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lvkewls gaia diary
life around the gaia world
random comments > aug & sept 2010...
The Dancing Doll: omg body stop wanting me
Chainesque: I actually just misread the Sealab X Body as "Sexy Body"
II_Kisame_II: give him a shag
Chainesque: dunno, it's late.

Jollipops: you are the lv to me kewl

lovely_bleeding_emo_elmo: ready?
lovely_bleeding_emo_elmo: theres alot of ppl out there
II Nikki-tan II: Good to know.
lovely_bleeding_emo_elmo: dont b a wise a** ill kick u
II Nikki-tan II: I'm not. =___=
lovely_bleeding_emo_elmo: goog

Klonoa-Dream Traveler: I frogot what keen looked like
ZieBie: i kicked the chicken.... i was getting a noob vibe from him
ZieBie: now he's yelling at me by whisper >.<
ZieBie: i don't think i should tell him i got a noob vibe from him

fake muse: mavs is gonna win nba finals
lauriux1234: dont watch sweaty men run round kinda gay my opinion
Nasruller: heat dont even have true fans
fake muse: laur, you like ping pong? they dont sweat as much
lauriux1234: not really they play with tinny balls :/
Nasruller: so, you like a game where they play with big balls and don't sweat?
lauriux1234: more into things when ppl get hurts

down 'inside SS' with random crew ..
Aquablue1234: you can recrewt and find the sixth person
Moonfire_Nevergiveup: since i have to sucide to get someone anyway.. brb
Aquablue1234: moonfire, have you recrewted yet/
Moonfire_Nevergiveup: it wont let me so i have to sucide
Aquablue1234: why dont you promote someone and see if they can recrewt
Moonfire_Nevergiveup: *stares*

Shnuggs is eating Chicken.
Zombilious: I WANT!
lvkewl: Zomb shud eat brains ;p
xXTheXxXKrowXx: Qis sit ~is tardet 12345678r rings SPACE is self and every thing isle is everything else XD
Zombilious: Actually my name is meant for my undying fear of Zombies. xD

warrior sama: 500k

InZaneZero: i &3 you &_&

pate knucklehead: ur mama is so fat that i drove around her and ran out of gas
pate knucklehead: ur mama is so fat i knew her my hole life and still haven't seen all of her
NightSilents: your momma so fat her shado weighs a thousand pounds
rikomarru: your momma so fat and stupid she thought the food network was an isp service for fat ppl
pate knucklehead: ur mama is so fat that no one can even see her shadow
pate knucklehead: ur mama is so fat she used the golden gate bridge as a slip and slide

500k reached by 23rd jan 2010

Into Illusion: HA YOU DEAD
Amoran Kalamanira Kol: Into Illusion, do you pride yourself on being a cocksucker?
Into Illusion: why yes i do
Amoran Kalamanira Kol: Well, I hope you fail in life. smile
Into Illusion: umadbro?

MetallicBubblesx2: c: next time Ill just be like, yes Im leeching, and Im going to ignore the fact that everyone else does it too, and you choose to bother me about it because youre in a bad mood

xM O O N E H: Wish please ? c;
lvkewl: wishes moon hhpy bday ^^

demonic shadow king: ivkewl move with the group don't go ahead

Cookies_N_Dirt: Lol XD i have to recharge sometimes & program new things to be a better bot for you 8D

I See Youu: kewl ur ring charge is ridicoulusly hard
I See Youu: high*
lvkewl: -cough- glitched prolly ;o;
I See Youu: 489000
B U N N Y D E C A Y: holy O-O
lvkewl: mhm well two or three others have over 500k

lvkewl: can u add seykai
lvkewl: she wants ho players too??
Vanity Du Vendetta: &.& ho players?
kiriosaurus: thats whos asking me lv xD
lvkewl: haha hop layers XDD
Ceraphiel: lawl

[System]: Hai! New servers available. Refresh your browser to join a new server. ^_^

Yui_K_Seiei: iPhoque
Yui_K_Seiei: What shoes?

NateShikaVi: and youre my retarded sister o; naww theyr ecalled loafers or something shoes are shoes to me
Random_Panda_Ebby: You wear bread as shoe's?

Cookies_N_Dirt: .c NUB ♥ D& why am i called p-not now
lvkewl: shussh mah secret
lvkewl: pervy bot
lvkewl: opsss
lvkewl: waqs meant to fink tat not say eet
Cookies_N_Dirt: &u& why so my name reminds me of you 8D
yuki_souhi: lv, the way you type, never fails to make me laugh o3o

lvkewl: i keep finkin kyries tat froggie ;o;
NateShikaVi: i thought you said "i keep fingerin kyries-"
lvkewl: nahh tats what i was finkin, just to shy to say eet

lvkewl: whose p***y is makin tat emot
NateShikaVi: kyrie play with your p***y ? surprised
Kyrie1991: ._.
lvkewl: her p***y went Zzzzzzz
NateShikaVi: LOL i thought you said her p***y is wet xD

NateShikaVi: COY PL0X D:&&
NateShikaVi: ty c;
lvkewl: -cough- tat was his way sayin thx ;pp
Kyrie1991: Nate's Social Skills = Awesome. lol

SweetNiar: beat dat meat
iBeatMusic: Niar dont talk to me. Dirty hoe .
SweetNiar: not like im the one who yells you Look Out! Its Huge! when the tail appears
SweetNiar: or kiss the p***s rocks
BlueO2: It was said that guys are tinking about sex like every 3 minutes razz
SweetNiar: seconds

NateShikaVi: [31/12/2010 21:32:54] Nate-S ✮: im dressed liek a girl therefore i can multitask like one &3

Sessysaurus: I was going to put LV for lick v****a but then I thought of - - - - - &
Sessysaurus: I don't get pervier, just the saem, bby.

serg88: anybody want to suck my d**k
Shikigama: No one wants to suck your tiny blue phallus.
Shikigama: Blue because it doesn't get any air because it doesn't get any blood
bluepikachu7: only if its made of pure chocolate

l2eikomi: hey u can see poccahontas on equaduct
l2eikomi: dat's the real face of poccahontas
l2eikomi: hey u guys saw the sheep and goats on the equaduct ?
l2eikomi: it's amazing they're talking
l2eikomi: do you know that p3s are big hamsters
l2eikomi: they eat big nuts like mine too biggrin
l2eikomi: hey kewl see labtech on the equaduct ?
l2eikomi: he's cute
l2eikomi: but how did he get fat when he got on eb
l2eikomi: i think he drinks lots of water on the eb
l2eikomi: or maybe queen lorelei fuucks him
l2eikomi: and he got pregnant

l2eikomi: you're a guy techno right
IXo-sakura-oXI: yup she is
l2eikomi: yea u a guy
IXo-sakura-oXI: lv is a girl

angel love mermaid: watch wanna be my bf
lvkewl: he dunt like easy type
lvkewl: play hard 2 get hehe

kiwispring: Too much catsss
ccatman: DOGS ******** SUCK
Wolven Bird: I eat cats AND dogs for breakfast
Wolven Bird: BIRD FTW
Wolven Bird: Kiwi birds& dogs cats?

goffica_57: heya soz about tht
lvkewl: np we won for change lol
goffica_57: my dad threw chocolate at me and missed so i had to find it lol
goffica_57: yeah fail lol

[System]: testing 123...
[System]: gravity is not optional
[System]: roses are red...
[System]: 011101000110100001100101001000000110010101101110011001000010000001101001011100110010000001101110011001010110000101110010

The Sage Lover: btw, it's been a month... And I still haven't found mantis yet
TheAmazinRaisin: use sometihng else
The Sage Lover: xD I'll use lv's head on eb's butt

Periotic: reminder. i get easily pissed.
Periotic: i say badwords.
Periotic: now dont cry.
lvkewl: obby i like chu moar now HAHAH
Periotic: xDDD

XingYang: OMG
lvkewl: look its xings bf ;pp
XxEmergency_WhorexX: hha
Honeyrosel: i dont know why..but these things remind me of jeepers creepers
XingYang: my bf is so clingy
XingYang: following me..
That0ne6irl: Whoa
XingYang: my hubby
XingYang: OMG a second one
Honeyrosel: theres another one?
This concludes the trial. You earned 800 gold!
XingYang: darn didnt even notice i got married so many times..

Sessysaurus: Can we sing songs when we brush our teeth before bed?
lvkewl: mhmm she defo dunt sound like Jess xDD
NateShikaVi: yes she does
Sessysaurus: Don't compare me to people, I'll stab you. :I

Jabber error [401] : Not Authorized
You are not loged into Jabber

Nearly every1 on zomY experiences CL1.0 nuubness &333333
General Error - WOE! Unable to load userdata from our database server. BAD SERVER! NO COOKIE!

Lexi Earl: We know that you love lvkewl, but you can only add somebody to your Friend List once. Just back off, and give lvkewl some space.OK
lvkewl: hahah wtf ;o;
Lexi Earl: i tried to add u hahah
shadowx243: lol love

Takashi Komuro18: is Jack here??
lvkewl: if he was then Jack be shouting out
ChouxSea: or jack is here and he doesnt shout but lvkewl is trying to get u to go away??
oOoGlamyPrincessoOo: that's y im so sick of gaians who cant figure the simple steps out and wasted energy to type where's jack
ChouxSea: Thats stupid. Doesnt Jack know that people who play zomg will try to kill him all at once. This is a mmo. You think he would try to be sneaky.
ChouxSea: My point is....
ChouxSea: Where's Jack?

Environmental Unity: ohbby,surrounded by guys
Environmental Unity: 8D
Jollilicious: LOL
lvkewl: xD
Jollilicious: okay so stop healing around 10-8k
lvkewl: yeah ikr, we shud be the ones afraid right ^^;;
Environmental Unity: & biggrin

R4WRmuffin found a ring to destroy for orbs
NeonPoptartXD: how you do that? the rawr muffin found a ring thing

II -S o n ii c- II: we look drunk
Prepare to be torpedoed!! haHAhaHAha!
crazy gal X u : we are schilling ;3
II -S o n ii c- II: xD
crazy gal X u : speed chilling

MajorMajorRobin: wake me up when angel is on gramps. XD
lvkewl: xddd
Mister_Rager: Wake me up before you go-go..
MajorMajorRobin: Lol
Mister_Rager: Gramps?
Mister_Rager: Me?
Jolly-Kun: :3
MajorMajorRobin: yeah u
Mister_Rager: Hey now kiddo, I'll pwn you noob!

lvkewl: hihi all , plan is?
Captain Zhardonyx: eating cats lvkewl,, up for it?
II_Kisame_II: We divide and conquer the world
lvkewl: hahah nuuuuu, hides mah kitty crying
SER0: lol
_Lovedeep49: i'm vegeterian for today, or my animals will get angry D:


ichi sansan shichi: OH s**t I WAS SUPPOSED TO GET A TATTOO TODAY

sIide it in: hrm. do we get the same loot if we drop?

ichi sansan shichi: &.& i knew i forgot something

lvkewl: yep

sIide it in: ohh what of?

sIide it in: and okay, lets drop guys

sIide it in: 8.7 pls c:

ichi sansan shichi: iduno its free so it doesnt really matter

ACMaster24: I will heal A LOT

puII it out: it's supposed to say "lvkewl on it"

puII it out: .... wtf

lvkewl: LOOOL

xxBrightLightxx: Lady Gaga's husband is Chuck Norris.

KTSM: Be alert! It has a large amount of mass!
I'll crush you ALL!
lvkewl: looks kinda skinny to meh this EB now ;o;

Lexi Earl: lv
lvkewl: yurr yurr ikr iMac O::
Lexi Earl: T__T i wan it nao
lvkewl: imao addek

Lord Jhamie: anyon got friends here?
KTSM: Looks like lvkewl is online

Vanity Du Vendetta: Such a trick b***h kicks me right when i use my halo oh my god suck dicks for a living damn whore LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!GO CHOCK ON AN EGG

Cassian Green: I think mist got distracted by Doctor Who again and forgot she was talking with me

lvkewl: u need meh as chur pandurr bby &3
Random_Panda_Ebby: &3 fufufu nehh
lvkewl: ;pp
Random_Panda_Ebby: D& I shall kidnap that panda one day!
Random_Panda_Ebby: just you wait Lv!
lvkewl: O:

Kai -Fox- Everflow: I've beaten this s**t on hard 4 times. I got it
Kai -Fox- Everflow: does someone else have divinity?
RabidRansacker: everflow we arent noobs
JohnCoJones: fox u r the random here...just do what we say please
Kai -Fox- Everflow: Quit th attitude and just answer my question please
JohnCoJones: u've done this 4 times...we've donr this a 0678576465354153287438970657643214327365986 times

dearink strokin lv's panda
dearink: xD
lvkewl: damn tat sounded so pervy

i t s T o x i c B t c h: lvk, i missed you so much, my heart is bleeding. :c.
lvkewl: O:
i t s T o x i c B t c h: do something about it.
i t s T o x i c B t c h: & o&
i t s T o x i c B t c h: i see youre still the irresponsive type. o;


lvkewl: gonna take slash brb
XML Love Coke: do that later biggrin
XML Love Coke: Pls stand close together biggrin
XML Love Coke: Chanon? biggrin
XML Love Coke: let me know if u wan me to kick chanon and invite someone else hahaha

x J a c k A c e: Sweet, Cherry, Kewl, do you guys wanna' do ss/eb? o.o
x J a c k A c e: All of you?
21st_Cherry_Toy: yes lv and nair
21st_Cherry_Toy: please
21st_Cherry_Toy: i go with master
nextjune: who is master?

21st_Cherry_Toy: let me see who i can steal
21st_Cherry_Toy: omg
21st_Cherry_Toy: i wasthinkin on zomy

Amour Eternel v2: *Well it's 40 below and I don't give a ********. Got a heater in my truck and I'm off to the rodeo. And it's allemande left and allemande right. Come on ya ********' dummy get your right step right. Get off the stage ya god damn good, ya know.
lilv99: Launguage!
bixmix13: is that part of a song
Amour Eternel v2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85nDTnqWlFI
Liqui-Gels: it is from a song yes

White Ice Fang: yzz since when did you get such a sexy girly voice
BlueO2: lvkewl said you have girly voice
BlueO2: Yes you Yazz
yazz7: i got a mafia voice
yazz7: the one she hearing is my sis
SER0: ?
yazz7: playing aika

iEpic Cray0nz: omg im the only female here!
iEpic Cray0nz: O _ O
iEpic Cray0nz: Neat
iEpic Cray0nz: U:
SER0: rape
iEpic Cray0nz: LOL
SER0: :3
iEpic Cray0nz: Don't kid yourself I'd prolly rape you all before you to me

iEpic Cray0nz: Ok..... jsut everyone shut up and assign me a buff
iEpic Cray0nz: &_&;;;
SER0: isan;ghost sphere raishun:rock tef vampy:halo keen lv:dens pot me :div fleet :epic the rest
SER0: &.&
iEpic Cray0nz: YOU'RE ALL RACIST
iEpic Cray0nz: XD
iEpic Cray0nz: and I always get the crappy buffs..
SER0: what was left?

Nikko of the Pink Rose v2: i've crew with taka tons of times
lvkewl: whose taka.. is she good??
Nikko of the Pink Rose v2: D: leader taka
Takara Taji: lolz
Nikko of the Pink Rose v2: &3& and yes she is good~
Nikko of the Pink Rose v2: i usually crew with my best budies * u*...taka, mr panty, mrs panty, cass, and ...lvkewl biggrin at times &3


Beautiful Angelic: I'll assign then?
Beautiful Angelic: Gimme a sex to sort
Beautiful Angelic: sec* D:
xOx-Meryl-xOx: lol O.o

Vanity Du Vendetta: psh diapers are for noobs
Vanity Du Vendetta: I wear pullups :'D

Stronger Than I Seem: YOU HOE
Stronger Than I Seem: IMA SOO GET YOUU

Khlowi: I envy your TC
Cloudy Lotus: what?
xXxUndeterminedxXx: XD
lvkewl: dunt stare mah bawlz o::
Khlowi: LOL

Stronger Than I Seem: Hello sir.
Stronger Than I Seem: I am not free rage.
Stronger Than I Seem: Do not buff me.
Stronger Than I Seem: Etc.
Stronger Than I Seem: GOODBYE.
Stronger Than I Seem: D:&
lvkewl: but so cute^^

lvkewl: how r u since we last met
Aereie: last time I saw you you where a centaur
Aereie: xD
lvkewl: haha omg damn tat long ago crying

kirio kurozawa: how do you get such a high tc???
Takara Taji: oooh wow
Takara Taji: *cough* no life *cough*
Takara Taji: XD

Messenger 51 picks at Lv's hair
Reikero: uhm wut o__o
Reikero: what about rei and bewbs?
IcyKitsu: thats hair? o:
Erotic Petals pokes Mess's butt. :]
Vanity Du Vendetta: xD

Vanity Du Vendetta: &: hate robos
Erotic Petals: Wai?
Vanity Du Vendetta: cause they're annoyin =w=
Erotic Petals: Its a badge. biggrin
IcyKitsu: meh lovez them &3 o.o
Vanity Du Vendetta: they can smd
Erotic Petals: I syd. D&
Reikero: now that i have the badge they can smd too
IcyKitsu: smd?
Vanity Du Vendetta: x3
Reikero: LOL
IcyKitsu: ah.. nvm
Vanity Du Vendetta: stroke my dinosaur
Erotic Petals: Suck my Density. ; }
Reikero: XDDD
Erotic Petals: Either or.
Vanity Du Vendetta: slice my dinner
Erotic Petals: Stuff my date.
Reikero: starve me duck o.o
Vanity Du Vendetta: lol
Messenger 51: sulty mottley dingbat?
Vanity Du Vendetta: xD
Reikero: sick my dad owo
IcyKitsu: steal my dog too D':

Bout De Chocolat x3: MY i tunes is lagging .-.

Random_Panda_Ebby: /wYuki_Souhi That idiot should get a slappin D& screw him
Random_Panda_Ebby: .... erm....please ignore that D8
Bakes a Cake of Souls: XD
lvkewl: ;pp
Bakes a Cake of Souls: mean slap, or kinky slap?
Random_Panda_Ebby: Just a b***h slap ;o

MajinBob: Chocolate and most fruit make me nauceous @_@
MajinBob: Dark Chocolaye Raspberry chocolate makes me wanna vomit just reaidng the name @_@

Namarra: gonna have to kick sumone
Namarra: im sorry kewl
kewlxlozer978: no why?
Namarra: ure lowest c here
kewlxlozer978: light
Namarra: cl*

Ume2gether4ever: &&
SutaaFox: you cow rape me and i turn you into beef steaks

Ethezial: Holy s**t what was that weird tentacle thing &&;

iTsukiKami: lvkewl wuts ur highest level buffs?
mercury panduh: lvkewl?
lvkewl: all of em
Yancelebi: Ghost an halo
Yancelebi: Haha
mercury panduh: he has like 300k tc lol

mercury panduh: 368tc o:
Yancelebi: LV YOU SCARE ME

Pixie-elf: Hii iv1
NateShikaVi: ^^
NateShikaVi: iv ?... its LEV D&
II -S o n ii c- II: 0.o
lvkewl: lul
Pixie-elf: okay, Lev. XD
lvkewl: hihi Pix
Pixie-elf: ******** if I can read. ;D
II -S o n ii c- II: Lol
NateShikaVi: pleaseread o; then i can ******** again biggrin D
lvkewl: ;p
Pixie-elf: ...wut? D: *scoots away*

II_Kisame_II: i use to call lvk lvl, didn't know that he had a k in his name
lvkewl: lul as if tat matters 2 meh kisa^^
II_Kisame_II: once i'm inviting him to the crew, i type lvlewl, i'm like wtf why ain't it working

Lexi_Earl: chu gonna leave tis crew den join crew i left O:
Lexi_Earl: kicks chur bawlz stay &.&
to Lexi_Earl: haha omg i had sum give meh sign sayin bawlz in eet .. i need to up eet one day ;p
Lexi_Earl: lmfao like ilvi's bawlz?? oh gawd &.&

Serene Lullaby: Gah, what's her full username?
iAngelKitten: Meryl Stryfe Nadeshiko
lvkewl: meryl_get_a_fawking _shorter _username_plox

-YanGelus-: why isnt there an emoticon doing a pelvic thrust
-YanGelus-: is this a pure penors crew????

Seraph of Nephilim: I have to ask how in the 9 hells did you get your TC so high or a better question how long did it take you?
lvkewl: mm well i been on 1 year .. so tat long
Seraph of Nephilim: Damn man. I've been on like... 4-5 years
lvkewl: wow u r old
Seraph of Nephilim: I am not!
Seraph of Nephilim: D:
Serene Lullaby: No he paid me 2.7mil out of 3.3mil
lvkewl: well eets alot easier to get orbs now .. so eet isnt fair to compare ppl

l2eikomi: KEWL FAWK U

l2eikomi: i missed you so much
l2eikomi: especially your bawls
to l2eikomi: damn chu have way with words &3

D1giTaL X: RUN LV!!
lvkewl: obby tats hawt

MajinBob: LV can you trade your buffs for iron and tef
D1giTaL X: alright on my way i had to fix s**t
MajinBob: Yesh he is but his tef and iron arent cl10 I need LV to change
JohnCoJones just skyped lv
MajinBob: LV??
MajinBob: Yeah I already skyped LV
Bakes a Cake of Souls is about to skype lv
JohnCoJones: lmao
MajinBob bout to MSN him
JohnCoJones is 'bout to fb him?
MajinBob: I have him on FB
Bakes a Cake of Souls: i dont xD
Bakes a Cake of Souls stalks bob on fb

Fallen_Chibi_x3: 3 spottss extra hard SS
JohnCoJones: extra hard lmfao
MajinBob: Extra Hard means you arent taking buffs or heals right?
Bakes a Cake of Souls: or attacks*

Red Eyes Wayvern Dragon: shikavi don't camping o.0
NateShikaVi: obv mate, your one to catch on fast
MJxD: he can do what the ******** he wants dude
Red Eyes Wayvern Dragon: I hate Leeching
NateShikaVi: dont do it then :p
JohnCoJones: it's just different... nate=friend, you=random
NateShikaVi: yuh mouse;p
MJxD: nate has the right to leech because hes a friend
NateShikaVi: nate = amazing you = w/e xD

sunday -- chance of rain: I needa refresh.
sunday -- chance of rain: My seven people crew thing is like. annoying the s**t out of me.

azzstar: I think it was because i looged on this account
networkz: i like how he kept the shades
azzstar: Trademark
azzstar: I haven't zomged on this account in ages, ever since i created ****** account i left this account in the shadows [edited for protection xd]

SweetNiar: thanks kisame
SweetNiar: im all like "aaah i forgot everyones name" XD *hits rock hard noodle*
II_Kisame_II: welcome back

3kere: your Tcl? 100k+? 200k+? biggrin
to 3kere: mm 200+
3kere: 200k hmmm. Taylor is Best biggrin 300k+
to 3kere: yurr he der champ ^^
3kere: you like Katana?

Vanity Du Vendetta: ya buff me slaves &:I
Doomed! Doomed! DOOMED I SAY!
iMaddison: Yes mashtaaa.

haeyin: that reminds me of that movie
mattyXzomg: &.& i dont know
haeyin: pregnancy pact?
Vanity Du Vendetta: lol
Vanity Du Vendetta: ******** dat
haeyin shudders
Vanity Du Vendetta: unless its with lv c'; &3
mattyXzomg: &.& van was pregs but she had hers like last month i think
Vanity Du Vendetta: wink
mattyXzomg: lv has ur baby remeber
haeyin: kay pregnancy is not funny

Reikero: van charges 1 mill for van
Vanity Du Vendetta: cause I dont wanna make them XD
Vanity Du Vendetta: no D&
Vanity Du Vendetta: I charge 1 mill
Vanity Du Vendetta: cause I dont wanna make signs &w&
lvkewl: i'd cough up der 1M then u have 2
Vanity Du Vendetta: lol
iMaddison: XD
iMaddison: Mmk. ;0

Vanity Du Vendetta: labtech is hawt
Vanity Du Vendetta: fuuuu
Vanity Du Vendetta: fail civ &;
Vanity Du Vendetta: &w& back off rei i got dibs
Vanity Du Vendetta: NO U
lvkewl: u guys r crazy o:
MizuchiNoBatou: You find LABTECH attractive?
Vanity Du Vendetta: lvvvv
Reikero: XD
MizuchiNoBatou: I'm not so sure I wanna be your sexslave anymore. D:
Vanity Du Vendetta: keep your helmet-wearing boyfirned S&
Vanity Du Vendetta: lv is mine l;D
Reikero: lvk here
Reikero: or maddi? O_o
Reikero: doesnt matter
Vanity Du Vendetta: slowpoke rei o:
Reikero: i was telling switches
Reikero: xD
MizuchiNoBatou: Why would you tell on switches? D: They're innocent. D:
Reikero: not when you dont press them the right way ;oo
Reikero: slowpoke van
Vanity Du Vendetta: &: i was fapping
Reikero: without me? :c
lvkewl: ;p
MizuchiNoBatou: You sure fap quietly. D:
Vanity Du Vendetta: lv was helping me ;3
MizuchiNoBatou: XD
Vanity Du Vendetta: labtech x has no sense of style &:

lvkewl steals can red bull from fridge
lvkewl: wut else ya drink
77Near77: monsters
77Near77: no fears
77Near77: rockstars
77Near77: pretty much any energy drink
lvkewl: lawl o:
77Near77: s long as it doesnt taste like crap oO
77Near77: I was sponsored by monster a few years ago
goffica_57: apple juice biggrin
77Near77: for PB
77Near77: it was sweet O_O
goffica_57: opb?
77Near77: i got my own giant monster mini fridge &3
77Near77: Paintball

SilentxGenius: OMG, Kewl is a giant!
lvkewl: O:
lvkewl: but i stil have mah pants on ?_?
SilentxGenius: yes u do
SilentxGenius: wait....
goffica_57: xD
SilentxGenius: EWWWWW

l2eikomi: http://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc214/luckyperson45/ME2.jpg THIS ISH MERYL'S BOYFRIEND

ChouxSea: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQnIJ-ljctk&feature=sub
lvkewl: yurr get another guy.. i dunt wanna make chu gurls a smawich crying
lvkewl: ChouxSea: BALLS OR GTFO

21st_Cherry_Toy: we do speed
21st_Cherry_Toy: grab s**t
21st_Cherry_Toy: and run

P h r e n z i c_ L o u: PEG LEG! o.e'
II Chubzy II: xD

II Chubzy II: dutch i believe is the language that lulz means d**k

JohnCoJones: who was talking?...fell in love with the voice Wisp: that was noah lvkewl: lul xNOAHX_X: no wtf

TA-Regret: we can go east now
TA-Regret: because ivk is with us smile
TA-Regret: next time, don't try going east if we have randoms :3

Lexi Earl planning to leech
MajorMajorRobin you're a vampire alright

Wisp: I want my connection to stop sucking
roblin5: lmao
lvkewl: obby
Wisp: O_O

77Near77: i wear no condoms cause no woman CAN handle my seed razz

NateShikaVi: and they were saying i had a crush on the clan leader D& kenshin
NateShikaVi: he failed buffs :/
NateShikaVi: r4 ghost r1 div
77Near77: well you did kind of ask him to suck your shaft, mate

Mister Carebeaar: like, potato chips
Mister Carebeaar: mhm
Mister Carebeaar: not fries xD
Mister Carebeaar: I want poutine. D:
Mr Panty: i didnt know what fish n' chips meant until about 2 weeks ago
Mister Carebeaar: poutine is like beef gravy on french fries with cheeeseeee&33
Mr Panty: like potatoe crisps xD

MajinBob: K I'm done surprised

Brenda_maged: YOU PAILED
lvkewl: phailed
Brenda_maged: XD
Brenda_maged: you sack
lvkewl: i can give chu nuub talk classes if u like ^^
Brenda_maged: &_& Lv
Pinky Lee 64: i think i am going to need classes

lvkewl: i just need glasses

Brenda_maged watches serene go dizzy circling the tree
Brenda_maged: pee on that tree

Takara Taji: brb i needa put on a bra D;
lvkewl: wtf taka

lvkewl: ermm i got 'smeep' frm sum girl now i always use eet
Pinky Lee 64: nice meeting you as well
lvkewl: plus eet sounds nuuby
Takara Taji: lol XD
Takara Taji: it does, but you're good at pulling that off
Takara Taji: :O lolzzz XD
lvkewl: ohh does he have badge now
Takara Taji: jk, see ya around &3

Bakes a Cake of Souls: when u r4 slash spouts does anyone else see random green fly out of them

Bakes a Cake of Souls: OMG
Bakes a Cake of Souls: theres an iphone app that is t-pain autotuner
Bakes a Cake of Souls: k so. downlaoding that imediatly
Bakes a Cake of Souls: thx sticky keybaord. imediatly*
Bakes a Cake of Souls: i gtg after this my brain si so scarmbled XD
Forever Zero: theres an iphone app for finding public bathrooms too XD

MajinBob: THATS LV s DOT biggrin

NateShikaVi: in the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight ..
Kumori Seirei: XD
NateShikaVi: irawk right xd
iStereoLove: Lol LION KING :O
bannedpower: lol.. i am tarzan
iStereoLove: Seems like we're all bored.

Bout De Chocolat x3 1 , Lagmonter 0

Captain Zhardonyx: effin mosquitoes &&
lvkewl: LOL
_Lovedeep49: xD

Lenaluiz: brb 2 monuts
Lenaluiz: mints
lvkewl: kk
Captain Zhardonyx: 2 months??

l2eikomi: your already 349k tc Dx
to l2eikomi: damn her name has spaces ;p
to l2eikomi: damn so many ppl stare at mah bawlz o:
l2eikomi: o: yer bawls ? o_o
l2eikomi: maybe they're big. loool
to l2eikomi: haha OMg chu pervier than moi O:
l2eikomi: o; you started it.
to l2eikomi: wut by sayin hihi
l2eikomi: lolwut ? xDD you told me that ppl are keep on staring at your bawlz
to l2eikomi: yurr chu ;p
to l2eikomi: xDD
l2eikomi: p; lol, do they want to leck it.
to l2eikomi: hahah ;p
to l2eikomi: they defo want eet ;o;
l2eikomi: i want too. .o.
to l2eikomi: lawl, i save chu piece
l2eikomi: i want pure ;D
to l2eikomi: obby yurr defo got ya prioritys in right order ;p
l2eikomi: lol yea =D xDD
to l2eikomi: how many spots does Merly have
to l2eikomi: crews gonna break in two runs^^
l2eikomi: Full Dx
to l2eikomi: awww pants xDD mmkk
l2eikomi: And all gurls ;dD
to l2eikomi: obby i go take gender potion, let meh in plox^^ LOL
l2eikomi: lolnooo Dx
to l2eikomi: go pawn SS X))
l2eikomi: you'll lose your big bawls.
to l2eikomi: HAHA
l2eikomi: =D xD

Futoi Mashumaro: i went to a country bar the other night i was in so much pain

Futoi Mashumaro: omg she's pooping again
Futoi Mashumaro: mayor come over and watch her

Jollilicious: div was a bit more important
Jollilicious: xP
Lilacia: lol
Jollilicious: thanks for the luck though!
I'll crush you ALL!
l2eel: this is not that hard
Jollilicious: div eel
Jollilicious: idc if it's rank 1

l2eel: we should to eb
ChouxSea: lol
ChouxSea: i love how elvi just joined and thn u suggested that

Futoi Mashumaro: she got off to fast i was getting the camera and she was done

Spes ver eternus: " It's very easy to turn a toy into an adult toy: Location, location, location."

i t s T o x i c B t c h: i have bread crumbs in my bra.
i t s T o x i c B t c h: can i jirate on your leg, lvk?
i t s T o x i c B t c h: j**zrate.

i t s T o x i c B t c h: i used to be the fat virgin.... mary.
i t s T o x i c B t c h: BOW CHIKA WOWOW.

i t s T o x i c B t c h: dude
lvkewl: yurr ;p
i t s T o x i c B t c h: i hope your mic
i t s T o x i c B t c h: i hope your sound is off.
i t s T o x i c B t c h: LMFAOOO.
lvkewl: np i prent ya didnt say nefink
i t s T o x i c B t c h: i was singing phineas & ferb.
i t s T o x i c B t c h: &_&
lvkewl: yurr ya imaginary voice sings well
i t s T o x i c B t c h: LOLOL.
i t s T o x i c B t c h: you embarassed me.
i t s T o x i c B t c h: v.v
lvkewl: obby tats hawt^^
i t s T o x i c B t c h: &_&
i t s T o x i c B t c h: DIE HERE.

Owlie: flush yourselves!
BelovedWinter pulls the lever to flush down the toilet.
Honeyass: does that mean I am some sorta creamy cadycorn poop? D:

Owlie: has anyone not done a speed run before? be honest, it's ok
oxXNayruXxo: If you have a disorder such as lagging or you've never been here b4 plz tell us now

lvkewl: wut u studyin atm
Jollilicious: English biggrin
lvkewl: o:
lvkewl: mm i guess i better stop mah nuub talk around chu
Jollilicious: LOL awee lvk xP

Seykai: lol i cant beleve trtle auto equipted
Seykai: of all rings.

i t s T o x i c B t c h: & then nomore friends &/3
lvkewl: haha aww pity i missed tat
i t s T o x i c B t c h: its kind of pathetic though.
lvkewl: yurr .. i mean really der mouse game .. wtf
i t s T o x i c B t c h: LOLOL.
i t s T o x i c B t c h: IKR.
i t s T o x i c B t c h: i called micky a noob.
lvkewl: why u fink i stickin to zoMY

i t s T o x i c B t c h: you type like a 3rd grader.
lvkewl: orly, damn mah aim was 1st grade only
i t s T o x i c B t c h: LOL.

i t s T o x i c B t c h: PURPLEBAWLZ.

NateShikaVi: who is your replacement frts D&
NateShikaVi: firstD&
Bakes a Cake of Souls: lookin lol
Bakes a Cake of Souls: guna use nate and lv as bait for a replacement lmao
NateShikaVi: "they got 300k + TC :O"

mafia18 got banned: &.& ...338k TC
mafia18 got banned: thats some shet u have there n_n

Lexi Earl: meryl lead xD
Meryl Stryfe Nadeshiko: wut?
Lexi Earl: brb refresh fast
Meryl Stryfe Nadeshiko: how about lvkewl
Meryl Stryfe Nadeshiko: very big tc ^^
lvkewl: dunt look at mah bawlz plox
Meryl Stryfe Nadeshiko: lol
Meryl Stryfe Nadeshiko: hit whirly pls
Serene Lullaby: I don't think lv likes to lead...I've never known him to lead...lol

lvkewl: kiwi u was by null afk,, u got here be4 meh o:
kiwispring: Its called "kiwi rolls faster than walking :3''

Honeyass: add meh
lvkewl: kk trailed will
TrailedThoughts waves.
Honeyass: lol that rboy added me
II_Kisame_II: lvk i didn't know you had it in you, to be evil
lvkewl: razz
II_Kisame_II: I have no idea how you took honey from the dark side
II_Kisame_II: Like the dark side is so strong, it can be reckoned as a black hole
lvkewl: wtf she left i didnt need to ask.. tats mah awesumness
II_Kisame_II: anyway need to get pot
Honeyass: he promised me he would give me his wood
lvkewl: wtf honey .. i dunt need bad rep o:
Honeyass: lol

Honeyass: the renaissance faire
to Honeyass: kk still means nuff ;p
Honeyass: It is like a convention for medevil time
Honeyass: http://www.renfair.com/ny/
Honeyass: I dressed up as a pirate :3 I thought of your avi the whole time with you peg leg :'D

icrystal_ducky: O-o your tc is so high...
TheBlueLover: who?
ll Bunnie ll: Who?
icrystal_ducky: Ivkewl
ll Bunnie ll: =O
TheBlueLover: lol yikes
lvkewl: ;p i amma addicted to this game .. Taylor is higher

MajinBob: I like sacrificing Noobs to Lanshur
GothicAngel10121: I totally read hat wrong, haha
GothicAngel10121: I read " I like sacrificing Boobs to Lanshur" Lol

Tado666: &.& what does lv want to screw on the top ball for me??

-Hopeless_99th: ilazy, I need your participate, or I kick u
Prince_Kiba_Kun: hes lazy whatd you expect XD
Red Eyes Wayvern Dragon: xd

Lexi_Earl: ima be ima be ima be nagging ilvi o.O do u kno tat song?? hahah it rhymes lolz
to Lexi_Earl: ;p lol tat failz der nub chart fosho
Lexi_Earl: O: ish not &.&
to Lexi_Earl: kk then i lie to chu .. wow bby tta track b number 1 next to wondergurls ^^

ChouxSea: i shud cat if wer mobbing. ^^
Serene Lullaby: No
ChouxSea: what?
-I-Netrix-I-: XD
ChouxSea: why not?
Serene Lullaby: xD
-I-Netrix-I-: people use FR
ChouxSea: elvi knows i always cat when we mob. D: so i dont die. rr4 cat ftw!
ChouxSea: people use friend requests? what does that have to do with mobbing?
Serene Lullaby: We lost someone...

Xo-sakura-oX: omg someone is whispering
Xo-sakura-oX: and got no idea who it is XD
lvkewl: mm obby

MajinBob: And wher edo you live Yan
-YanGelus-: you mean State?
MajinBob: Shut the ******** up and read through the typos noob
MajinBob: I'm talking country

Nikko of the Pink Rose v2: ty~ *skips to the kitchen

Pandie Jen: is this pure speed run or a bit of mobbing?
ChouxSea: speed
Pandie Jen: k =3
ChouxSea: keeps elvi from fapping
lvkewl: o:
ChouxSea: well ...during runs anyways

Nikko of the Pink Rose v2: lv ;w; comfort taka in whisper
lvkewl: lol i fink i may pee her off more
ChouxSea: yuh u shud comfort the person you abandoned. if it was me i wudnt care but id still spam u in whisper 8D
lvkewl: i had rob add meh be4 & just left crew O:
lvkewl: LOL note to self leave Mays crew 7 not bohther her wit whispers XD
ChouxSea: i thot u cared ;o;
ChouxSea: bish
lvkewl: i only want chu for ya gold ^^;;
ChouxSea: because i give you so much gold when i call O:

lvkewl: ur avai has streaky lines ;p
ChouxSea: so u can see it too O:
lvkewl: yurr crying
ChouxSea: dont cross the line bish
ChouxSea: its a fine line D&

ClopClip: ivy, can you drop something for fleet?
lvkewl: kk
Amour Eternel v2: Who's Ivy?
ClopClip: sorry &.&
ClopClip: i'm autistic surprised
Amour Eternel v2: What's Autism?
ClopClip: no i'm jk. it's messed up to lie about that kind of thing surprised

lvkewl: we got defob ??
Arlos the Sexy One: lol, defob.

sareon: DAMN it is there anyone not cute so i can add and not rape D;
sareon: yes lv your next
sareon: s chan wants that avi nao

sareon: lv you bish
ll YourImaginaryFriend ll: xDDD
sareon: whatcha do to the bleached avi i looved
sareon: the nekkid one

to MajinBob: lvk isnt online at de mo .. pls leave a messg after der beep O:
MajinBob: *kicks you inteh face*
MajinBob: Orion already ratted you out
to MajinBob: pahhh crying i better not crew with orion so much ;p

Wisp: what was orians name?
lvkewl: Orion Quest

Burn the ice: chat in whisper or talk plz
ll YourImaginaryFriend ll: and stfu random just turn off shout
Burn the ice: i said plz T^T

The BuzzKill: "ask her where she is from she mustbe from antartica or somefin" - elvi

vickarama: does anyoe play sports here ? o.o
vickarama: **anyone
The BuzzKill: does sitting on my a** all day count as a sport?
vickarama: no
The BuzzKill: then elvi doesnt
generic cereal: if you count frisbee and hackysack
monkeymech: i do martial arts,but had to give it up since college work was far too much stressful
The BuzzKill: does chasing around the mailman count?

Cassian Green: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRPGgfz5hcE
Cassian Green: :U
Takara Taji: i luuuuv this song ^^
Cassian Green: XD
Takara Taji: it makes me cry when ppl dont know this song XD

Takara Taji: lv you save my life with that duct tape XD
Nikko of the Pink Rose v2: *dances* an't no party like a nikko party cause i nikko party don't stop =w=

Takara Taji: chi is back
Mr Panty: bleh ******** chi i havent played gaia in ages

Stronger Than I Seem: At night, sora hangs out around the local strip club, only because she can't actually get INSIDE it,
-l-Tenshi-l-: LOL the fawk!? XD
Jayye_S: lol sora xD
createdsora: xD How can I not? I am over 18 x3
lvkewl: ;p LOL orly
Stronger Than I Seem: Okay I'm too sleepy to make up more crap ; ~~ ;

Serene Lullaby: kewl, do you know that random people like to talk about you due to your CL, I was in some crew the otherday and someone was all "OMG, I met lvkewl"
lvkewl: orly crying
Serene Lullaby: your TC I mean
Serene Lullaby: Yep, I thought it was funny.
lvkewl: i wish they talk about taylor more ;p
roblin5: lol

l-M e s e-l: I gotta go nate D:
Broken Hearts Mend: don't crew with lillithness... &.&
NateShikaVi: 3 more runs mese -.-
NateShikaVi: thast the deal
l-M e s e-l: I never agreed to that
NateShikaVi: the rule is you never leave when a doubler is active
NateShikaVi: &.& or chu dont ever get crewed with by me
l-M e s e-l: uuugh &-&
White Ice Fang: i hope nate desnt do that to me
NateShikaVi: it applies to everyone

White Ice Fang: if dss is always this orgasmic call me in everytime
NateShikaVi: obby wink

NateShikaVi: 4 runs lev
lvkewl: 4 runs kk
ChouxSea: "4 runs...can i leech?" -elvi
NateShikaVi: tef keen ghostie, 3 swords bump, smile
NateShikaVi: no lev &.&
NateShikaVi: or you pay me 1m smile
ChouxSea: no me

NateShikaVi: ... with a doubler.. i just mamnaged to collect 3 orbs ._.
CIickMe: o-o; wtf
girl who fell to earth: lol
NateShikaVi: if youd ouble anything you get an even number ._.
NateShikaVi: zomg hates me todya :c
girl who fell to earth: i;m getting heaps of orbs XD
CIickMe: I havent gotten any
ChouxSea: i gotten around 3k today
NateShikaVi: me ? none
NateShikaVi: wel. bout 100
NateShikaVi: form them ss runs -.-
girl who fell to earth: i have days like that too tho sad
NateShikaVi: i cant afford dayslike this :c

NateShikaVi: blame lev
ChouxSea: ^^

Futoi Mashumaro: T___T i don't wanna be skinny
Futoi Mashumaro: i need to keep my weight up
ChouxSea: who cant hear the growling it causes earthquakes
ChouxSea: ikr
bunji_kin: wulf ^^
Futoi Mashumaro: sorry
Futoi Mashumaro: can you hear it in the US
Valkyrie Wulf: hai bunji ^^
ChouxSea: skinny bitches are horrible D:
Futoi Mashumaro: i knows
ChouxSea: i can hear it constantly. but ive grown used to it
bunji_kin: T__T
Futoi Mashumaro: they're going to move me to the artic
NateShikaVi: hear whut ?
Futoi Mashumaro: the earthquakes caused by my hungry tummy

Futoi Mashumaro: Mayor where's my grilled cheese
bunji_kin: you makin samiches?
ChouxSea: hold the bread and hold the cheese?
ChouxSea: omg i totally forgot
bunji_kin: &.&
Futoi Mashumaro: yup that's how i like it
ChouxSea: lemme go add some butter and fry those tomatoes
ChouxSea: okk

Vanity Du Vendetta: bai lv and trix ;o &3 sex-- I mean talk to you later

ChouxSea: what do you guise wanna do now? ;p
Futoi Mashumaro: doesn't matter
ChouxSea: obby
ChouxSea: meet me in 3 hours in time square wearing nothing but a rainbow clown wig and a mankini, ill be wearing the same. ill bring my candy. ;D
ChouxSea: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGnuMxFnc1k

The Sage Lover: ladies and gentlemen... H did shower
HCO3: &.&;;
The Sage Lover: *sorry he didn't shower
The Sage Lover: for 2 days
x_Ren17_x: lol
HCO3: lies
The Sage Lover: u just told me that
HCO3: not 2 days
HCO3: 1 day
The Sage Lover: wat's that? 36 hours?
The Sage Lover: xD that constitute as 1 and a half days
HCO3: i gonna go sleep now
x_Ren17_x: no!
The Sage Lover: oh god

LadyTimePiece: We're missing the kitty. sad
LadyTimePiece: here kitty kitty kitty kitty! I ave Meow Mix!
MAR van Winkle: lol
LadyTimePiece: Poo. OH well
kiwispring takes out catnip
kiwispring: Come. Nao.
LadyTimePiece: boo she left

JackMoon: shake what ur mother gave u at birth
D Aleister: shake it like a polaroid picture

Kinukio: my right arm is dying
Vener Azluna: were u fappin?
Kinukio: fappin?

Futoi_Mashumaro: did she break your chat yet
to Futoi_Mashumaro: nope, shud i lie & say eet did ;p

to ChouxSea: Futoi_Mashumaro: milk mayor :OYou just found the Recipe: Monster Lobster Claws!to Futoi_Mashumaro: haha omg i spat mah sprite out after readin tat XOOOO
ChouxSea: OH HAWT

to ChouxSea: phail

lvkewl: damn Xin is as greedy as Futo XOOO
XingYang: xDD
Futoi Mashumaro: T__T

lvkewl: lawl srry
XingYang: razz
lvkewl: i 4got u speed freak
lvkewl push futo forward^^
channnie170: open
XingYang: razz
Futoi Mashumaro: don't push &.&
Futoi Mashumaro: i perfer to roll
lvkewl: i couldnt even if i tried..

CIickMe: ikr? I'm in all these pro crews even though my tc fails
lvkewl: lawl TC means nuffin .. just tat u av no life ;p
kiwispring: Heh..that means..Lv have no life? D:
kaoruChoco: LOL
CIickMe: I dont have a life during the summer
CIickMe: though I didnt start getting on gaia again til summer was just about over
kiwispring stares at Lv's super duper high tc
lvkewl: aww glad u came bek on ^^
CIickMe: wasnt there someone with a tc over 500k?
kaoruChoco: 300k o.o
kaoruChoco: O.O
kiwispring: Uhhh..o.o
CIickMe: I know his is over 300 lol
kiwispring: That'll be the future Lv
kiwispring: o3o
CIickMe: LOL
lvkewl: mm Tayor is the highest TC now i fink
kiwispring: 325k I think

Tropicalkiwi1104: omg lvkewl your tc ;o

lvkewl: damn gurl .. mebe we shud mate our cocos they b awesume like chu ;ppp
Le C o C o-chi: O-O
kiwispring: Lv. reinvite us
CIickMe: LOL
Le C o C o-chi: XD sry hun but I'm taken
CIickMe: he meant our coco kitties
CIickMe: lol
lvkewl: lawl
Le C o C o-chi: Lol thank gawd

CIickMe: someone do a butt check?
kiwispring: Chat's messed up, brb
Le C o C o-chi: buffs?
Le C o C o-chi: lol yes do a butt check XD

NateShikaVi: therefore leaving muslims to be immortal
NateShikaVi: therefore leaving muslims to be immortal
II_Kisame_II: So are you a muslim
NateShikaVi: yuh
II_Kisame_II: sick i'm one too.
NateShikaVi: 8D
NateShikaVi: yay
II_Kisame_II: How is your fasting going btw?
NateShikaVi: anna go blow up buckingham palace together ? :3 i gave up 10 minutes ago
lvkewl: lol
NateShikaVi: lev stop being asian pl0x
NateShikaVi: be muslim smile
lvkewl: ;p
lvkewl: u knoe i cant stop eatin ;p
NateShikaVi: ikr
II_Kisame_II: nate you wimp, you can't even fast for 14 hours
lvkewl: fawk i cant last 14 secs
NateShikaVi: XD
II_Kisame_II: fatty
CIickMe: I can last maybe....8 hours
lvkewl: ikr but more to hold bby X)
lvkewl: Click tats called a diet ;p
NateShikaVi: hey i gotto milk him with some comfor wink
NateShikaVi: comfort*

II_Kisame_II: lvk and click get you coco's to mate
NateShikaVi: lev, chu ish nasty
CIickMe: loool
CIickMe: why?
lvkewl: yurr breed em then sell dem ;p

kiwispring: Lawl, someone lured during the speed run -.-
to kiwispring: haha omg ur crew is too awesume ;p
kiwispring: Ikr x.x They looked so pro and stuff, but...we fail.
kiwispring: And we all died DX
to kiwispring: hey u didnt die & u still av full crew 7 rr4 buffs at least ;p could b alot worse
to kiwispring: oppsss spoke too soon xo
to kiwispring: my bad chu can balme meh
kiwispring: [blames Lv for everything]
kiwispring: XD

lvkewl: wow nice going Becks
BeckyHopeStar: i'm the best queeny in the qworld
BeckyHopeStar: and i'm cool like that
Uke Kaito wants a pudding cup.
lvkewl: lol yummy
BeckyHopeStar wants pudding cup too and a bento box

PlumpGerty: I SPY AN LV
lvkewl: o: derp &3
PlumpGerty: Derp derp derp &3 o3o
lvkewl: derpy derp derpy ;p
PlumpGerty: Derppppp c:
lvkewl: pprreeDD
PlumpGerty: NO U O3O
lvkewl: obby ofc

Artoro: xo gots dandruff in her hair :&
XOTKI: leave him dead "D
XOTKI: i do? S:
lvkewl: lol
SweetNiar: yup you do
XOTKI: I blame lvvv

Supreme Sugar meeps while muted
TrevorSpencer: brb have to pee
Supreme Sugar: You did that yesterday D:
TrevorSpencer: =o but I have to do it again

lvkewl: stand still this isnt ki_ss chase xo

URL-Length: I'll use photoshop to get rid of Nate and Lv
URL-Length: o 3o
ChouxSea: Ikr.
URL-Length: Yuhh.
ChouxSea: I was like "eeewww" make those things go waiiiiz.

URL-Length: Lv defab
URL-Length: o 3o
lvkewl: no defab .. only defob ^^;;
lvkewl: obby i'd pay to c tat

ChouxSea: c** HERE FOR DAFOB
URL-Length: Yer horny now biggrin

ChouxSea: Buy high from and then sell low back to me. Works in all your favors. For example elvi is going to my kanoko for 100mil and then sell it back for a WHOLE 2 GOLD! 8D

ChouxSea: NateShikaVi: ChouxSea: lvkewl: ChouxSea: lvkewl: ChouxSea: lvkewl: ChouxSea: lvkewl: URL-Length: Earl you're talking to yourself

NateShikaVi: -speaks in lev language- chu ish ded
NateShikaVi: XD
NateShikaVi: lev language ish catchy surprised

The bugs pile your bodies on the Star Portal and eject you from their world.

Yuki949: what does ditto mean?
Tomiyoko Maira: lol
xoxoAnny: ditto means copy that
Tomiyoko Maira: Ditto is a Pokemon... I don't know what you are taling about.
xoxoAnny: dildos...
-I-Netrix-I-: think pokemon &.&
Yuki949: i just know pokemon is a anime where you throw a ball and a monster ppops out

i t s T o x i c B t c h: i just got a wing sticker. &3
i t s T o x i c B t c h: i feel so cool.
l - Valhalla - l: lol prinny talk
i t s T o x i c B t c h: WING STICKER.
i t s T o x i c B t c h: i got this blue thing.
kiwispring: Something that only Toxic has.

lvkewl: LOL this why i leave 1 & 2 chests XDD
kiwispring: She went hugging the fluffs
i t s T o x i c B t c h: FUU.
kiwispring: Rule #1: Fluffs looks huggable, but in reality, they hate being hugged.

i t s T o x i c B t c h: youre gonna give me 2mill, lvk. :&
lvkewl: lol & we only just met xdd
i t s T o x i c B t c h: PFT.
i t s T o x i c B t c h: i crewed with you before.

i t s T o x i c B t c h: what crew are we?
l-yaLee-l: speed
i t s T o x i c B t c h: mk.
kiwispring: Skype / ss speed?
l-yaLee-l: lmao
lvkewl: lol
kiwispring: Pshh, we're paying more attention to skype than speed

kiwispring: We'll get revenge Queen
kiwispring: :&
l-yaLee-l: we will Kiwi
kiwispring: We'll turn you into minced meat, roast it, bbq it with barbeque sauce
kiwispring: And eat
kiwispring: Muwahah

Loccy Sykes: My browser died when i opened a new tab.
MajinBob: Great now Loccy go get pot D:
Master Drakontis: XD
Master Drakontis: Yes, Loccy, go get the Marijuana.

MajinBob: LV you hit 300k :'D
lvkewl: gold ^^

Mirenithil: Wow it's been so long since I did this I don't remember what cl to suppress to. XD 5.0?
Master Drakontis: Noob "Is papa saw in the shed?" Me "Nope, he's in the lake"

D4rcEmo221: who???
-Yuui-TR-Flourite-: level noob?
MajinBob: Lv as in Lvkewl
D4rcEmo221: defind noob??

lvkewl: lol der boss is bek^^
Jollilicious: LOL whatever lvk xP

lvkewl: lol robos too ;p
Reikero: razz
roblin5: lol
Reikero: almost have badge &w&;
MetallicBubblesx2: So far awayy.
Reikero: youll get there 8D
MetallicBubblesx2: In what, a YEAR? D&
Reikero: nah :3
Reikero: do 100 a day? XDD
MetallicBubblesx2: XD Are you nuts?
Reikero: nuu .3. tis only like.. 6 rounds?
Reikero: then youll have your badge in 40 days biggrin
MetallicBubblesx2: D& I'm hardly on woman

roblin5: fleet
MetallicBubblesx2: XDDD
Reikero: XD
roblin5: fleet
Reikero: D8
MetallicBubblesx2: Ahem
Reikero: lvk doesnt like fleetinf does he XD
lvkewl: lol jolli & talli shud know crying
Reikero: you die more with it XD
Reikero: without*
MetallicBubblesx2: Mmm, I deny it.
MetallicBubblesx2: Lvk loooves fleet.
Reikero: XD

MetallicBubblesx2: Who the ******** lured these bitches
Reikero: stop ******** cursing o&
MetallicBubblesx2: No goddamnit D&
MetallicBubblesx2: LOL lv with fleet
Reikero: XD
MetallicBubblesx2: This will be... interesting

MetallicBubblesx2: Ooooh omg, congrats lvk!
roblin5: 6k more
MetallicBubblesx2: 300k

girl_who_fell_to_earth: oh 300k congratzzz biggrin

Molester Tester: wercom burck

Molester Tester: Do yuh rememeber me tiipster?
II_Kisame_II pokes with tampon
Tiippie: o.o
Molester Tester: I said do you freakking remember me .. shes, what am I chopped liverrr
Molester Tester: Brb, I feel a turd coming on
l-yaLee-l: now.. you think tester is bad?

II_Kisame_II: You guys wanna try doing a flash run?
II_Kisame_II: You two alive?
II_Kisame_II: T.T Lvk T.T lee both past away in 11-08-10
II_Kisame_II: may they rest in peace
II_Kisame_II: Oh they alive O:
II_Kisame_II: *tears*
lvkewl: lol
II_Kisame_II: Note only tering because of the onion that are being chopped in the kitchen

II_Kisame_II: 3 spots for Booty grab crew!
l SQUALO l: ?
l SQUALO l: BOOTY grab
l SQUALO l: =O
II_Kisame_II: Like we're playing nothing but booty grab

lvkewl: invite plox3
II_Kisame_II: lvk who did you want to join?
II_Kisame_II: plox3?
II_Kisame_II: wait i think you meant please

XxX_HellsInferno_XxX: my cat was like open the door or ill poop on yor floor

XxX_HellsInferno_XxX: ez pz
LunaLebelia: lemon squeezy

LunaLebelia: hey lvkewl say something! lol I want to see if this voice thing works &.&
LunaLebelia: :OOOO
LunaLebelia: I heard you
LunaLebelia: heh heh I'm easily amused I suppose..lol

TF-Tekashi: wow exactly 14690000
ii_ayoo_baby_ii: money
TF-Tekashi: woops added another 0

x0-Emo Sushi-0x: Had to pry out the keys and clean it -w-
Kiryu Thunder: lol my brother spilled grape juice on mine
Marytanna: O.O
x0-Emo Sushi-0x: Always juice! x'D
x0-Emo Sushi-0x: Accidents happen xP
x0-Emo Sushi-0x: That's how I was born x'D

Bad Intentions Girl: lol im gonna have to go pee at some point
l Spizike l: Go ahead.
Bad Intentions Girl: i refuse to pee my hands again
l Spizike l: Hands?
Bad Intentions Girl: in my hands

II N i n o - C h a n II: Fast food places suck D:& What if they scratch their balls and make your food

SheepAreSoFuzzy: Time zones have never really stopped confusing me...

Tado666: he just likes the ears and having a wood ^_^

Lexi Earl: someone said my avi looks like a person wif no permanent address crying

hotgoodies: DAM
lvkewl: wut when where
hotgoodies: 300,316 TOTAL CHARGE
hotgoodies: PRO
hotgoodies: =o
lvkewl: ;p stop pervin at mah bawlz
hotgoodies: ew
hotgoodies: im add yuh
hotgoodies: pro

Lexi Earl: u gonna watch me die?
Lexi Earl: o not xD
lvkewl: nahh seen tat happen 2 u too much
Lexi Earl: adek!

Cali teh Herm: omg i see ur butt snowy o_o
xxSnowyIcexx: =_=
xxSnowyIcexx: *cough*
rukiafanatic113: why are u even looking there?
Cali teh Herm: cuz i got bored

xxSnowyIcexx: dontletcali die :0
Cali teh Herm: record deaths:12times in one day
xxSnowyIcexx: today?
Cali teh Herm: nope i was killing trash cans and mama fluffs

300K TC achieved^^

Random_Panda_Ebby: Cool avi lvkewl :O
lvkewl: awww ty
lvkewl: mm ya with Rex & co right
Random_Panda_Ebby: yes haha xD how'd you know?
lvkewl: i perved at ya rings

xxSnowyIcexx: all of u ran off then the fish came back and were like D& NOMNOMNOM on me XD

Cali teh Herm: probably wont make it to the switches before i die D:
lvkewl: code is like james bond has to die over
codename_traitor: lol
Cali teh Herm: xD
Cali teh Herm: make it to the end ;D
Cali teh Herm: bleh & razz

iAznMichie: lagging bad
iAznMichie: hate it
DXPark_Han_ByulXD: yeah
iAznMichie: it got better
Schaya Moonwight: Gotta keep that lag repellent on hand wink
diemXOXwlx: i gotta get someof that

iz-r_tear: everyone
iz-r_tear: can u help me defeat the commander
iz-r_tear: pleas
MajinBob: You gotta bring him over =.= I aint going over tehre
Predator Prairie Pup: Zrrk! Kee-tr^k plik!
Madam Enigma: drag him here

Violet Meira rapes Noctis./
Ieiunium Eternus: -_-
lvkewl: wow she not der shy type smile
Violet Meira: He was asking for it.
Noctis Luciss: LOL

kirby4ever: are you all girls
kirby4ever: short hair confuses me
KaryuunoSamurai: lvkewl's a guy o:

Winged Tree Nymph: how are you?
Kuga Natsui: Hi lv
lvkewl: hihi & ty
Kuga Natsui: brb
Winged Tree Nymph: it's funny to think you're a legend around here..but I've never met you
lvkewl: mm i amma gud .. slow day today thou with heavy rain
Winged Tree Nymph: I love rain...just not heavy rain
lvkewl: i wut ?_?
kirby4ever: i never heard of Iv
KaryuunoSamurai: o:
lvkewl: nahh i just a myth .. ya figment ^^
Winged Tree Nymph: I have...lots of times
KaryuunoSamurai: lol
kirby4ever: well
Winged Tree Nymph: the 2nd highest TC in the game was it?
lvkewl: i've heard of kirbys pinball if tat helps
Winged Tree Nymph: XD
kirby4ever: 296k TC is a lot
kirby4ever: razz
lvkewl: hahah nuuu i fink ppl out there have more just dunt play atm
KaryuunoSamurai: I think Taylor now has the highest TC o:
Winged Tree Nymph: lv...do you like fleeting?
KaryuunoSamurai: though girl might be close
lvkewl: lawl ask kary she knows i dunt like fleetin ^;;

NateShikaVi: -rapes dd- 8D
Maeyru: this music sounds....peaceful but weird..hmm..
NateShikaVi: kuro joined in for a 3some surprised
deviousdreams: lol
Kumori Seirei: wha i cant even see you guys
Kumori Seirei: o.0
Maeyru: we have to move around

NateShikaVi: RYAN D& wulfy has todl me all about you, its so nice to hear that she has found someone &&
[R y a n]: Uh?
Valkyrie Wulf: i already have fusion &&
NateShikaVi: you and her surprised
[R y a n]: Lol what?
Valkyrie Wulf: go die nate

Mr Panty: lv you're a TC pirate
lvkewl: pirate sounds gud

Sujika: wow. some people are assholes.
alita1zelda: why?
Sujika: I got kicked out of a crew for saying "not me" last,

xX-Cookie-Xx-13: can we add another girl? i dnt wanna b lonely &w&

Lexi Earl: u sux ilvi u didn heal me
lvkewl: i blow chu nxt time

Marveladin: *Eating Krystals Food*
21st_Cherry_Toy: who is krystal ?
Marveladin: Resturant surprised
21st_Cherry_Toy: is it good ?
lvkewl: wut type food is eet
Marveladin: American Food XD
lvkewl: lol
21st_Cherry_Toy: what are you eating marcus
21st_Cherry_Toy: lol that could be anything
Marveladin: Kystals Burgers and Fries ^.^
21st_Cherry_Toy: omg he is going to need a bypass
lvkewl: nawww transfat is gud for chu ,3
Marveladin: XD
lvkewl: damn i want burgers now with bacon ^^
21st_Cherry_Toy: denied
Marveladin: I love bacon XD
21st_Cherry_Toy: i dont want to take lv to the hospital
lvkewl: yeah chu av taste Marv
lvkewl: shusssh cherry
Marveladin: lol
lvkewl: more for chu to holdX)
21st_Cherry_Toy: tempting
21st_Cherry_Toy: but i like my men buff
21st_Cherry_Toy: razz
lvkewl: i like em short & fatteh .. like lexi
21st_Cherry_Toy: omg i am not going to be fat
Lexi Earl: omg i not fatteh &.&
21st_Cherry_Toy: but is chibi

Dr Blue Wolf: Computer crashed. I think it might be overheating.
Dr Blue Wolf: If it happens again I'll probably take a break.
Lexi Earl: get a fan
Cali teh Herm: is it me or is der a white speck following meh?
lvkewl: i'll b a blue fanbie &3
Lexi Earl: lolz
Dr Blue Wolf: lol
lvkewl: chu av white speck stlkers .. i want xo
Cali teh Herm: xD

Dr Blue Wolf: I have a gmail account but that's it
Lexi Earl: i get to stalk him only wen he online gaia
Cali teh Herm: ya hack into his comp razz
lvkewl: lexi idea of hackin PCs is using a chainsaw ^^;;
21st_Cherry_Toy: OO
Lexi Earl: adek xD

21st_Cherry_Toy: lexi and cali didnt comment on my outfit
21st_Cherry_Toy: i am actually wearing clothes .. i thought you guys would notice
Cali teh Herm: lmao

URL-Length: Lv's too busy talking to his cat D:
lvkewl: XD
BlkDth999: LV !!!!! LEAVE YOUR p***y ALONE !!!
URL-Length: ikr.
Netrix_SR: but he likes to stroke it
Netrix_SR: &.&;
URL-Length: It's not healthy.
BlkDth999: its a sick p***y
Netrix_SR: they say it lowers blood pressure and makes you live longer

IiBOoHiI: i forgot improb
IiBOoHiI: second chest
Lovely Bunnies: ill die n get it o:
lvkewl: lol nvrmind we can still do this
IiBOoHiI: nah yea we good
Lovely Bunnies: mkay biggrin
Lovely Bunnies: -slaps kewl's tummy-

Absolutia: my internet freezes when ther 2 many monsters
Wisp: =[
KaryuunoSamurai: o.o that was all of the spouts
Wisp: &.&;
Wisp: I lure well sorry

Absolutia: is the w 4 wisp?
Absolutia: on ur shirt
Wisp: ...wisp
KaryuunoSamurai: xD
Broken Hearts Mend: or win
Absolutia: w could stand 4 turtle
Wisp: ........?????????
Absolutia: idk
Broken Hearts Mend: wisp the turtle?
Wisp: @_@
Absolutia: get a shell pack
Wisp: I will hurt you broken
Broken Hearts Mend: what did i do?
Wisp: call me thatand I will hurt you lol
Broken Hearts Mend: you can be a turtle dove then?
Wisp: no
Broken Hearts Mend: but home alone said they were a sign of friendship v.v

Sincerely Insane: I have a structured settlement and i need cash now!!
lvkewl: go rob bank .. works for meh
XxMistress_SpyderxX: &.&
EnchantedFern: BEST FRIENDS.&3
EnchantedFern: I ROB BANKS TOO
EnchantedFern: &3 biggrin
lvkewl: obby
Sincerely Insane: I ROB PEOPLE
XxMistress_SpyderxX: Sex me.
XxMistress_SpyderxX: Baby.
Sincerely Insane: OF THEIR VIRGINITY & biggrin
EnchantedFern: sexnoaplz,

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