I WILL tip.
Her name is Kyrie Esacte the little creature beside her is called Miyu; It's her pet. Miyu has a pink diamond studded collar and a tail with pink fluff on the end of it. But other then that it does look like the Gaia magical girl creature.
So if you put a name on it I would like it to be theirs. Or just Kyrie's.
Draw her in a cute pose if possible, she's quite shy but can be extremely loud if she's hyper or singing to music. Though she has quite the voice and dances ballet often.
NOTE:: Drawing the petals are optional. The Petals only twirl around her when her powers go all crazy so if your draw the petals could her expression be confused or surprised?
Thank You VERY Much~
Art I've received;;
By: Poet For The Reaper ^
By: The-mixed-up-cupcake ^
By: Lailahy ^