So I had the weirdest dream ever last night.I was running through a forest and I was covered in dirt and bleeding all over and just really beat up and I was in a small black dress that was torn and hair was down and messy like it had been in curls or something a few hours before.I was barefooted.It was night time and there were no stars in sight.the moon was all I had for light.I just kept running and running.I think I was running from something b/c I kept looking back.As I ran the trees seemed to get bigger and bigger.That is when my dream became even weirder there were maggots all over the ground.I stopped for a minute and looked at them but then I looked back and started running again.I tried to avoid the maggots b/c they were in like patches but it did not work and I had to keep running.Next thing I know I saw a big light and picked up speed towards it.As I got closer I realized it was a clearing.When I stepped into the clearing I was still cut up but it was daytime and there was tons of flowers and butterflies ahead and some sort of faint music.It sounded like a music box or a carousel.Usually I hate places like that but I was smiling.That is when I realized I was smiling because I was standing before all of my closest friends.they were there in a half circle holding hands and smiling back then my best friend,Ems,said"you made it!"She walked forward and grabbed my hand.All my friends were dressed really nice too but they were clean and not injured like I was.Then Ems and I walked toward the rest of my friends and she said"we have been waiting for you!"I stopped and looked at the forest behind me suddenly frowning again but then Ems tugged at my arm.I looked back and shook my head as if clearing a thought from my head.Then I smiled again and walked toward my friends again.I looked at another friend of mine and seemed confused but he just nodded and I nodded back and kept walking.No more maggots,no more trees and no more blood.I was in a white dress,with a crown of white flowers,my hair was in nice curls and pulled back in a pony tail with some hair down and I was healed.I was still not wearing shoes.There was still a bit of dirt and weeds on the ground but soon there was only grass and flowers.Ems let my hand go and ran back to the group and got back in place.I was hesitant but determined.The minute I stepped on the grass I felt a huge feeling of...I cannot even describe it...relief and comfort I guess.I ran toward the group and grabbed the hand of two friends and we closing into a circle.Then my friend to the right of me said"well then shall we get started now?"Then I woke in the chair in my father's apartment living room.It was 2:00pm and I fell asleep there last night so my neck hurt b/c I was curled up so long.