, but Seto forced himself between them, wrapping his fingers around the throbbing hard-on, and giving a firm squeeze that made Joey's toes curl.
"Look at you. You're ready to explode, and we've only just started", he sneered, rubbing his thumb over the flared head in his palm until it became moist with it's own fluids. "Maybe we should hurry this up?"
Kaiba stood, and dropped his pants with such finesse, he made it look like he did this every night. And Joey found himself transfixed.
Whether it was curiosity, or a natural reaction, he reached forward, gripping the thick shaft in his hands, while Kaiba inched closer, running his hands through Joey's long, blond hair. It was instinct, he told himself, that brought him to run his tongue over the swollen head of the c**k in his hands. It was also instinct, that he began to stroke Kaiba's shaft, and push his lips over the tip, suckling on it as if it were a beloved treat. The owner of this 'treat' gave a groan of satisfaction, his hips bucking forward into the mouth of his dinner guest. It was only a few moments after that Kaiba threw Joey onto the loveseat, pushing his face into the pillow. Those hands then grabbed for his a**, fingers wrapping around his waist as he situated his pelvis just behind the soft, milky colored flesh of Joey's plump rear. It was toned, like a baseball player. But it had a woman's supple curvature to it. Beauty and efficency -- What more could you want?
Kaiba drew his palm underneath Joey, grabbing ahold of the rock-hard shaft, and pumping it into his hand deliberately. His dripping d**k was pushed against the tight entrance to his insides, while he would gently flick his hips into Joey's a**, pushing it in just a little deeper each time.
"You're drooling, aren't you? Can't you feel me, stretching your cute little a** out? Just wait until I'm completely inside you..." Joey could now see what kind of a person Kaiba was -- A sex fiend in a pretty wrapper. That didn't stop him from moaning, or panting every time Kaiba threw his weight into another teasing bump, making him wish he would just ******** him.
Another thrust, harder this time, finally pushed him through into Joey's tight little hole. And another thrust forced him all the way in, despite Joey's startled cries of pleasure, and pain. He swore he could feel him through his stomach, spearing his intestines with that powerful collumn of ********. After letting it settle in his body, Kaiba slowly began to pull it out, only to thrust it back in, pushing himself deeper. He could feel Joey shudder beneath him, his d**k quivvering in his grasp, so close to climax...
"Kaiba...", Joey moaned, sinking his teeth into the throwpillow before him. "You're too much... I'm gonna..."
"Not yet." It wasn't a request. It was a command. After he had made his reply, Kaiba placed his thumb over the head of Joey's trembling c**k as a stopper. He was going to wait, even if he didn't plan to.
Faster, harder, Kaiba's hips bucked, pumping his throbbing, thick shaft into Joey's a** more times than he could keep count. Joey's mind was swimming in exstacy, being used as a ******** toy never felt so good. And with Kaiba denying him satisfaction, it only increased the sensation boiling inside him -- The need to be ******** raw.
Kaiba's body was drenched in sweat, and was finally on the verge of orgasm. Releasing Joey's d**k, he reached over his back for his classmate's hands, whispering in his ear one word: "Now."
At once, Joey's release came, head thrown back as he purged his balls of the heavy load they were carrying. At the same time, so did Kaiba, forcing himself deeper into his a**, to fill him with his sizable amount of hot c**. Only after, did they both finally take a moment to breathe, both panting as if they'd ran a mile in the Sahara.

Both of them slept peacefully that night, perfectly satisfied, and complete.

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