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In similar fashion to last December's X-mas mini-event, another small event was held to celebrate Easter 2k11. The event ran from April 20th - 27th and involved a number of competitions, Easter Egg drops, and a Quick Pics art sale. This time around the event was rather quiet - quite a few eggs went unclaimed and there were only 2 entries for the comps. Special thanks to Jackathyn for being such a great sport throughout the whole event. In any case, I truly hope that everyone who participated had a good time. Results and art can be seen below.
Quick Pics:
Tektek Comp Results:
1st Place - Jackathyn
Art Comp Results:
No entries
Mancomp Results:
He lurks behind me
Breathes in my ear in the lift
... Hand in my pocket! D8
1st place - Jackathyn
Grabbie Egg Prizes:
Jackathyn - Cathulu Trunks
Full_Moon83 - Mythrill High Elf Bodice
Annaskye - Silver Mystic Sunstone
Halfling Heroine - Mythrill High Elf Bodice
Annaskye - Meido Ruffled Pink Headband
Pepper Scarlett - Red Dark Elf Thigh Boots
Jackathyn - Purple Embellished Shalwar Pants
Bleeding Is A Luxory - Purple Dark Elf Thigh Boots
Annaskye - Cutie Pinwheel Hairpin
Jackathyn - Red Embellished Sash
Halfling Heroine - Adamant High Elf Sash
Jackathyn - Teal Rakish Vest
Full_Moon83 - Red Dark Elf Thigh Boots
Annaskye- Silver Mystic Obsidian