Y'know, it's occured to me that I've never actually WRITTEN any detailed information about IC!Ves. For the longest time, she's just been this thing in my head that I've been half-rolling around, not really sure how to explain her - I call her a 'chimera,' like most of my characters, and so I came up with this one little thing that I'm going to write about her. The following information is entirely made up and pulled out of my a** with little to no forethought. It probably won't make any sense.
Ves is a type of being known as a 'chaos chimera.' Chaos chimeras are neutrally-aligned demons made of an amalgamation of chaos essences. They don't necessarily cause complete destruction, they're more of a source of disorder. Chaos chimeras don't have any one particular 'true' form, as they are shapeshifting beings and don't have a base consistent form - it generally varies with the chimera. Some are born humanoid, some are born looking like beasts. They can transform themselves into other things with the same general body shape as their base form, grow extra limbs and body parts, merge with objects, and particularly powerful chimeras can merge with other people... the only thing a chaos chimera cannot change is the color of its hair and its eyes, as those are the sole means of identification of the chimera.
Other than what they can do with their bodies, chaos chimeras are not at all magically-inclined. Many of them have a fascination with gadgets and machines, especially shaky, potentially explosive ones. Chaos chimeras primarily feed off of chaos energy - any particular disruption, distraction, or upset is sustenance to a chimera. Because the chimeras are neutrally-aligned beings, the chaos energy that they feed off of can both be positive and negative.
Chaos chimeras hate order. Too much order can cause a chimera to develop personality dysfunctions, cause them to become moody, and even cause them to die if they are kept too long from some form of destruction or disruption. In a chaos chimera's home, nothing is ever allowed to stay the same. Chaos chimeras have a tendency to rearrange the furniture on a whim, try to turn the kitchen into a bedroom and vice versa, build sculptures out of trash in the living room...
They love garbage. Many chaos chimeras live in or around junkyards and often take up dumpster diving as a hobby. They're known packrats, as accumulating items just adds to the clutter and mess of their own home. Not all chimeras are completely messy, though - there are a few that are considered anomalies in that they like a small bit of tidiness in their home.
Ves isn't an example of the extremes in chaos chimera tendencies. While she enjoys the stereotypical chimera hobbies of dumpster diving, gadgeteering, and setting up pranks for people, she's decidedly very lazy and relies on the chaos energy given off by her housemates and pets instead of going out and causing disruption on her own. This gives her more time to focus on working on engineering. She is very laid back and does little to try and calm things down should something happen between her housemates and pets, she'll typically only do something about it if she's yelled at loud enough. She rarely shapeshifts.
Ves · Mon Mar 13, 2006 @ 09:45pm · 0 Comments |