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Pet And Master 6: there's a new evil pack in barton thats been messing with rex's family and rex is also expecting another pup and when her pup run's into the son of the leader of the new pack what happens? also rinoa meet's a guy and starts to fall in love and starts forgetting about snow. genre of story:hurt/comfort/drama/romance.

it was a nice sunny day outside everyone was out enjoying the day hey rexie watch this wind said as she started chase her tail rex looked at her sister and smiled wind has always been very playful rexie play with me wind said wind i cant there's another pup on the way >> oh yea wind said hey can i watch weezy today? rex sighed she knew she didnt have much of a choice knowing tonight she was going with snow and kairi to the vet because tonight is when they said the pup would be born. alright rex said u can watch him =w= yay ! wind said just then snow came walking to rex with weezy walking by her side rex smiled hey mom weezy said hey weezy rex said snow came over to rex and kissed her so how is our new pup? snow said i think he or she is doing fine good snow said.

soon it was time to go to the vet ok come on kairi said ok said snow she got up and help rex up weezy be good for aunty wind >> i will weezy said rex smiled as they went off to the vet meanwhile rinoa and namine where in namine's house getting ready for the new family member they where haveing a party for the new puppy and they where getting everything ready ok namine said what do u think? rinoa looked around the house it looked nice there was little gifts for the puppy and everything. outside wind was teaching weezy to play ok wind said its easy put your back left paw like this on the soccer ball ok weezy said as he did what he was told now kick it threw the window wind said ok weey said not knowing any better... and kicked it right threw the window and it made a big CRASH score! wind said as she high fived weezy WIND namine said comeing outside rinoa and i just got everything done and now you broke my window again -_- sorry... wind said it was weezy's idea it was all him not me wind said HEY weezy said u where teaching me how to play this game wind sighed WIND namine yelled its not a game kicking your soccer ball threw my window... sorry wind said.

later that night namine had fixed the window and everyone was waiting outside for rex snow and kairi soon they came rex was carrying a little white puppy once they where over by the others everyone was looking at the pup wow wind said it's white like me its so cute rinoa said so is it a boy or girl? its a girl rex said omg! weezy said i have a sister rinoa smiled may i hold her of course rex said rinoa took the pup in her arm's and the puppy started to open her eye's omg her eyes are opening rinoa said what color are they? snow said rinoa looked and smiled there a dark blue JUST LIKE MY EYES snow said its funny weezy said i got my eyes from you weezy said pointing to rex and now my sister got my other mommys eye's hey whats her name anyway? weezy asked well snow and i decided to call her rawr rex said wow everyone said.

in namines house everyone was haveing fun and messing around rawr couldnt walk yet but it was cute to see her try rawr was laying next to rex rex smiled at rawr and licked her head rawr nuzzled into rex's side and fell asleep kairi came over to rex rexie pie kairi said its time to go home alright rex said she said went to snow and kissed her good night and kissed weezy goodnight weezy stayed with snow and rawr was gonna stay with rex after that everyone left to go home.

at snow and rinoas house weezy had his own little puppy bed in the livieng room snow said goodnight to weezy and went off to bed with rinoa rinoa layed down and snow cuddled by her rinoa put her arm's around snow and smiled i love you snow i love you too rinoa snow said and fell asleep and at wind and namines house wind was busy chaseing her tail when namined walked in the room wind yes wind said um its bed time yay wind said as she jumped onto namine and knocked her down namine giggled and got up and picked up wind and went to bed and at kairi and rex's house rex put rawr to bed a dn then went to the bed room kairi smiled when rex walked in kairi was already laying down she opened her arms for rex to come cuddle rex layed in kairis arms and fell alseep.

in the morning everyone got up and went outside rex was carrying rawr and put her down gently in the grass rawr looked around and saw weezy and snow comeing she got up and started walk and was doing it OMG SHES WALKING snow said then rawr stared runing right for weezy oh no weezy said.. rawr dont! weezy said but it was to late by that time rawr had pined weezy down weezy sighed oh how fun now my sister can walk and run just wait untill she can talk but i can talk rawr said WHOA weezy said how did u? rex smiled weezy she started talking this morning oh weezy said well you didnt tell me... i was wanting it to be a surpise rex said oh wonderful weezy said snow giggled and walked over to rex good morning she said and kissed rex morning snow rex said as she kissed snow back.

rex smiled at snow then turned around when she saw rawr and weezy where playing toger snow and rex both smiled just then rinoa came over snow tonight a friend of mine is comeing over ok? snow said and guess what? what? snow said its a guy ok so? snow said he asked me out snow froze oh ok then rinoa smiled and walked off snow you ok? rex said yea... just hope the guy likes me? of course he will your rinoa's fox snow smiled and kissed rex just then weezy ran over to them MOM AND OTHER MOM weezy yelled whats wrong? snow and rex said together RAWR thats what wrong i turned my head for one minute and shes gone! what! rex said im sorry weezy said its ok weezy snow take weezy to kairi shes inside have her watch him im going to get wind and the 3 of us are gonna find rawr ok snow said as went to take weezy to kairi.

rex ran to wind's house WIND GET OUT THERE NOW she yelled namine opened the door whats wrong rex? RAWR RAN OFF what? how? namine said becuz my son weezy wasnt watching her like he should have been i need wind to help snow and i find her ok ok namine said wind! namine called wind ran to the front door wind rawr ran off rex said we have to find her come on ok! wind said then they saw snow running for them ok u 2 lets go all 3 foxes left the naberhood in search of rawr.

meanwhile rawr was walking threw a field she stop and sniffed the air smell's like other foxe's rawr said to herself then she started walking again and walked right into a blue inari pup OWW the pup yelled he got up and started to growl at rawr im sorry rawr said who are you? and what are you doing on my pack's territory the pup said im sorry rawr said i didnt know the pup sighed its ok but you need to get out of here if my mom or dad find you here they will kill you also there's wolves here too that kill foxes like us.. well i really dont know my way back well i do know how to get you back iv heard of you guy's >> my pack and your family dont get along they dont? rawr said

the pup sighed no they dont now lets get you home =w= ok hey what's your name? rawr asked my name's don whats your's? im rawr hmm thats a cute name rawr don said rawr really liked this pup he had green eye's and nice blue fur rawr would say don is the most good looking fox she's ever seen hey rawr! huh rawr said sorry i was day dreaming yea well day dream later becuz we have to run! what why LOOK don pointed out at 5 wolves running there way then rawr and don started to run as fast as they could.

the wolves where getting closer don and rawr where trying to run faster but they couldnt HEY look rawr said as they where running a tree maybe we can climb it and get away from them good idea rawr lets try they ran to tree and tryed to climb but failed the wolves had them surrounded just then 5 foxes jumped into the wolves 2 un unfamiliar foxes to rawr and 3 she knew the foxes scared the wolves away rex ran over to rawr and picked her up and went back over to wind and snow well well what are you doing here? one of the unfamiliar foxes said. he had green eyes like don but was a white inari my pup rawr ran off rex said growling i see the male fox said well make sure your little rat doesnt come on my pack's territory ever again oh ill make sure of that she said your in for a fight rex your family is going to get it the male fox said rex growled we will see about that thunder rex said oh yes we will see about that rex thunder said as he went and picked up don come on lighting thunder said comeing dear as rex's family and thunder's pack went back home.

once back to the den thunder put don down DON what is the matter with you i told you we are out to destroy there family not be friends with them im sorry dad don said i have a plan lighting said mom what is it? don asked we should kill them oh yes and by the way lighting can i walk to you alone? for a sec yes of course dear they went into the den look ill be talking with our new helper later tonight hes a human but he hates rex's family and wants nothing more but to get rid of them like we do our plan is this thunder said we train the pack and train our son to fight and this human will fight with us to kill them that sound's wonderful lighting said.

back home kairi namine and rinoa and weezy where waiting for rex wind and snow i hope rawr's ok weezy said me too said kairi just then everyone looked up when they saw snow wind and rex comeing and rex carrying rawr omg they found her! weezy said rex walked over to everyone and put rawr down RAWR weezy said as he huged her are you ok? yes im fine now stop hugging me after that everyone was loveing on rawr for a few minutes snow smiled she was so happy rawr was safe snow rex said i need to tell rawr about the pack << yea i know snow said go on ok rex said she picked rawr up and carryed her behind kairi's house now look rawr i know everyone is happy your ok but running off wasnt cool i know rawr said rawr you put yourself danger you almost got killed today that pack has been fighting with us since a few weeks after weezy was born i know rex said so just becareful ok? rex said i will good rex said now come on lets get back to the family ok rawr said.

later that night everyone was outside and rinoa was in the house getting ready for her date then everyone who was outside saw a guy comeing to rinoa's door he had black hair and dark eye's he didnt look too nice at all wow wind said i dont like the looks of this guy snow turned to wind no s**t sherlock >> after that he knocked on the door and rinoa answered and she said a name that made chill's go down snow's spine hey lord rinoa said hey rinoa ready to go? yes i am rinoa said and after they left snow growled i dont like lord snow said i know said rex and now that rinoa's gone and its getting late weezy and i cant get in the house -_- its ok rex said you can stay with me and rawr ok snow said yea i better be getting home wind said namine doesnt like it when im out late see ya guys tomorrow she said bye wind rex said.

ok lets go rex said ok snow said she picked up weezy and rex picked up rawr and they carryed there pup's to kairi's house rex put rawr down and started to bark kairi opened the door hey snow and weezy have to stay with us tonight becuz rinoa went off with her date and the doors locked so they cant get in ok kairi said letting them in after they where inside weezy and rawr here put to bed and snow took the sofa and rex went to sleep with kairi and soon everyone fell alseep.

later that night rinoa came home and went to bed thinking about nothing but lord and back where the pack lived there where up to no good thunder lighting said yes? thunder asked where is the new helper he should be comeing anytime now just then they say saw him comeing thats him thunder said to lighting hello lord thunder said hey thunder im so glad you can help us of course lord said i hate rex's family all expect for rinoa of course thunder smiled yup after we train don and the rest of the pack and kill everyone but rinoa you can get her all to yourself lord smiled i cant wait lord said me too said thunder.

a few month's past and weezy and rawr grew from pup's to full grown fox'es and lord and rinoa where still toger witch was makeing snow very upset everyone was outside toger enjoying the day kairi and rex where sitting toger watching rawr and weezy play namine and wind had gone to the park and snow was.. well she was just laying in the grass alone becuz rinoa was with lord again rex looked over at snow and got up and went over to her and licked her head hey snow hey rexie snow said as she kissed her EWW weezy said what? rex said love weezy said its gross rex giggled no its not well seeing my mother's kiss is gross =w= pfft snow said meanwhile thunder and lighting and don where ready to trick rex's family ok don you will trick them into thinking we kicked you out of the pack and once they trust you you will kill rex leaveing the rest for us to kill ok? got it don said as he went into the family's naberhood.

once don saw the family he went over to them hi he said hey there rawr said- whoa wait a sec is that you don? yep he said my dad kicked me out from my pack and uh i was wondering if i could stay here? um mom rawr said turning to rex yea ? she said come here rex got up and went over to rawr and don whos this? rex said its don DON rex yelled plz rex i was kicked from my pack i wanna stay here is it ok? rex sighed alright but i have my eye on you rex said after that rawr smiled at don she was so happy he was gonna stay.

wanna play? rawr said to don um.. don said i dont know how to play .. well i could teach you playing is fun rawr said ok said don ok now see that window? don looked at namines house and then at her window yea.. i see ok this my aunts soccer ball i stole it from her to break window's myself becuz its fun rawr said ok.... don said ok now here put your back left paw on the soccer ball rawr said ok don said now kick it threw the window ok don said as he kicked it threw the window don started to smile wow that was fun yup rawr said only now we run why? don said becuz namine will get mad and that's the fun of it rawr said don giggled come on rawr said ok said don.

where are we going?don asked to the park rawr said its fun to play here once they where at the park don stood there looking it was beautiful the park had a lake and a nice rode to walk on and tree's and everything wow don said i know said rawr i love it here me too don said come on lets go for a swim rawr said running down to the water don ran after her they both jumped into the water this is so much fun! don said i know right? rawr said don looked over at rawr he knew what he felt for her she was a beautiful fox with blue eyes that where so pretty... don? rawr said huh don said oh sorry i was day dreaming yea well day dream later lets do something else ok said don as they got out of the water and dryed off rawr.. don said yea don? said rawr i need to tell you... i .. i like you rawr stood there frozen for a moment but then smiled i like you too rawr said don smiled rawr would you go out with me? yes rawr said don smiled and kissed rawr.

rawr and don walked back to the naberhood when they got there rex came up to them welcome home you 2 thank's said rawr um... mom don asked me out is it ok if where toger? rex looked at the 2 of them and sighed ok you can be toger yay rawr said rex smiled hey where's other mom? oh shes stuck in rinoa's house becuz she went on another date with lord =w= oh rawr said yea and now i cant get in weezy said comeing over to them its ok weezy you can stay with me and rawr ok weezy said just the namine who was comeing back from the store saw her window broke WIND! namine yelled no no it wasnt wind rawr said it was me your aunt is teaching you some bad habits namine said where is wind anyway? namine said oh she's sleeping behind your house its where she takes her nap's rex said nap's? wind is hyper and playful and crazy.... namine said i know rex said but shes sleepy from playing all morning oh ok well ima go inside and bring her with namine said as she went behind the house and saw wind curled up in the grass namine smiled and picked her up and then wind started talking in her sleep and said uh window's... namine giggled when she heard that and went inside with wind.

later that night rex rawr and weezy and don were going into kairi's house for the night but little did they know thunder was spying on them from behind a tree he saw don kiss rawr WHAT DON NO! thunder said angry and ran back to his pack WHAT? lighting yelled YES don has fallen in love with rawr and is in there family lighting growled that's it we are going to kill don along with the rest tomarow night we will attack and with lord by our side nothing will stop us lighting said meanwhile back in the naberhood snow as stuck in rinoa's house she was listening to rinoa's radio that she left on so snow was just sitting there listening to the song's that played then one went off and another came on that gave snow chill's when the song started.
Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you
That is how I know you go on

Far across the distance
And spaces between us
You have come to show you go on

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime
And never let go till we're gone

Love was when I loved you
One true time I hold to
In my life we'll always go on

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

You're here, there's nothing I fear
And I know that my heart will go on
We'll stay forever this way
You are safe in my heart
And my heart will go on and on.

when the song stoped snow jumped into the counter and smashed the radio into the floor and it broke. after that snow jumped down and started cry my heart cant go on from rinoa she said to herself her heart can go on becuz she has lord and thats all she'll ever need aslong as she has him im not needed but before i met rinoa i was all alone i was abandoned by my mom when i was a pup so i had to raise myself snow said and cryed more.

in the morning snow woke up she had layed down on the sofa and was still there she went into the bed room and saw rinoa wasnt there snow went and looked outside the window and saw rinoa talking to kairi oh wow snow said its like iv been forgotten oh wait i have snow said then she stared to bark and rinoa opened the door snow looked at rinoa and said rinoa you need to break up with lord rinoalooked at snow and said why?becuz your forgetting about me i was stuck in the damn house for a whole night with no food or water >> snow said and your never around anymore snow said walking off to rex's house.

snow wait! rinoa yelled but snow was already over at rex's house rinoa sighed she knew she hadnt been with snow for a long time rinoa sighed and went inside to get ready for lord snow was over at rex's house kairi had given her food and water thanks for letting me stay over snow said no problem kairi said snow smiled hey guys rex said snow- wait snow what are you doing here? oh im here becuz i cant take it what rinoa is doing rex sighed and came over to snow and kissed her itll be ok rex said yea i know said snow just then don weezy and rawr came into the liveing the room and went over to snow and rex. hey mommy's rawr said hey rawr rex and snow said hey im your kid too weezy said snow giggled hey weezy rex said as she licked his head and good morning don rex said morning rex don smiled rex smiled back she was really beginning to like this guy he seemed good for rawr and was nice.

after everyone ate they went outside rex and snow sat toger with kairi while they watched weezy rawr and don play just then they saw namine's door opening and she came out with wind hey wind rex said hi rexie wind said namine came over and sat by kairi and talked the whole day seemed to go by nice until it was night anyway.. thunder and his pack where ready to fight ok lighting we are meeting lord half way to there naberhood he is going to fight with us excellent said lighting after that the pack started on there way meanwhile back in the naberhood rex sniffed the air and smelled the sent of the pack oh no rex said as she ran over to kairi's house kairi! kairi! rex yelled kairi opened the door and saw rex whats wrong? kairi said the pack is comeing i think to fight you mean thunder's pack yes yes i do! rex said ok one sec kairi said she went to her bedroom and kneeled and looked under her bed and got out her keyblade ad came outside ok ready she said ok good rex said.

just then namine came out with her keyblade along with wind by her side and then everyone was ready to fight. ok said thunder up here is where we meet lord then from behind a tree lord walked out with a sword thunder smiled at lord ok you ready? yes i am said lord as they went into the naberhood they saw rex's family lined up ready to fight just then rinoa opened her door hey- everyone.. rinoa said as she saw the pack and saw lord lord... rinoa said what are you doing? hes with us thunder said I KNEW IT snow said looking at rinoa but you never listened to me rinoa no you never listen to your pet :l KILL THEM thunder yelled and everyone started fighting thunder and rawr where fighting thunder had rawr pined down and was about to bite her neck when don jumped into thunder leave rawr alone! don said ah don what have you become i fell in love and found a better family don yelled well it doesnt matterdon becuz im killing rawr thunder said then thunder launched for rawr but don jumped into him and bit his neck and thunder fell over.

the rest of the pack was still fighting with the family just then everyone stoped fighting when they saw lighting and rex haveing face down rex growled and jumped into lighting and bit her lighting kicked rex off and rex crashed into the side of the kairi's house kairi looked at lighting and came over to her and hit her with her keyblade and lighting fell over don went over to his mom and dad there dead don said after hearing that the pack ran off but lord was still there im not done here until this little foxie is dead lord said pointing to snow snow growled and lord took out his sword ready to kill her NO! rinoa yelled as she jumped in front of snow and lord stabed rinoa and rinoa fell over bleeding RINOA snow yelled thats it! wind said as she jumped into pining him down he droped his sword witch landed by rinoa rinoa picked up the sword wind lemme finish him ok wind said going back to namine. this is for trying to kill my fox rinoa said as she stabed lord. then rinoa fell over rinoa! snow said comeing over to her why did you do that? snow said rinoa looked up at snow becuz i cant stand to see you get hurt rinoa said weakly and i love you rinoa said before closeing her eye's NO RINOA! snow yelled.

snow started to cry while kairi helped rex up she was a little hurt but was ok don went over to lord to see if he heard a heart beat and he heard nothing he's dead also don said. we need to get rinoa to the hospital wait don said lemme see if shes even alive don went to rinoa and listened for a heart beat and heard her heat beating weakly shes alive but barely don said come lets get her to the hospital kairi said wait snow said open rinoas door and lemme in i need time alone alright namine said as she opened the door and closed it once snow was inside the next 2 weeks where hard lord thunder and lighting all where dead and rinoa was in the hospital for more then 3 week's and snow wouldnt come outside she had fell alseep cold and alone when she woke up she felt warm a pair of arms where around her waist snow looked up and saw rinoa RINOA snow yelled SNOW rinoa said said snow clinged to rinoa omg i didnt think you would make it i know said rinoa but its ok now im here snow smiled and nuzzled her come on lets go outside ok said snow rinoa and snow went outside and everyone else was outside waiting for them don smiled ok now that everyone is here i need everyone's attention don said as he turned to rawr.

rawr would you marry me? don asked YES! rawr said and at the wedding everyone watched was wind said don do you take rawr to be your wife? yes don said and rawr do you take don to be your husband yes rawr said ok now wind said you may kiss the bride then don kissed rawr and everyone cheered and rawr and don where married and snow and rinoa where together and nothing could rip them apart and everyone was happy. heart

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