Coming out of the flu.Worst day was Saturday, probably because Mom made me walk in the rain to pick her up, that accursed woman who couldn't wait till I opened the gate so she could just ride home.What's more simple:calling the house and waiting for me to press a number to open the gate, so they can leave her at the house?Or I don't know how she got in, but walking through the rain and making ME walk in the rain to open the gate, which was already open?Less people would have gotten wet if the first choice was picked.Such a hardhead.It's another day off for me, in my various days off.Día de Diego, today is.A day to celebrate the birthday of José de Diego, a politician, a poet, and something else.Don't remember.He was a lot of things.Gotta refresh my memory on that for the mini-quiz I'll be taking on Wednesday.It's a short week for me this time.Only two days of class:Tuesday and Wednesday.Tuesday is Plant Kingdom, where we'll keep covering material for the online quiz(wish me luck.I did horribly on the last one), and Literary Genres.Time to hand in our answers for the ten questions on La Amortajada.If my answers were ambiguous, I'm sorry.I do my best to answer the ones I don't know how to.Wednesday is Algebra and Human Growth and Social Adabtability, shortened as Human Growth.I don't have to go to Algebra.The professor decided to dedicate it to the students who are behind on jobs or need help with some of the material.Means two free hours for me.What I'll do, I don't know.Have fun messing around with the plaza WiFi?Actually used it last week(Yeah, I'm slow.So what?).Human Growth, as you already know, has a mini-quiz.Rest of it is covering material, blah blah blah.Class tends to bore me if it's about the actual class.My brain needs stimulation.Class doesn't captivate me, it's going to be hard to catch my attention.After that, my long break begins.From Thursday, April 21, to Monday, May 2.Just relaxation for me.Not at the beach.I don't remember ever spending my break at the beach.When other people get tans, I just get paler, if that's humanly possible.Pale like a ghost...