I wasn't sure where I was when I had woke. I felt the slight pain in my chest, still, but no visible wound was there. I looked over, only to see many dead bodies of the towns people. I, then , realized where I was. The castle gates. The invaders were burning bodies. I tried to move, but the pain made me hesitant. I looked around more, only to see slight movement. I closed my eyes, and tried not to cry. I felt warmth on me, and then my body being picked up and moved quickly. I kept my eyes closed until all motions stopped.
I heard a familiar whisper.
"Amarah, please, you have to wake up..."
I peeked my eyes open, in hope of who it was. Surely enough, it was Eyron sitting next to me.
"Hey.. you." I said, trying to catch my breath.
He helped me sit up, and wrapped me in his coat. I looked up to see ashes still falling. The smell of burning was everywhere. I suddenly realized something and jerked myself forward, only to hurt myself.
"Ah..Where is my sister? My mother and father... Did you find them?" I said, breathing heavily at this point.
He could only shake his head. When I went to find your parents, I couldn't. Not in any of the rooms. Then the explosion happened. I briefly saw your mother, but that was it."
"My mother? Where did she go!?"
"Who ever came to invade took her. I think I know who the man is. Your parents..." He paused, lowering his voice, "Whatever you brought them, they questioned and explained to me the Cause and Effect of some man. The past that your parents, this city, had with this man."
"The red eyes," I said, interrupting him.
"How did you know that? Your parents told me they never explained, or mentioned any of this to either your sister or you."
I held my chest where I had been struck before. "Because, he found me. He knew me."
Eyron moved my hand and grazed his over the area. "Then it only means I must never let you out of my site."
He sighed and helped me stand. He held me close as we walked the back roads, through the houses untouched. We browsed the city in ruins. He kept us low and out of the intruders way.
We finally made it to what left of the crowd was left. There stood the man that had attacked me, what was left of that man's group, and my mother. She was bound with a knife to her throat. I wanted to run out, but Eyron held me back. I felt my pain subside. I was too worked up. We waited in the shadows.
The man walked back and forth, as if waiting. He popped his fingers and neck, then spoke to the people who were still left alive.
"Do any of you know where Princess Amarah might be? Hm?"
The crowd kept quiet as he spoke. No one dared to respond.
He looked at the people, and snapped his fingers. One of his lackeys stabbed the closest person, right through the neck. As the tears and screams from the townsfolk started, the man quickly yelled for them to shut up. He spoke again, this time, in more of a harsh tone.
"Each of you will die until she is found. If any of you know where she might be, speak now or die!"
Again, the crowd was silent. The man looked towards them, and was abuot to snap his fingers when a small girl came out of the crowd.
"Sir," She said," Princess Amarah..."
The man's attention was drawn to the girl. He walked over and keeled down to her level. "Yes? What about our Princess?" He said softly to her. His eyes peered directly to her.
The little girl bit her lip, almost crying, but continued. "She's always with this boy. Everyday they are with each other. He is a brave fighter and his name is Eyron."
The man stood up, and nodded at his lackeys to move the crowd away.
"So, Eyron is still alive. Who knew my little brother would make it this far." The man said, licking his lips.
I turned immediately to Eyron. He had his hand over his forehead, looking down.
I spoke quietly, yet impatient. "What does he mean? What does he mean by 'little brother'."
Eyron looked up, as if hoping this day would never come. "He is right, Amarah. I am his little brother. I told you my parents were killed, and how... But not who... That man down there is that who. His name is Desmon"
I gasped and covered my mouth. Lowering my hands, I placed them on his.
"Eyron, why didn't you ever tell me this?"
"How was I? This was something I didn't want to remember. I knew he was to come back. I knew it. I knew it all. I didn't want you involved, but it looks like i now have no choice in the matter. He found you. He knows about you and me. It's only more ammo as to why he wants you."
Our attentions were taken away from each other as Desmon yelled out.
"Attention. All your people still alive, go back to your houses. I am done ridding you pathetic sheep. I will find my rightful prize, with or without your help."
He lowered his voice, yet still loud enough to hear, and continued on. "The queen will be killed if Princess Amarah isn't found by sunset. That is less than 20 minutes. Let's make this a bit interesting."
He laughed and then turned his attention to his followers. "All of you, go find her. Burn the city and the last of it's people down to find her. I don't care how long it takes. To rid Eyron of the last of his heart and hope only makes this more enjoyable."
I was grinding my teeth at this point. I wanted to go out and give up. I had to, I just had to. I turned my head to Eyron, seeing that he had drawn his sword. His power was rising and rising.
"Amarah, listen to me. I have to finish this. Because of me, this city has fallen, your family killed, and almost your own death. My hands. This is in my hands." He said, kissing me passionately. "This is what I have to do."
He jumped out of the window of where we were hiding, swooping himself down towards his brother. "Desmooonnnn!!!" He yelled out, swinging his blade back as he quickly approached his brother. He was fast, to where no one had realized he was already there. All, except for Desmon.
Desmon turned, snickering, and suddenly pushed out a ball of dark energy towards Eyron. It was a swift hit, but Eyron kept coming. He sliced and swinged at his brother, but with no actual hits. His brother could time his moves, and would dodge at the last second. It was a game of cat and mouse. I was sick of being the toy. I took a deep breath and walked my way down to the area. I would open my eyes every so often, only to see Desmon easily taking advantage of Eyron's rage.
Eryon was hurt, sitting against the stones. Blood was everywhere. Behind him, the sun began to lower. I stopped on the stairs, and opened my eyes.
"Desmon. I'm here." I said, looking directly at him. " I am what you want, right?
I could see Desmon's eyes glaze over to me. I shuttered, but continued walking down towards the area.
Eyron leaped forward to strike at Desmon, only for Desmon to grab him by the throat, squeezing hard.
"Stop it! Just stop it! I'm here!" I yelled out. "Let him and my mother go Desmon. I won't fight. I won't do anything, except for what you plan. Please." I placed myself down on my knees, and begged. I bit my lip, holding my tears back.
Desmon threw Eyron down by my mother. And walked over to me.
"Stand," He said. I stood.
"Now, let me see your face," He said. I looked up at him, avoiding eye contact.
I glanced towards Eyron and my mother, we were now safe and released. I nodded towards them, and looked at Desmon.
"My, aren't you obedient, Princess." Desmon said, his hand taking a slight hold of my chin.
I ignored him, ignored the tears that were falling, and ignored everything else. I closed my eyes and thought of Eyron. I thought of how my sister is safe. I thought of when we were all kids, playing throughout the city.
I sighed.
"My child..." Said my mother.
"Amarah.. please don't do this." Said Eyron.
I opened by eyes and jerked myself from Desmon. I walked around him to stand infront of my mother and Eyron.
"I know you both care for me deeply, but this is my duty. My duty as the princess, my duty as a daughter, my duty as a lover. My duty to the city and everyone else still alive. Eyron..." I paused, feeling a hand on my shoulder, which was Demons's.
"Find me, my love."
Those were my last words to him. Desmon had teleported us and his group out of the city. I wasn't sure if I passed out, or fell asleep after that moment. I hoped for a dream, but it wasn't. I looked around to find a new room, new clothes, and a new place to which I had never lay my eyes on. I dressed myself in the new clothes, keeping my belongings, and the ring of my lover, on. I stepped towards the sliding doors, which lead outside. A villa, or some sort, was where I was. On a cliff, it seemed. I walked to the balcony and looked up. Two moons were peacefully next to each other in the nighttime sky. The stars were dimmed, but still viewable. The waves rushed against the rocks. A slight breeze brushed me. I held onto my ring I was given by Eyron. I held on to the hope I was given.