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My journal of fates It is what I call it! D< Like it or else! I will either rant 8 times a day in here, or rant all day in the chatterbox. You choose!

Fleur De Chant
Community Member
One of my oldest stories
I vote it gets deleted off my computer.

“I can’t do this alone, I need you. I just don’t know how to ask for your help…let alone love you.”


I walk swiftly down the hall…millions of thoughts fill my head. I just got back from hunting, would they notice and find me? I have kept the greatest secret hidden for so long…
“Ruri?” Asks a soft voice.

I quickly turn the lights off in the hall. Quick to sneak in my room and lock the door. The dawn’s light filled my room, the same place I just recently gotten used to. I am betrothed to the king’s son, Hiroyuki. He is nice, but he is very not my type!

“Great,” I sigh looking into a mirror. My clothes are soaked in blood…again. I swear it was not my fault this time, or was it. I thought I only drunk the blood of a rabbit, maybe I lost control again. This is why I was quick to leave my family and the beautiful land of Kardia. I would do anything to insure my family’s freedom and safety.

“Ruri?” asks the same voice again.

“What?” I ask in a mocking voice.

“Are you all right? It’s Kazuki; I need to speak with you.” Answers the voice. Kazuki! She knows all about my secret and I can trust her eyes to gaze upon me in my current state. I yank the door open and pull her in, I slam the door shut and lock it.

“What do you need to tell me?” I whisper.

“You went hunting again…I needed to tell you…tell you I’m leaving! I can’t take this place anymore, I want you to come with me…I don’t care if you don’t have control of your wolf form, come with me.” Cries Kazuki.

“Kazuki…staying here kills me…every breath kills me.” I answer grabbing my necklace. The emerald hung there, still covered in the dry blood of him…Haruka, my best friend. I lost control when I first turned, his blood…smelled so good! How could you tell a child of the moon to resist? I am the last werewolf, and I am the most dangerous. Every night I walk out in the woods at sunset, after the moon shines on me I turn. My eyes turn emerald and fill everyone who gazes at me with fear.

“You won’t loose control…I found a potion…” Starts Kazuki.

“No! I will loose control… did you say a potion?” I ask widening my now sapphire eyes.

“Yep, brewed it up this morning.” She says holding up the vile filled with sparkling green potion. The potion did match her eyes and her black hair. I reach to snatch the vile, any hope for being normal sounds good to me. “I don’t think so my little stone, you have to come with me.”

“Sorry I can’t and I won’t! I would rather rip Hiroyuki to shreds on our wedding night.” I growl revealing my sharp teeth.

“Now darling, that does not sound very romantic! Tonight as the sunsets, I will be by the oak tree in the garden. If you should decide to join me, I will give you this potion. I’ve done some readings and this potion should reverse some of your current states.” Giggles Kazuki.

“People are starting to wake…I need to clean this blood from my body and change into a night gown.” I yawn.

“Well I will know your choice tonight…good bye, if you don’t join me. I do not want to remember fighting with you. I love you Ruri, please stay safe.” Kazuki smiles sliding out of my chamber.

I walk up to the mirror. My hair was matted and had dried blood mixed with it. The washbowl is filled with clear water, to bad it will not for long. My pale cheeks had blood smeared on them, what did I kill a bear? The only clear spot on my face was my blue eyes; my eyes change shades of blue depending on my emotion. The only time my eyes turn a different color is when I turn into a wolf.

My eyes show things that are about to happen, by the looks of it someone who I care for greatly in life will be leaving this world. It could really be anyone; there is not a soul in the world I do not cherish. Foot steps sound outside…some one is approaching I must hurry. I slam a wet washcloth against my face. The once clear water is now a dark oxblood color.

Gentle knocks sound on the door, “My Lady, your dress is here.” Speaks a gentle voice.

“Just a minute!” I yell grabbing my pure white night gown. I quickly slide out of my hunting clothes and slide the gown over. The same thing every morning, quickly sliding into a fresh nightgown and shoving my hunting clothes in a leather bag. Sixteen years of my life and I still work slow as if it is my first time sneaking out and back in. “Enter,” I say at last dumping the washbowl’s water out the window.

The door cracked open as one of the chamberlains entered. She held a new pure white dress; why white can’t they see I hate that dreadful color? She sets the dress down on my bed and reached for my chamber pot.

“Empty again…are you well?” She asks looking into my clean chamber pot.

“Yes, may I ask what the occasion of the new dress is for?” I ask firmly.

“Prince Hiroyuki is coming home to the castle, the king asks for you to wear this dress.” She whispers living.

I walk over to the white dress after closing my door. It was huge, maybe three sizes to big! I will wear my Sunday best instead, the king would not be mad I‘d explain it to him later. I open up one of my locked chests and pull out a royal blue dress. I pull the dress on along with it is under layers that seem to never end, and look through the body mirror. Now this dress is a nice fit!

Another knock hits the door, stronger than the last one. “My Lady, the king asks for you to join him.” Says a course voice, no doubt it is one of the guards. I pry open and follow the guard out into the hall. He leads me to the west wing he must be new to not know this castle. We finally reach the great hall; I politely curtsy as I enter.

“Ah! Ruri! Come join me!” The king laughs. I follow his orders and sit at his left hand side.

“You sent for me my king?” I ask.

“Oh, yes Ruri. As you know, my son is joining us today. I want you to give him a tour of the castle. No guards will be assisting us today, because…well it’s a holiday!” Explains the King.

“If it shall please my king, I will gladly do as you ask. Only on one condition in the matter, I must not be near anyone once the sunsets.” I respectfully say.

“So be it, may I ask why you do not wear the dress I suggested?” The king asks.

“My wise and great king I would, alas it was too large and did not make a nice fit.” I answer. “May I be excused?”

“Yes, I thank you for this cooperation.” He says.

“May Christ be with you.” I whisper. The same guard escorts out me, something about the way he moves seems familiar.

I ditch the guard and walk out into the gardens. Out of all the art in the castle I love the gardens most of all. I lie down on a stone bench and close my eyes. Sleep would be nice, but to sleep in daylight would be dangerous. I cannot fight the sleep for I have already fallen deeply into sleep.

* * * * * * * * * *

“Ruri?” an unfamiliar voice whispers waking me. I quickly open my eyes and sit up. A boy not that much older than myself was standing over me. He had familiar light brown hair, it matched the King and his gentle brown eyes were the same. No doubt that I was looking into the eyes of the prince, Hiroyuki.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep. I hope you don’t think less of me.” I say, blushing from embarrassment.

“It’s fine; it is a nice day and a lovely garden. May I ask how long you, princess Ruri of Kardia have been waiting for me?” He asks. He must be the prince to know I am the princess of Kardia.

“About a month, it is fine though. I do like the land of Harma. Kardia has turned into an awful land of war…” I lie, I loved my land Kardia, but the only way to earn my family’s freedom is to marry Hiroyuki.

“In my travels through Kardia I thought it was beautiful.” Explains Hiroyuki.

“I welcome you home from your journey.” I quickly say standing and curtsying.

“I thought Kardia was beautiful, but you My Lady are more beautiful than any land.” He announces.

“I thank you for your kind words. I ask of you to never compliment me, for I’m not to be complimented by the way I am.” I say, he should be careful. I look up into the sky; the sun is starting to set. “I hate to be rude, but I must leave.”

“Wait!” He says grabbing my arm. “Join me for dinner; come with me to the great hall.”

“NO!” I say firmly pulling my arm from his grasp and running down the path. Freedom or not, I cannot kill Hiroyuki and Kazuki’s potion might heal me. I run towards the oak tree, the only oak tree in all of Harma. Kazuki was there waiting a potion in her hand.

“It’s about time, quickly drink it!” She gasps handing me the vile. I grabbed it and dumped it into my mouth, it burned my tongue and down my throat. I felt something like a stone hitting my heart. I grabbed my heart feeling my pulse stop. My heart stopped, but my blood was still pumping enough to reach my eyes and exit my body.

“What have I done!” cried Kazuki. All my blood left my body and my hands turned ice cold. Kazuki ran off deep into the forest. I heard her every step until I heard a bear approach. I heard her running stop and her painful screams as the bear tore her flesh. I waited screaming for death to come to my own body. This pain still won’t cease and death has not come.

Chapter 1
1,000 years ago, I took a potion; instead of curing me, it made a worse curse. My heart stopped allowing no more pain, but I never aged since. It is now the year 2009 and times have changed, I was turned paler than normal that day. Kardia and Harma, or what is left of them makes up a small island in the northern Pacific Ocean.

Frozen in time and the last werewolf in the world is my new curse. My physical age is 16 but I am really 1,016 years old. I sit in a dorm room in Italy now, my head master knows who and what I am. He has different classes, the daylight classes and the moonlight classes. In the moonlight classes is a bunch of afraid-of-the-light vampires. I go to the daylight classes with humans, but I live in the vampire dorms.

The sent drives me insane here. I have to share a room with a vampire and I don’t care for her much. I don’t know her name, but she makes potions to clench her thirst. She leaves some of her potions out in a bowl when she leaves for moonlight classes. The walls are covered in silver to keep me in, it will not stop me. Silver does not kill me it only hurts me. I wear an emerald on a silver chain; I think I would be used to the shock.

“Good morning.” Whispers a voice entering the room. “I brought you some blood.” A dark haired boy continues through the room. He held two bottles filled with blood. Weird, usually he comes in with my roommate. I am glad I just changed back into a blue-eyed human and dressed myself.

“Thank you.” I say coming out of the shadows.

“Your welcome.” He smiles handing me one of the bottles. “A good predator shares with other predators.”

“Where is the other vampire?” I ask opening the blood-filled bottle.

“Didn’t you hear? She was expelled for drinking human blood. I guess her potion was not strong enough. May I join you, because the sum is rising in the sky and I wouldn’t make it back to my dorm?” He explains.

“Sure but I’m going to daylight classes, bye!” I say grabbing my books and running out. I was already wearing the daylight uniform of a dark blue skirt and a sheer white blouse. It is so weird walking down the deserted halls of the vampire dorms. Once I reached the end of the hall, the headmaster was waiting. He had the I’m-going-to-expel you look.

“Ruri, please join e once your class is done.” He growls.

“But, I have classes until the sunset today!” I complain.

“Fine, don’t go to class join me now!” He snaps walking onto the daylight campus. I follow him striving to keep up, for a human he walks fast. He opened his office door signaling me to go in. I walked in and sat down in the student chair.

“Do you know why I asked you to come?” He asks.

“No sir,” I quickly answer him.

“There have been complaints about wolves howling at night, wolves.”

“But I’m in a sound proof dorm!”

“Yes, I am aware of that information. You must be escaping your dorm at night. I cannot have a bloodthirsty werewolf wondering the campus. I have to move you to night classes, you are
starting to loose control during classes. There is a possibility that you will loose control and eat a human during the day.” He explains.

“Headmaster, I decline this command! You know why I can’t go to night classes!” I say standing up from the chair.

“Calm yourself, this is what I mean by loosing control!” He explains pulling out his silver bullet gun. “Now, you will be on a potion that will temporarily make you a vampire.”

“What! Potions don’t work, ever!” I explain. He moves his finger turning off the safety pressing the gun to my head.

“This one does, take it now.” He commands handing me a white pill. I open my mouth and he shoves it down my throat dodging my teeth.

I start to feel woozy…I start feeling faint, and then I pass out.

Chapter 2…

“Do you think the potion killed her?” A young girl’s voice asks.

“Quite! She is waking! The potion worked look at her fangs, their ready for some blood!” An older voice says pulling on my upper lip.

“Stop!” I growl trying to at least… it is different to growl without that type of beast part. I feel my blood running through my veins, blood! I am alive, not just supernatural alive!

“Ruri, you may feel some slight changes in the way you act. A vampire is different from a werewolf. Be easy opening your eyes, we have some lights lit that will really burn your eyes… just try to relax.” The older voice warns.

“Oh that makes me feel so much better!” I say, next I fling my eyelids up to see the other dreadful creatures. Oh how I would love to sink my new vampire fangs into their necks! The dark depths of the corners of pay and back!

“Wow! Easy! Her eyes are…Gold?” The younger voice screams.

“Owe! Owe, owe, owe, owe!” I scream from the lights that come from the lamps. “Ever hear of not turning the lights on their fullest!”

“Well I warned you, maybe you should listen. Oh and the lights are on their lowest settings get used to it” The older voice says coming into view.

“Haruka?” I basically scream at the vampire, he backs up and cringes at the name.

“Well Haruka it looks like she does remember your name after all these years.” Giggles the younger voice coming into view. She was so familiar, but who? It is her emerald eyes; they were my emerald eyes as a wolf!

“No…she doesn’t…this isn’t the Ruri I knew. My Ruri would never

agree to be a vampire. Then again, we both made a deal to kill every vampire in the world. Now look at me… I back fired on our promise.” Haruka said in a deep voice as if he was holding back what he was originally going to say.

“Haruka don’t lie! I know you better than most people do! What were you going to say?” The younger voice mocks.

“I’m dead…aren’t I? That or I’ve gone completely insane!” I yell at the top of my lungs getting up. I look around the room; I was on a hospital type bed. Weird machines surround the room; it is where they take all new vampires to be trained.

“You are right about the insane part!” Laughs Haruka.

I walk over to the steal locked door; it was in a silver frame. “You can tell the head master he sucks at keeping me in places.” I sigh opening the door touching the silver. Haruka and the younger child grimaced as if I was doing something painful. “Silver is an old wives tale that it stings the immortal beings.”

“Yeah, but still it can be painful and I wouldn’t open the door if I were you. By the way I’m Jewel.” The younger voice laughs.

“Please excuse my dear freshman friend Jewel, let her open the door if she wants.” Haruka quickly says.

“But I thought you said that-“Jewel starts. Haruka quickly puts his hand over her mouth mumbling the rest of her sentence.

“What is on the other side of this door?” I ask, annoyed by the lack of communication.

“You have to open it to find out.” Haruka laughs. I edge my hand towards the door again and pull it open.

“Hey everyone! Ruri is alive!” Someone shouts pulling me into a deep crowd. Oh gosh sometimes I think people lie to you just to see them surrounded in a crowd. Voices fill the hall of all the vampires in the dorm.

“Silence! All of you!” The harsh voice of the headmaster yells. “Get back to class! Ruri is just like all of you, I expect you to all to be in class in five minutes or you are all expelled.”

The halls descended and emptied quickly as the night building was filled with moonlight students. Haruka, Jewel, the headmaster, and I were all that was in the hall now.

“Ruri, I’m glad to see you healed and as a vampire. I can see you have already been introduced to your classmates and your roommate.” The headmaster says.

“Headmaster, may I have permission to leave?” Haruka asks.

“No! You and Jewel will teach Ruri all the rules and show her how we make artificial blood. After that you will return to your dorms and study for finales.” The headmaster commands.

“Aw, but headmaster-“Jewel starts.

“No buts Jewel, I gave my orders you are best to follow them.” The headmaster interrupts glaring at Jewel.

“Fine then, you’re lucky I swore to never kill a human who has importance!” Giggles Jewel.

“Careful, the way you speak can get you into big trouble. Oh and Haruka tomorrow evening I wish for you to join me.” The headmaster says, walking down the hall to his own private quarters.

“Stupid headmaster who even needs one anyways? He thinks he rules the school, he is so wrong I totally rule the school.” Haruka whispers softly to himself.

“Does anyone care to inform me on how to make this fake blood because it is literally driving me insane. I have not eaten in who knows how long!” I scream trying to hold back from attacking Haruka.

“Show her Haruka, I’m going to go study… NO INTERUPTIONS!” Haruka commands walking down the hall back to his own dorm room.

Jewel turns and faces me with a wicked smile on her face. Oh, why does she have to befriend me now? She grabs my hand and forces me down the hall in a jittery happy skip. This is totally not the form of walk I would choose to walk down a hallway in. Finally, she swiftly opens a door and slides in with me still attached to her. Total humiliation, on top of becoming the one thing I hate most of all!

“You will love the way we make artificial blood, you can put vanilla flavoring in it, coffee in it…” Jewel mumbles off as I completely turn away to ignore her.

She brought me into a small compacted room with thousands of small plastic bags on old counters. This reminds me of the type of place my grandma, if she were still alive would make Amish bread. The scent drove me insane, usually the scent of blood brightens my day and makes me super hyperactive but this scent is different. This scent really makes me depressed like every little thing in the world that made me happy was now gone.

Haruka’s face, nothing seemed to make me think of any hope or any form of happiness. Maybe this is why Haruka seemed so down when he was in the other room, living off a substitute is never good enough. I guess a whole school of vampires cannot be trusted to go on a hunt even if it were for animal blood. Why could the headmaster just hire a stupid vampire hunter to come here now and kill us all? Why go through the process of making us suffer if he himself does not want a school with vampires?

Sighing I detach myself from Jewel and walk to one of the counters, push away the plastic and sit on it. My first twenty-four hours being a vampire and I already want to die. It is bad enough I am cursed to live-forever and now this. The only plus about being a stupid vampire is everyone fears you and no contact with anymore-human teachers. Oh, and some people might say vampires are awesome and good looking but if you ask me they are vile, disgusting-

“Ruri! Look at me can’t you see I’m trying to show you how to make fake blood?” Jewel grabs my attention.

“Oh sorry Jewel, I was busy thinking about more important things.” I giggle to myself.

“Well stop thinking about other things and listen. Look making your food is way more than anything else you could possible think of.” Jewel sort of yells at me. It is funny really because she seems so small and innocent and yet she is a vampire.

“Why can’t we just by fake blood when it is in stores during Halloween and stock up?” I say in a bland tone though it was a joke.

“If you want to drink rubbing alcohol and food coloring be my guest but it won’t stop your hunger.” Jewel explains trying to be tough.

“It was only an idea and I’m sure I can figure out how to make my own meal. If not I know a heard of deer that would welcome me to take a small fawn or one of the six point bucks.” I laugh trying to not look at Jewel.

“Ruri, how could you even say anything like that? Don’t you know it is forbidden to even speak of drinking any sort of real blood on campus?” Jewel asks a hint of shock in her eyes.

“Oh come on, you would not report me would you? We are buddies right?” I ask jumping off the counter and looking her straight in the eye.

“Okay, but you need to learn control. If any other vampire heard, you say that you would be kicked off campus for sure. Or worse you would be sent to the campus in Romania.” Jewel explains. The Romanian campus is just an urban legend that was made up to scare all these vampires into being good.

“I’m so scared.” I laugh. “Come to think of it I’m so scared I’m not hungry and I need protection.”

“Wow, right just like you need to learn to lie better. I know you want to be with Haruka alone but the thing is he is my best friend until the end of time!” Jewel explains pouting out her bottom lip.

“So does he know you are his best friend until the end of time?” I ask crossing my arms.

“Not yet, he is always wanting to be alone and writing gibberish down during class. Soon once he gets better he will know.” Jewel answers. “Now back to making artificial blood…”

She trails off again and I completely loose focus. Haruka has either moved on, is depressed or completely annoyed with Jewel. Personally, I believe he is having issues with all of the above. Soon he will not once I get to talk one on one with him. I never knew he was in this school let alone he was still alive.

I feel bad about never talking to anyone about Haruka either. I wonder if he often thinks about me and how we used to be best friends growing up, or if he forgot. How could he forget? Once a friend always a friend no matter what happens….this could be a different Haruka though. It is not like my friend Haruka to be grieving over a loss in the past he always seemed to find a way to cheer himself up. Still, I do not know who I can trust in the vampire school. It is strange how they except me now as a vampire but I was their worst enemy as a werewolf.

“Ruri, you’re doing it again! I give up… maybe later when you are more focused I’ll teach you this. I’m really not sure if you should join me and Haruka in studying for finals…” Jewel laughs.

“Sorry I have a whole lot on my mind! I’m just dealing with major mind issues!” I complain with a smile. “Plus Haruka didn’t want us to disturb him while he was studying maybe we should leave him alone.”

“Yeah right! He knows me better than that we always study together… well most of the time.” Jewel explains filling a plastic bag with a red liquid.

“So…this fake blood, does it taste anything like real blood?” I ask biting my tongue. I was no doubt hungry and now extremely dangerous to be around. Now I wish I paid attention to Jewel when she was showing me how to make this stuff.

“I don’t know, I’ve never had real blood.” Jewel answers.

“Not even animal blood? Man you have no life if you are telling me you never broke any of the rules!” I laugh trying to seem occupied by looking at my nails.

“It is better to be safe than sorry!” Jewel explains handing me a bag with red liquid. “I’ll let you feed Haruka, you know you want to!”

“Fine, but could I have another bag just in case?” I ask trying to keep the secret of how I want blood myself.

“Okay, don’t think I don’t know you want some blood yourself. I’ll see you back at the dorm room for studying, you’re right we shouldn’t bother Haruka. See ya in a bit!” Jewel smiles handing me a second bag full of red liquid. She prances out of the room leaving me alone to think a bit without any interruptions.

Now that I spent time thinking instead of listening, I have nothing to think about. Might as well take this artificial blood to Haruka before he goes on a crazy vampire rage and kills all the humans. Even though trapped in this old school he has never felt the joy of running and capturing prey. The sweet taste of fresh blood flowing freely down my throat, the feeling, the taste, the cries of the prey, aw it sounds so good right now.

My fist reaches the door so I can knock and I stop in mid reach. Haruka told us not to disturb him, he is only studding so I should not be disturbing him much. Again, my hand reaches the door this time resting on the doorknob and prying it open. The dark room opens up and I turn on one of the lights and look at the mess of a small desk.

“Haruka?” I call his name being light on my feet and walking in. The door slams shut behind me and a hand grabs mine forcing me onto the ground dropping the artificial blood.

“I said no interruptions did you not understand the word interruption?” Haruka’s dark voice speaks behind me thrusting a pain onto my back.

“Jewel sent me to give you some artificial blood.” I quickly admit blaming her for the interruption.

“Yeah right, why did you really come?” Haruka sets me up on my feet and looks into my eyes. His eyes are like before when I saw him when I was a werewolf.

Soft, gentle, calm as a undisturbed pool blue. The white around his eyes were a ceramic white like most vampires only his face did not look like a vampire’s. His mouth did not seem to be hiding any form of fangs behind those beautiful perfect lips. No vampire no matter what age could make their lips look like there are no fangs hiding behind them yearning for human blood. Then again, Haruka probably never tasted blood but I know he had to have smelt it, the headmaster is full of it. Both of blood and of stupid lies, rules, and not to mention riddles.

“I already told you!” I yell at him trying to push away out of his grip. It is of no use, he has always been stronger than I would even dream of being, mental and physical.

“You’re lying I can sense it!” He proves me wrong again. I want to scream at him I missed him for so long and wanted to die to be with him. That when I knew this Haruka was my Haruka that I almost died of joy. The words he tells me at how he is not the same Haruka I remember when it is I am not the Ruri he remembers.

“I cannot tell you the truth, you wouldn’t believe me anyway!” I budge again and his grip gets tighter. My eyes force away from him to look at anything but him.

“Ruri you can always tell me anything. Why did you come here I know you had your own personal reasons.” Haruka forces me to look back into his eyes.

“Why did you never bother to find me? If you were alive all this time why do you keep lying to me about it? How long did you know I was here at this school?” I randomly start blurting my unanswered questions out at him.

“I’m sorry Ruri, I can’t answer any of those. You are not ready for my answers and you seem to be in a state of shock. Calm down, please.” Haruka forces me to open my eyes with his calming voice.

He is sorry he cannot answer my questions but he is also the reason for all my questions. I have always been ready for any kind of answer to anything at any given time. My heart rate is normal showing I could not possible be in a state of shock. He is trying to hold back his answers in such an obvious way it would be easy enough for a passerby to see through his lies.

“And why not? Is it because you were gone for so long? I almost killed myself when I though I killed you that day. I never got over the fact that I killed your human form, you probably wouldn’t be a vampire if it weren’t for me!” I complain feeling a bit calmer looking into is soft blue eyes. His skin looks a whole lot paler than my memory could remember, then again when you live forever your pigment in your skin dies out.

“You are not the reason why I became a vampire. Could you not see in the other rooms I was as well in pain to look into your eyes? My last memory of you was when I first became a vampire and I ripped you to shreds drinking your blood.” Haruka calmly explains.

“That’s impossible my last memory of you was when I first became a werewolf. I myself killed you by accident and drunk your sweet human blood.” My voice is calmer than before. How could this be? Our memories both show each other killing each other but here we both are fully alive?

“No, I killed you I remember I can still bring back the taste of your blood. You were never a werewolf and we were best friends that I destroyed our friendship.” Haruka quickly explains his eyes turning more vicious.

“You are wrong; it was I in your memory that killed you. I have a necklace around my neck to prove it. Your blood stains the emerald.” I reach around my neck for the emerald that hangs from it. I never took it off before in my entire werewolf or vampire life. “It’s gone!”

“See it wasn’t true ever.” Haruka looks at me as if I am crazy.

“No, I have never removed it! Jewel, did she take it when I fainted?” My voice became heavy with fear. The emerald was given to me by someone to keep it safe and I lost it.

“You are wrong; it was I who wore a emerald from my neck when I drank your blood.” Haruka reaches down his neck to pull it up. “It’s gone, did you steal it?”

“No, I didn’t that was what I was asking you. I had the emerald on yesterday, I swear I did!” My heart rate increases as my state of worries overcomes me.

“I wore the emerald around my neck as a gift from someone yesterday and I never took it off. I need to find it!” He let go of my arm and ran to a set of drawers. The drawers swiftly came out of the dresser and onto the floor as clothes cover the floor.

Slowly, I walk to the small bed against the wall and sit down on it. In my life I have became used to seeing all forms of black magic. This has a high possibility of being a form of black magic. However, there has not been a magician to call upon black magic for years. The last one I can possibly ever remember would be Kazuki and she died a long time ago.

There could be a possibility a magician using black magic is guarding our past for some odd reason. In our past, I can also see how we never met in our past and all our memories could be fake from black magic. This does not look so good, and Haruka might not believe me if I tell him. Well it is worth a shot….

“Haruka, I think this is black magic.” I give my suggestion and keep a straight face.

“No, it cannot be. I…I know I saw you in my past! We just both misinterpreted the day we lost each other. Science can easily explain how our memories are in ruins.” Haruka tries to prove me wrong.

“But Haruka, how are we alive when our birth was a thousand years ago? Don’t tell me science can explain how we are still in top health.” I complain standing up.

“Ruri! You have no clue how long I waited to gaze into your beautiful blue eyes and when you opened them, I was heart broken! Growing up I loved how your eyes were blue, looked nice with your dark hair, and now look! Gold, not even around the same color on the color wheel. You should not ask me about scientific things that everyone knows is made with how many potions you take. I came to this school because I heard of a werewolf much like my friend, and when I found you I was disappointed!” Haruka quickly yells at me.

“Don’t think you’re the only one that is disappointed! I was mad that you never approached me. This is not about potions and how my eyes are not the same, is it? You wanted your friend back so you tricked the headmaster into making her a vampire, didn’t you?” I walk to the door and walk out slamming it shut behind me.

Haruka, we were so close and now look… our different believes have separated us for good. I am most terrible sorry Haruka had to have me ask those questions that I knew all the answers were simple. Yes, yes, he did miss his friend Ruri; yes, he wanted her to become a vampire. His reasoning is still unclear to me… I wish I could understand.

My eyes I could feel grew dark as I ran outside of the school. The sun was just about to rise and I should not be out here with the sun. I could really care less right now, my best friend will not answer me and my life is slowing down. Before when I was a werewolf nothing could kill me, now I am so weak and vulnerable to death.

Chapter 3…

I am now a bloodthirsty vampire and really confused. My memory of Haruka was so clear and he had the opposite of my memory. Who has the right memory and are we right or wrong? First, I really need to gain control as a vampire. Right now, I have the biggest craving for blood that I could clean this whole school of humans.

Jewel is so different, how can she sleep knowing the sun is shining outside? They act like every simple rule in the school cannot be broken, but they would be so easy to break! Especially for me to break seeing as my potion is wearing off fast. In another hour or two I will be able to walk in the sunlight but not in the moonlight.

This life of mine…what is it? Am I cursed to walk in moonlight for the rest of my life or in sunlight? There are two sides to every battle that fight constantly, am I to follow the werewolf side or the vampire? I was the last werewolf and now I am given the choice of werewolf or vampire. No, it is not a choice…it is a command to be a vampire.

Slowly, I rise from my bed and throw a robe over the white night gown I wear during the day now. I need fresh air and time to think on who or what I am. Jewel does not seem to notice me as I slip out of the room and into the hallway. Walking down the empty hallway during the day seems so unreal. Every classroom I pass by is empty like the whole school is deserted.

“Ruri?” A deep voice calls from behind begging me to slow down. I turn and look into Haruka’s soft gentle blue eyes.

“I was really looking to be alone right now.” I growl turning away from him and walking back down the hall. A normal person would expect the hall to be filled with sunlight on such a nice day but the halls in this school are full of shadows. Tight windows with shutters close me from the outside world.

“You couldn’t sleep could you?” Haruka asks placing his hand on my shoulder. I turn away again to look at something other than him. “Let me show you something.”

“Haruka, a really want to be alone right now so if you would please-” My voice is clear then gives out. Weakness strikes my body as I fall to the ground gripping my chest in pain and agony like the time I drunk a potion so long ago.

“Ruri?!” Haruka’s panicked voice does not seem to take my mind off the pain. My heart rate increases quickly as blood reaches my eyes and starts to fall down my cheeks and staining my white robe and I would imagine my nightgown as well.

“Don’t worry, I’m turning back just let me be.” I whisper trying to keep my cries of pain down.

“No, here take this Ruri. Quickly!” Haruka shoves a pill in my face and I shove it away with my hands. The blood continues to fall from my eyes staining the pure white carpet in the hall.

“No, I want to be a werewolf!” I fight him back and push him away. Swiftly, I stand up ignoring the pain and the blood falling from my eyes and run from him and down the hall.

I am now half werewolf and half vampire. Unfortunately, my speed is not faster than a vampire’s and Haruka tackles me to the ground and sticks a needle into my neck. The potion by injection, not very pleasing and very painful. My vampire fangs grow back and the place in my heart for wanting to run in fields is replaced with the feeling of hatred.

“Now will you let me show you something?” Haruka asks helping me to my feet. I pout out my lip and turn away from him stomping my foot. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

I turn towards him to glare and get a full look at him. He was wearing a pair of white sweat pants now covered in blood and he was wearing a white shirt that he took off and looked disgusted at when he saw the blood. His face had a splurge of blood that he quickly wipes away and throws his shirt back on his back.

“If I let you show me something could you show me to a closet where I might find a set of new clothes to wear?” I ask politely.

“If you let me show you something.” He reasons walking down the hall and I follow silently behind him. One second I cannot wait to turn into a wolf and feel the sun on my fur as the moon stretches into the sky, and he turns me into a vampire.

Next time I am about to turn I am locking myself in a closet so he will not disturb me. What is his problem anyway? He was so mad at me yesterday…last night and now he is showing me something? Anything he could show me that would be amusing in this boring old school would take some serious skills.

He leads me down a hall and pulls me into a room. The small little room he pulls me into looks like a janitor’s closet. Quickly on his feet, he moves away a small bookcase hiding a door behind it.

“Ladies first.” He opens the door and I walk in, him right after me.

“Haruka, where are you taking me?” I ask being self-cautious of him closing the door and leading us both into darkness.

“I needed to talk with you about what happened and the emerald necklace. We are both familiar with dark magic, correct?” He asks wrapping his arm around my waist in the darkness.
“Oh yes, I have been through way more dark magic than anyone in this school… I must be the only one here experimented on by human scientist thinking they could help.” I answer.

“Good, because none of that will matter in this conversation. I am not going to talk to you about any black magic and the only thing about the emerald necklace was it was something from my past that reminded me of a secret feeling I thought of someone.” Haruka whispers in my ear.

A blinding light fills the small area we were in and Haruka’s hand was on a switch. His arms around my waist loosen as he takes my left hand in his. Our palms touch and it follows with our other hand and he moves closer to me. I quickly push away and close my eyes.

“This is all wrong Haruka, don’t get me wrong…I want you, but there was something that came up one thousand years ago. There was someone else, which I was betrothed to.” I explain feeling guilty about Hiroyuki, my betrothal.

“You never told me of any betrothal.” He comes closer leaning again trying to kiss me.

“Stop thinking with your hormones and listen to me!” I yell at him and push his face away. “I never did marry him and I am very much attracted to you, but I am smart enough to know it is just an attraction and not love.”

“Then why are you trying to make me jealous telling me about your betrothal?” He asks giving me sad puppy dog eyes. I want him so bad but I keep telling myself it is only an attraction to his physical self. He could be mentally retarded and I would still like him only for what he looks on the outside.

“I was not going for making you jealous Haruka; I just don’t know how to think right now. The potion you forced on me is slowing me down.” I lie; right now, I do not know what I want. I could kiss him and we could forget our pasts and be happy for the rest of our lives. That or I could easily push him away and run free and let the potion wear off giving me a full werewolf form.

“Then let me think for you.” He pleads, he moves the hair from my neck and his lips kiss my neck forcing me to tilt my neck for his easy access.

“I want you to,” I admit falling for the way he kisses my neck. “I want you.”

“I knew you always would love the way I can easily attract you. It is simple, like how a flower’s pollen attracts pollinators.” He talks between each slight movement he makes.

No! We need to stop, if someone finds us the way his mouth is at my neck will make him or her assume. I love him, but this is neither the place nor the time that is responsible for this. My body will not budge or let me take control and all I could do is sit and take the calm way he touches me.

“Haruka!” I find the strength to speak up and he knocks me into a wall from my sudden outburst.

“Ruri?” He returns in the curious question. The one thing everyone I meet always sometime ask. They use my name as a question as if I am nothing but a bad thing or a disappointment.

“Haruka, please…another time perhaps?” I beg sliding out of his grasp and he grabs my arm.

“But we are two lost souls that share so many things in common.” He tries to sway me away from again.

My breath grows heavy. He is right by me, my love. I know we can never be together but still, I love him. The way he breathes in and out only, a couple inches away... it takes all my might to hold myself back. No one could ever resist him, not even himself.

His arms wrap around me as they fall to my thighs. My body is pulled onto his, with my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms around his neck. With one breath, he leans closer and our lips meet into a kiss.

This cannot go down this way; I do not want it to go down this way. I break away from him swiftly, open the door, and run out. He is right behind me, I can sense it. Soon I turn and enter the room where we are supposed to make artificial blood in. Haruka enters in after me and we are again alone in the room.

“Haruka, we can’t be together.” I explain and grab a bottle of artificial blood. It was already warm as I brought the bottle to my lips, we are supposed to drink from it like humans to fit in.

I sink my teeth into the side of the bottle and the bottle slowly empties into my mouth. My teeth are still attached to the bottle when the door is flung open and we are no longer alone. The same kid brought blood to me and told me my old roommate was expelled and he looks at us as if we are insane.

“Haruka, did you bite and drink her…blood?” He asks staring at my neck.

Quickly my hand reaches for my neck and traces over two deep gashes in my neck. Haruka did not only kiss my neck but he got a blood sample without my approval. It is strange how I thought he only wanted to kiss me and it turns out his idea was to drink my blood.

“Haruka?” The kid repeats.

“Yes, tell your stupid headmaster, it was only to read her secrets barely three drops.” Haruka admits.

“There is way to much blood in the hall and all over her nightgown to have me believe that.” He comes in and shuts the door. “The bottle empties faster when you take the cap off by the way.”

“Xenon leave us now.” Haruka commands.

“Make me pure blood.” He sticks his tongue out at Haruka and his eyes change from green to gold. His dark brown hair turns to a bronze color.

“I will turn you in for piracy.” Haruka glares at him.

“I will turn you both in for everything to the headmaster himself if you do not explain one, how you can change your hair and eyes and two, why you drunk my blood Haruka.” I stand up placing the destroyed bottle into the recycling bin.

“Ruri don’t fool with me if you really don’t want to see how scary I can get.” Haruka threatens.

“Shut your mouth pretty boy!” Xenon commands. “I could tell you why he bit you if I could taste your blood, and I am half vampire half werewolf. I can change my appearance to anything you would like.”

“Is there any other way you could tell without drinking my blood?” I ask.

“Yes, I could take you back to my dorm and examine those marks on your neck.” Xenon answers.

“Well Xenon, I’m Ruri and I think we will get along very well.” I smile softly and if he could, I bet he would blush.

“Ruri-” Haruka calls as I let Xenon lead me from the room.

“Aw, did pretty boy loose his girl?” Xenon. “It seems this girl is more into smart people than people that don’t lie to her like you.”

I will not tell it aloud why I really am going with Xenon. Not only could he tell me about what Haruka drunk my blood for, he could share so many things in common with me. If he is half vampire and half werewolf, could there be more of my kind out there hidden from society? There is only one-way to find out, gaining Xenon’s trust.

He walks at my speed, we soon make it to his dorm, and he lets me in. The room is filled with many computers and empty bottles, some with bite marks on the sides.

“Call me guilty?” I pick one up and laugh and his eyes grow dark brown along with his hair.

“I sometimes get an urge I cannot control, you know? I make blood come back drink one bottle then black out.” He admits sitting down at his desk. “Have a seat anywhere you can.”

I walk and move some of the papers off his bed and sit down on it. My long nightgown has dried blood on it and now I have two scars on my neck. A stupid question that I cannot hold back any longer as I open my mouth.

“Do you have anything that I might be able to wear?” I ask if I could blush I am sure I would be blushing so hard right now.

“Yeah, the closet is over there, you can dress in the bathroom.” He points to each item and I quickly go to the closet. I pull out some random shirt and a pair of sweats.

The bathroom was a classic bathroom with a bathtub, sink, mirror, and toilet. Of course, a couple of bottles were on the counter and an open one spilling its contents. Usually it is unlike me to snoop around other’s things but this does call for a change of mind.

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