Name :: Vulkan( 8 )
Age :: appears 25 in human form
Height :: 5'5"
Weight :: 165
Race :: Human
Appearance :: He is usually in human form of a white main with brown hair and hazel eyes he has a blue tatto of eight on the back of his hand. In combat his body surges with magic to the point that his body is made of lava. His tattoo glows blue.
History/Personality :: He was created in east ce corp as a soldier for the work of cell corp. Hes a well mannered man that would rather talk before fighting but is not afraid of anything. Hes very arrogant when it comes to his powers.
Weapons :: Magic skin
Weapon Information :: In combat his touch is fatal.
Armor :: magic skin
Armor Information :: cannot b harmed unless magic is drained enough for him to lose his magical skin.
Spells :: only limited by his imagination.
Spell Information :: nearly limitless
Special Abilities :: n/a
Ability Information :: n/a
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