Neon Vargo
Username: Zoeyagent When I Look In The Mirror I Look Like This:  My Name is Neon Vargo I'm Currently 18 Years Old I'm About 6'2'' I'm A Boy Who Likes Girls The Things I Really Like Are The sight of blood, the taste of blood, combat, laying back once in a while, But I Totally Hate Are People who can't pull their own weight I Am Part Of The Evo Group I Am On This Side Because I have powers that are forbidden among the regularsa (humans without powers) My Life Story Is: I was a freak by birth. My mother was a test subject by the government, they wanted to see if they could manipulate my DNA to make a new type of super human. They were unaware that a few years later they would run amok. I managed to stay in hiding, while the government thought I had died along with my mother after a murder that was held at my house. Little did they know my power was growing. I started to have a knack for killing small things, then later I started killing bigger and bigger things. Although I haven't killed a human yet, I still have been meaning to try. I Tend To Usually Act Like: Blunt, Sadistic, crazy, stratigic I Was Put Away Because I Can use my blood to blow things up at the snap of my fingers (only his own blood, and can only score minimal damage unless the person is completley drenched in blood which could kill them) Oh And I Also: ----(I will not use my powers to godmod, I will use them fairly)-----
3D Lemon · Thu Sep 23, 2010 @ 12:45am · 0 Comments |