conspericy theories
Lab Tech X is a manifestation of Lab Tech 013's anger at Jonny K. at his time of death aka a vengful spirit. Or Lab Tech 123's alter ego. The Lab Tech X we saw doing evil deeds like rereleasing the Grunnies, yeah that was Bucho in disguise. Why would Bucho do that? Why else, he wants to ruin the Gambinos. Where does Ian come into all this? Easy Ian is a Gambino. Why else would he be so hesitant to state his last name? Jonny K. got rich off of his family store. The Gambino Boutique was then passed to Ian when Jonny K. felt his oldest son could handle it, while he moved into his dream of G Corp. When Ian wasn't turning the profits he wanted, he fired him and kicked him out. At which point Rufus enters the picture. Rufus is not a rare breed of cat, he's a G Corp test animal that Ian rescued before leaving, how else did Ian know the Gambino mansion well enough to save Sasha. So why doesn't Gino blow his cover? Gino doesn't remember that Ian is his brother. That little bout of amnesia he had last christmas to april first permenently blocked the memory of his older brother. Bucho knows though, he's been close to the family for awhile. now obviously Bucho isn'tthe sniper, but he is pulling the strings. The Snipers identity well thats even easier. It's Liam. He has the motive too. Gambino made it so the bots could still live in Aekea. Liam hates the bots. Liam is also a long lost Von Helson. He didn't know his parents. but something tells me he's got a connection to the late Sisters.
Community Member
Thank you for this. ^^