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just my life
Hate, sadness, and a little bit poetic...
my baby boy ^.^
well as you all know im 24 i work now so yaaay for me but i have an i have good news and bad news . well the good news is im a singol man yup but im a singol father of a 6 mouth eary old baby boy. and hes my little world to me. wen i knew i was a father i did not beleve it a little me just like me he has his dads eye and all ^////^ i can wait till he calls me daddy or father and i cant wait till i cake him to school too.
one day before i was going to work i was giving him a bath he was going to be with with his grandmother well aka my mom lol but she was happy he loves the water like his dad. but he was starting to take but baby take ^////^ man i see hes going to be a good little boy soon he will take and ill be ther with him all the way.

But the bad news is that im fighting full custidy of my son you see.
im not with that girl no more well the mother of my son. wen she gave borthto me son she did not told me i was a father but she got some other man and ask for his last name so my son is cald something something. i went togo see my son that day but in the end i get beting up v.v
i cant see my son or take to the mother of my son v.v
but im some weeks i was with my son. and june the other of my baby told me she still loves me even that we never went out just went to a partty im the one to blam i over did it with the drinking i luok the door i want in no one was there so i went to sleep the next day well there she was withnothing on not even me >/////< so i got every thing got in my car and just went home

ok im off troak but the thing is that i dont know here or how did it hapend but it hapent so what im a good father i have my son with me now
but this it the thing. i gave her a chans to be with me but as friends nothing more. well she was folling in love with me but i did not care not ones. so she tells me why dont you love me. well i sead i dont know you and i dont know why your in my house liveing with me.
well she crys . i tell her ok ill give you a chans but just one.
so we went out as a family not marryd D.
but then in a mouthe she starts to see some other guy. so im liike ok what ever.
the next day i get up and i see that some of my thing ar gone. even my big plasmo TV im like WTF and i see a note im sorry jesus but i cant be with you your just not what i want >.> you can have my son but that will be all dont look for me cuz im going to move out of town just love my son will you.
P.S. he loves me for me and he has money i can live with that.
so im left a lone with my son with no mother and my friend at like sorry DooD if you need ar help just call us ok . like yaaa k

so i have my son for like 4 mothes and then on the 5 mouth she dare's to come bake with the polic saying that i stold my own son from her >.< im pist as hell i get taking a way to the polic off to take to some ditektive and what not. and i tell then everything i even gave then her note and sead she left me for some one ells for money. so why come bake for my son.
well the cope tole me do a DAn stes and so i did yup hes my son then what. ok well she sead you do put and drink too. like the hell i dont. so blaaa blaaa blaaa the copes take my son a way from me . and i dont see him for a mothe the 5 mothe. im sad im crying .
like im there for him she left us she left my son to me so why in the hell im the bad guy. well for that mouth i loss my job the cope go asking my boss if i do drogs hes like no jesus works hard for me and dos night shif why he came with his son to work one day but thats all.
well thats to june i lost my job v.v
well on the 6 mouth im sad down i cant see my son or be with him on fathers day v.v even more sad to be . and i get this call and it was her. telling me chuy.... im like yaaaa do you want to see your son like the hell i want to see him ok come to the water boll ok . im like ok
i dont have a car but i cald a friend mando to give me a raend to the water ball. and well i see my son he got big and well he looks like me all the way ^.^ im happy that i hold him i cryd so mocha that i can see my baby boy. we laft and start to take . i tell her june you left me and my son why did you came bake what for. you toke my son a way and now thanks to you i dont have a job. shes like im sorry but i came for him not for you and well the guy i was with was just useing me for sex just that we dont go out we sont sleep together. i was just a sex toy. ( im my hed im like thats what you get....... but i know im not that heartless.) ok but why take him a way from me he had every thing toy food he got his forst baby shuts and all the love i give him
she tells me well thank you but i need my son with me. so im like you do or him ........ if he can take he wod tell you that you did wrong for leaveing him. well it was 11:47 at night p.m.
and she tell me ok chuy you can come see him all the times you like ok . im like ok thank you.
then one of her so cold friends and tell me ok i dont know you and you dont know me and i dont care what you say you need a job to saport you son till then i wont let you see him .
i told her this big fat girl that even by looking at he i dont think shes a gril O.o
well i tell her and how ar you to tell me this your nothing to my son your not even blood relatid so bake off. this is my son if you have somthing to say then say it.
she gets mad and punchis me with out stoping. my friend mando call the copec then he helps me get up. that give hat a little pakit blad on her pakit she cut my eye-lid in hafe v.v so i cud not see for a bit.
man that that add but then mando see the cope but nothing thay did not stop .
that girl if i think shes a gril gets my son and starts to run a way with him as for jun the mother she on the flor cry that thay toke her baby a way. i get up i lafe and loss it mando if like what the hell is worrng with me. the i tell him stop me or ells. so i did what i had to do i ran for my son with a eye cut bleeding a lot. v.v
cant tell were im going that girl and her bf well there geting in a car to stell my son a way.
i jump to the car and puch the wind. i open the door and get her of i bet he as she was biting me. that what i call a manwich lol
but then i see that her bf get off of the car hits me i dont go down for nothing i get him and one him on his bake and two on the face hes out.
well that girl still had the little blad and gets my son. im like ooooooh no my baby.
the copcs came ans see what she had on her hand. the copes get my son give it to me even that im going to pas out from the blood i lost .
mando come like finily and june too. i told her get my son get him . thats wen i pass out .

well i get up in the haspitol with some cuts and bite marks on me but other then that im good to go. but well june tell me im sorry you woro rite you can ceep him i see you love your son more then me her hold him . my son was really crying for me he was sad. i tiold him im ok little guy daddy wont die on you never im here to stay. as long as you need me ill be here k.
i hold him even more and he gos to sleep .
well i make a report the copes told me to but i was going to make one eney way D.
but then that girl that was going to run a way with my son call the child care. well thay toke my son a way from me care im not a good father and i still do drogs and june dos them too.
im like ok im more mad now.
but on friday at 6:00 pm that lady that toke my son a way told me that here you take care of him i know you did nothing and the cope repot tells me every thing even your friend that big guy told me everthing too. and june so here you tkae care of him for now. but i want a drog test from you and i want you to have your job bake.

so thing is going to be the 7 moth soon i can see a little bit and i did that dorg test and negitive im clen like water lol my sone is with me he lives with me. but now i have to go to cort to fight for full custidy of him. but my son is liveing with me. june is in sime woman home and my friend mando doing his best to see his little boooody lol my son people
and i got my job bake this time ill do more then my best to have the money my son and i need and a good home too.

but for now i have a gf well i cant say her name yet but soon we will be a family and i will give her or by her what ever ring she wants.

but i do hop i have full custidy of my son. i hop i do.

P.S. i still like to cook clen wash work and be with my son going out singing . and now im playing the electreik getar sill sing you or play for you if you like some day.

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