Well if theres one thing i hate its friends who IGNORE that they even met u before they met anyone else people these are not real friends they are just ACTORS and they are really good at their daily job.They are not valuable at all and if u meet a friend and things start to go wrong and they don't understand you...they never will so you might as well DELETE them before its too late..because then you'll be the one suffering in silence while pretending every things Ok when really its NOT Ok so you meet someone in your newb days and he/she starts ignoring you then delete that ******** he/she isn't worth your suffering just delete them before its too late. i thought i had a real friend but he was really just a big old FAKE. and he may be reading this thinking "rose you're so dramatic" WELL GO RIGHT AHEAD AND THINK THAT I DON'T GIVE A ******** ABOUT U ANYMORE REIJI I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU! *if you are reading this and are catholic please pardon my language* AND I READ RAVENS MAIL! "i wanna keep those memories" WHAT A LIE REIJI U NEVER REALLY CARED YOU NEVER WILL! YOU NEVER WILL AND THATS WHAT KEPT ME SUFFERING SO THIS TIME I ENDED IT SO YAY IM FINALLY OK I HAVE NO REGRETS WHAT SO EVER *Do a little* BUT STILL THINK WHAT YOU WANT OF ME I DON'T CARE!!!
La Mexsikan Community Member |