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View User's Journal

Words that flow from the Abyss
Really, it's pretty obvious what a journal is for XD.
Chapter 4: The night smells of blood.
Note that this has already been published on another website as well, so the work comes here as it goes up there.


"Something about the situation just seemed…wrong. It wasn't right, wasn't natural, and yet it was almost as if it happened every single day of the family's life."

The voice belonged to a woman, about the age of 21, with long silvery blond hair and emerald eyes filled with worry and pain. She bit her lip as she attempted to rationalize the events of the past few days, then shook her head, hair flowing out and around her as she did so. Finally her gaze fell on the house where the police tape still remained wrapped about the front gates. She seemed ready to break down and cry at any moment but after letting out a slow exhausted breath in the form of a sigh, she glanced back towards the camera woman, a sad smiling playing out on her lips.

"I only wish they had spoken to me sooner, to let me know that something was going on. They never did though, as you can probably tell by now. I knew there were some issues in their lives, but for it to have turned to this. It's tragic, and hard to grasp and accept. After all, it isn't everyday children lose both of their parents in such a short period of time."

Her words came out shakily, her breath caught in her throat as a sob fought its way through. It was obvious that this woman used to be close to the family who used to live in the house, but no one was sure how close she had truly been. The camera woman seemed to take a moment before nodding and speaking long enough to apologize simply and ask the question no one had dared to ask. She questioned how well she had known them, and how exactly did she come to know them.

"Well, you see, I was a family friend to Serenity's husband's father. He introduced me to them and I knew that as soon as I met them, I would fall in love with the family. There was just something about them that pulled you in close, ya know? It made you want to stay."

Her lips pulled into a smile and she laughed softly, seemingly at a memory of some sort. Then with a slight shake of her head at which her smile slightly faded into a look of pain she began to explain her relationship with the family once more.

"However, it always seemed to be covered, shrouded in mystery, never truly being revealed completely. Literally every time I would turn around, something new would happen, someone would be missing or would turn up. I never really spoke too much to the oldest child, but the middle child, Gabriel seemed to at least be slightly interested in speaking to me, the youngest however, his name being Xigbar, seemed to almost fear me. He wouldn't even let his mother come near him, though so long as he spoke to me at a distance, he didn't seem to mind. A peculiar thing if you ask me."

She seemed to hesitate this time around, before she spoke, her eyes narrowed to slits in thought, and she bit at her lip once more. Then she seemed to deliberately take a step or two back, and smiled.

"Well, that's it; I seem to have already said too much and must be on my way. I have other families who were close to them to inform of the misfortune. I hope what I had to say, cleared some things up for you. I'm sure you won't think much of it though, soon enough. Goodbye and thank you for allowing me the time to tell part of their story."

Then she turned about, and ran down the rainy streets of Di Galon, her silvery blond hair flowing out behind her, and then she seemed to have just vanished into thin air.


The screech was blood curdling, the sound of chains shifting violently, filled the air. The figure kept in a room filled with nothing but complete darkness, writhed on the ground, small flashes of bright color the only things visible in the seemingly abysmal shadows. As the screams died away they were replaced by soft, almost silent sobs that shook the male's body, and pulled on the shackles which chimed as if they were adorned with bells.

Sharp metal edges dug deep into flesh, tearing through at every movement made, and the chains wrapped about the body in the shape of an X, tightened as if they were alive, which they very well could have been. Breath came in shaky, short gasps, as if the man there was afraid of suffocation, though the screams were what caused the loss of oxygen in the first place. As the quivering slowly passed and he allowed himself to lie still, he opened his eyes half way to reveal a vibrant shade of French Rose and small rounded pupils. It was clear he was accustomed to the deep shadows.

A black jacket wrapped about his body, belts and straps scattered about it in a seemingly loose manner though it was obvious they were tight, for when he moved in an attempt to tear one of the chains from the ground, it prohibited the necessary distance required to succeed. Usually a straight jacket was designed to keep ones hand bound behind the patient, but this simply strapped him to the ground, and guaranteed that there was no possibility of escape. Many of the man's family had learned to free themselves from situations not unlike the one he was in now.

Omen bit hard into his lip, drawing blood so deep of a red it appeared close to black, and closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them he took a deep shaky breath and forced his fears about his location to fade so that he could think about the dream without hindrance. When he opened them once more, French Rose gleamed almost red in a light that hardly revealed the smallest portion of the wall it was on the whole way across the darkened padded room. He forced the image of the mysterious blond woman who had spoken of his family and he, of the woman who mentioned Michael, yet refrained from using his actual name, into his mind, and attempted to remember her.

He couldn't recall her in the slightest detail. He knew there had been one woman who came to visit with his father before, but she hadn't adorned silver blond hair and sharp green eyes. No, in fact her hair had been a soft snowy white, her eyes a deep bloody red that held knowledge seemingly beyond her years. Of course he had no clue how old she had been, of course she could have been even older then he, and he had assumed her younger. In his eyes it was probably for the best, women tended not to enjoy their age being revealed, though he didn't understand why it was such a big deal in the first place. He sighed and attempted once more to force forward any lingering memory of her, he attempted to recall her voice once more, compared it with the one from his father's friend. It was there, almost the same, subtly different.

"Who are you?" He asked himself, his voice cracking from the strain it put on him. How long had he been locked up here? It wasn't like he would understand it anyway, since he didn't understand time itself. He was worried for his children, for his brother, and Michael, despite the knowledge that he could more than likely handle himself. He was worried about Advent and was well aware that he hadn't seen her for quite a while. He needed to find her; he needed to make sure she was okay and not hurt or dead. He just needed her in general; he needed Advent and Kaos, his brother. In an attempt to force back his tears he bit harder into his lip, which replaced a sob with a scream.


Ashura's pale yellow eyes fell to Xigbar's, and a dark gleam flashed through them, an unspoken command, a warning and a threat. The families curse was almost impossible to break free of, it latched on and refused to let go, and no matter how combat hardened, how much control one may hold over their own emotions or themselves, without mattering if they no longer feared anything but fear himself, those who fall under the curse, could break you, could shatter one's will and control within an instant.

Ashura, another of Omen's children, unlike the rest of the family, was born a pure blooded demon. He fell under the curse much harder it seemed, then the rest of them, and weakness, vulnerability was usually taken advantage of by anyone in their family. The Rayne family, the supposed family of demons cursed by the gods because of some old betrayal, some suspicion that they were creating an army to go against them, and that rumor was the closest the public would ever get to the truth.

Xigbar shook at the thought, and realized the mistake that he had just made. It would seem like another sign of weakness and vulnerability. There would more than likely be no escaping this situation now, not when a twisted sadists grin spread across the other's face and a dark menacing chuckle slid from his lips. His heart fell to his stomach, and he desperately started his search for some possible way to avoid the inevitable. Ashura crouched down low and leaned his head over onto one of his hands as he studied him for a moment, then with a short sharp laugh he shot that same, clawed hand forward, and grasped him by the throat.

With a dark and terrifying chuckle he forced himself to his feet, pulled Xigbar up with him, and held the male up and away from the ground. His lips peeled back into a grin that said everything. He would fall beneath him, with little to no chance of escape. Suddenly he whipped his arm about and jerked the wolf to the side, then hurled him towards the building he had come from. The wolf slammed into the crumbling wall hard, a loud audible crack echoing through the streets, where the rain did little to nothing to hide the scream that followed.

When the scream died away and his breath came to him in short sharp, painful gasps, he opened his one honey eye, and it widened in horror. Ashura was right in front of him, and without hesitation, the other male had him held by the throat once more. He stepped forward and pressed his body in close to the others and leaned in towards him, whispering darkly into his ear.

"If you run, I will enjoy every last moment of your life as it slips like sand through my fingers, I won't even attempt to control myself enough to let you live. Do you, understand me, Xigbar?"

The whispered words sent a chill down his spine and fear froze him in place. He couldn't breathe but knew that he needed to answer him lest there would be little chance of survival either way. He choked out the words with a slight nod of understanding. He hoped it was good enough because his words had come out slurred and muffled from lack of oxygen. The boy grinned as if satisfied, then pulled himself and Xigbar towards the street again as if he were going to change his mind, but instead he suddenly slammed him back against the wall, which caused the structure to crumble in on itself. With a sudden gasp of air, he suddenly realized he had been hurled through the opening. Before he knew it he hit the hard cold flooring, tumbled and rolled over himself. When he finally came to a halt, he found his gaze landing on pale yellow.

Ashura hung over him, light from the moon causing his shadow to appear menacing. As he shifted himself over the other, and suddenly seemed to almost straddle him, he leaned in close; his hands wrapped around Xigbar's wrists and had them pinned to the ground. The words spoken next assured the wolf that there would be no convincing him.

"I know when you are at your most vulnerable, and I know how to hurt you, how to truly scar you. I know how to make sure you understand the mistakes you have made up until this point. All of the pain and suffering you have put my brother through. I will make sure, Xigbar, that you suffer."

A chuckle slipped from his lips, the whole time the male spoke his voice had been a whisper, and it remained so even now.

"I also know, that for now, your vision is back, and that you have no way of shutting yourself away, you have no chance of trying to hide from what is going to occur by using your blindness."

Fear pulsed through him, pure, untainted terror that sinks its fangs into ones flesh, and refuses to acknowledge the existence of the word and or meaning of mercy.


Axel stood at the edge of the clock tower once more, gazing down lazily at the streets below, his jade eyes scanned the city for any sign that Xigbar hadn't really left, or that he planned to approach him again. With a slight sigh of relief he stepped back from the edge and glanced over his shoulder. Deep cool jade met a gleam of darkness traveling through sapphire blue, and he felt his lips pull back into a smile, one that reflected the darkness in the other's eyes. Roxas stood where Xigbar had been only moments before, his arms crossed over his chest, and one foot resting against the wall as if he owned the place.

"He is gone, and I highly doubt he will be returning anytime soon. As I suspect, you have a few, surprises set up for him, correct?"

His voice was smooth, and his tone was almost amused. With a grin, which took the place of his dark smile, he turned around to face the blond, his own arms now crossed over his chest. The boy at first looked away, refused to meet his gaze as he seemed to think about something. Then with a soft sigh he turned his gaze back to the red head, a grin slipping across his face. His expression suggested slight relief, which puzzled Axel a little. When Roxas spoke however, it cleared it up a little for him.

"That's good. I was afraid that you were planning on going against me, or leaving me for him. I don't know what I would have done had you disappeared on me."

The words may have been a disguise meant to seem like he was relieved but truthfully, it clearly held a warning. He was telling him discretely that he was indeed watching his every move and every person that he spoke to. He was warning him that if he screwed up in a way that brought a reason for him to worry, there would be severe consequences. The red head sighed and dropped his arms to his sides, shook his head and bowed slightly. He knew the game was over, and that if he did not fix the problem right away, he would be in trouble. He may enjoy the pain others put him through, but at the moment, he wasn't sure he could handle it.

"Please, accept my apologies luv, I meant no harm. You know just as well as I that Xigbar and his brother have gained the ability to read minds, and if not careful with what is said out loud, he becomes suspicious and attempts to pry at thoughts. He may have already invaded my mind as is. He is still just as brilliant as ever, too smart for his own good. I can tell that he has a plan already, one that may be cause to worry over."

He shook his head he stood straight and lifted one arm, ran his hand through his scarlet hair and dropped it down to his side once more. He had a thoughtful look on his face, and when the realization finally struck him, he flicked his gaze instantly to Roxas's.

"You have a plan too though, don't you? One that may actually have a chance against him, right? You told me earlier that you were going to ask someone for help, someone who knows Xigbar quite well. Tell me..who would this man be?"

Roxas seemed to think for a moment, chewing on his lip lightly in thought. Then he grinned with that small hint of madness and held up one hand, waved the finger as if disciplining a child. The giggle that escaped the boy's lips echoed the madness in his grin.

"Now, now, Axel. What have I told you about questioning me and my thoughts? Of course I have a plan, and I do believe it may actually have a chance of working. I know how to hide my thoughts from him, I have for thus long, and I shall for much longer still. Now, I require your assistance. I must find Zexion, and only you and a few others know his location."

Axel's eyes widened at the request, but he knew that he had no other choice in the matter. It suddenly became quite clear to the tiger that Roxas indeed did have a plan, in fact, a plan that more than likely work. He could feel the ache in his chest at the thought of betraying his old friend, but none the less, he bowed slightly to the other male and spoke respectfully.

"Yes, my lord. I will seek him out and bring him to you, if that is possible. Please, though, my love, you must be careful and remember what I told you. There are others out there, constantly watching the wolf, so you too must also keep a constant look out, else you may get trapped."

The tiger lifted from his bow and smiled lightly at the boy, his jade eyes soft and loving despite his internal chaos. He stepped forward and placed a finger under the blondes chin, lifted it and placed a soft kiss upon his lips. Roxas lifted his arms up and wrapped them around his neck, and returned the kiss fully. When they finally broke away from each other, they did not speak, but both turned in opposite directions and opened a portal into the darkness.


Soft blue eyes opened, gleaming in the shadows that lined the side of the clock tower. Sandy blond hair slid from beneath a hood which shadowed the rest of the figures face. The male had begun to wear his hair down instead of up in his usual style long ago, before he was murdered, twice. He could feel the pain deep in his chest at the thought of what he heard, and knew that he had to do something right this time around. That man, Omen had found a way to bring him back past the judge of death himself without the frightening and deadly man becoming even the slightest bit worried or suspicious. He would have to remember to thank him for that later on. He was afraid though, that he would never make it in time, or that he would screw up again.

Xigbar, he wouldn't let this plan fall through, he had to find the wolf and show him how much he had changed, that he was himself now and not whoever the old soul that inhabited his body had been. He doubted though, that he had any chance to survive the encounter, and he doubted that he had any chance at earning forgiveness, but he had to try, because he loved him. Of course he still knew that because of the wolf's history, he would never have him to himself, no, Xigbar was always with someone else, mostly Gabriel or Braig, but there were quite a few others. No one could blame him though. Growing up in a supposed "hospital" such as the thirteen sectors changed people, changed them to the point of no return.

The sandy blond pushed himself away from the wall and ran forward and to the edge of the building. His soft blue eyes fell onto the streets below, but that wasn't where he was headed. Glancing towards the sky now, he swung his arms out to the side, deep blue wings burst from his back, the feathers a light cool blue, like the waters from an ocean. With the cry of a phoenix he leaned forward, allowed himself to fall, fall, fall, till he almost reached the streets below, then burst his wings out at the last moment and soared into the air, feathers exploded around him and in the place of a sandy blond haired boy, was a great water phoenix that gleamed in the moonlight.

He could soar once more, could feel again, and he knew, that now if given the chance, he could right his wrongs. He was himself again, he, was Demyx, not some soul that possessed his body and took advantage of those he cared about.


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